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Everything posted by forrest

  1. If you have enough for a real Hummer you have enough money to by an economical car when you haul the kids and dog around. No need to drive it for needs other than the off-road club. An offroad club....its kind of a luxury (just about all hte toys we have are).......I guess one could also justify driving an Abrhams tank to work because they like blowing up sutff. forrest
  2. np: I had an inside track and looked up the name of one of the rod holders..."salty" forrest
  3. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=16558&hl=
  4. save some cash and a trip to the store, try white vinegar.
  5. Whats legal for using as bait? I am not talking banned fish species etc but here is a short list of the things I have heard being used as bait: grubs insects worms leeches snakes frogs pink baby mice mice rats ducklings kittens (thats not true is it?) little brothers
  6. Correct....just like people have the right to do a lot of things.....doesn't mean they should though. For instance I have the right to haul out a full limit of fish everyday from sensitive fishing areas....doesn't mean I should. The only reasons SUVs, hummers etc are on the road is due to loop hole in americain law, otherwise due to their horrid gas mileage they would never have made it to the common market (A law that removed mileage restrictions from off-road vehilcles). So maybe, in the states the right to drive such vehicles was granted by accident and if things were done as intended people would not have the right. An Bouck I am not saying your irresponsible, your not driving around for a fashion statement....there are not too many people with kids, dogs, and a whole ton of other stuff (including a trailer) that they haul around; there is no argument being targeted at you. I am thinking of those fashion statement people.....in all the years those hummers have been on hte public streets I have never seen one tow anything more than 4 people who were nicely dressed. Do you know how much of your car buying dollars go to support golden handshake layoff benifits to car workers? Benifits like full-time pay for life if they continue to go to school or volunteer time.....I do not know what they get here up in Oshawa, they might get squat, but, each car costs a few grand extra because of these benefits. N.A. manufacturers built this market and now some people are crying about people buying foreign cars that use less fuel costing N.A. jobs...........go squawk to the people that supported that crummy fuel burning business plan. Don't think the union's can't take some blame either.....all they cared about was short term gains....everyone has the right to short-sightedness though. Alternative cars are looking at the long run...the canadian government is hostile to them, period.....if the plants then go elsewhere I guess more people will buy foreign...nobodies fault but our own.
  7. A lot of people actually need their SUVs? If you are including those that need them for a fashion statement then I would agree with you. Excluding fashion the people who agree with will be few and far between.......that is unless you hang around people who tow boats all time. And where are the people who don't need their SUVs getting rid of them to?.....Are they sending them to 3rd world nations that are SUV poor or to others that do not need SUVs? Electric cars will not fit everywhere but some could certainly make a use for them......if someone in govt would get off their butt and figure out what to do with the batteries in 10 years......most pollution does NOT take place during manufacturing (who said it didi?) all in all there is less material and pollution with an electric car. forrest
  8. The reason the company is moving to Pakinstan: "The Canadian company was recently sold to a Pakistani group which plans to move production to Karachi and continue exporting its vehicles to the United States." I think I would want to help my country men too.....besides I bet the Pakistani government will not give so much push back to having the cars on the road. Stop guessing......it is most likely wise of the government to promote cars that use less gas. Please note, I said less gas because car and truck engines have actually become more fuel efficient but manufacturers (most noteably N.A. manufacturers) have chose to wastefully spend those gains in efficiency on increased engine power: faster acceleration, heavier vehicles like SUVs I partially agree with you there....what percentage of people with those big a** SUVs actually need that type of vehicle?
  9. So if you had the papers of proof on you it sounds like you would be OK, right? Is the information you have good for all Ontario bodies of water? Can you post 'em? forrest
  10. If WFN advertised it. Imagine how thrilled the advertiser would be if WFN put you in contact with them: http://www.wfn.tv/contact/ forrest
  11. I must have misread........
  12. Dowsar Marine is on the bad guys list
  13. Nice report...the muskie and the rain adventure sounded like the best part....good adrenaline. All those big boats running like mice from a cat....was the rain really that bad? forrest
  14. Who cares what the pattern is? Maybe it was more economical to get the same print...who knows but a government change isn't about to cause the change or that card; most of those decisions are made by non-elected public servants. What gets me is that the card expires after 3 years because some of the magnetic strips will fail after that amount of time. Put a bar code on those cards. forrest
  15. Stickers or paint? Once a boat has a license number on it is it ever removed? I heard it is bad luck. whats the best way to go paint/stencil or a premade sticker? Like car pin striping are there guys that do numbers? forrest
  16. The bill of sale is required to get the boat licence number on the side of the boat. The licence number can be looked up by the boat cops to verify ownership. So why would a person need to carry the bill of sale? forrest
  17. I like the 2 $5 CTC multi-tools I have. The pliers are large and have come in handy, bottle opener is great, no locking blade though. I leave them sitting around and would never feel too bad about loosing them. My small swiss army does have a locking blade, sissors and a few useless items. Its small and I do not have to worry about loosing it: $15 PS: it came with a salmon emblem on the side that is a bit of a mystery because it is not geared for fishing. forrest
  18. What did you use to cut down the existing tongue? Regular hand hacksaw? forrest
  19. Let the chip dry out and try it. and then use isopropyl alochol (not the best stuff but...) and gently clean the connectors. and then try it in a different camera. and then let it warm up in the car, try it and then let it get cold (freezer) and try it. forrest
  20. tons of replies on this.... If you had a stick shift I would say take it out of 5th before you stall...but you have auto....take it out of OD. Its easier on the tranny and your revs will be higher if you slow down. forrest
  21. Yep, Windex will wreck your screen just about any screen (rear projection, crt)....its da ammonia I think, it can will also discolour it too. Lundboy's glass cleaning method should be oK forrest
  22. Seems like it does not take much for you to believe something is true......a sign of mind that is easy for the taking.
  23. ummmmm gravity is a theory .....that does not make it any less of a reality than it is. Evolution is a theory....that does not make it any less of a reality than it is. Yes I am. I just did not want to get into new science modifying the existing theory. Education in genetics and keeping with a few educational Nova programs keeps me a little more on the inside than most. There are others on this board who know a heck of a lot more than me about it. Just like there are A LOT of people who are more on the inside of fishing than me.
  24. Same here....that is the biggest downer about fishing with someone else....it is always possible for one to want to leave before the other one does: "Suck it up! Mosquitoes be damned! We are fishing here"
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