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Everything posted by forrest

  1. I got this joke as an email on March 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th & 24th. Also April 1st, 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 24th, three times last Saturday and very likely again this upcoming weekend.
  2. I have heard that watercraft are banned from the pond....the post before me thought said so too. Oh yea....nice Pike from that pond....I think that might be the one they used for the plaque stating that there pike in the pond. I have never seen anything but small panfish from there. forrest
  3. Its been 15 years since I had my exam: I was told that if I hit a curb I would fail on the spot. So if this is true how could you have hit a curb? I did hit a curb while parallel parking but I was gong so slow that the tester did not notice; be afraid of failing and you will be extra careful. If you use the same car next time ask the instructor if they want you to use hand signals, or roll up the windows. good luck forrest
  4. Nice weeds Nice fish Nice pics....what camera is that you were using? forrest
  5. the above link is correct and has great info: Does the trailer have a VIN on it? - If a notary states that it is homemade: RIV inspection $200, bill of sale not required....he may get burned this way if someone aside from the notary wants to see it (like the RIV inspection guy). avoid fines and possible confiscation: - If the bill of sale is not dated it is better. Get a letter from manufacturer stating there are no recalls on the trailer. -contact customs, they will require a bill of sale and official statement of origin/title, not all states have these so you have to see what the rules are for florida -you do not have to go to a border crossing. Explain that you do not have a temp license and cannot get one. They may come by your house or ask for pictures. -do not fib about purchase price or anything else....they often find out and will not be happy. -pay them the GST and get the importation stamped. Have them to the RIV stuff and pay them $200 OR for a slightly faster response they fill out hte RIV form and you go to riv.ca, fax it and pay online. -You are now done with customs. MTO: -MTO have a large percentage of unskilled and uneducated people answering the phones so do not go by what they say. Phone 5 different times and get 5 different answers...they will all be wrong. -wait for your RIV 'f2' form to arrive.....go to MTO and get your temp license, don't delay you are on a clock. Go on a weekday (trust me) -You should now have your 'f1' (from customs)which in combination with the title and bill of sale can be used to get a temp license.....if the bill of sale is old you may not get your temp license and will have to risk the drive to canadian tire for your final RIV inspection. -get your RIV form approved at Canadian Tire and then return to MTO for your plate, pay pst. Go on a weekday (trust me) read the web site too. Good Luck
  6. Yep, thats the one: The redesigned skeg looked and worked great....all that worry over repairs disappeared like fish into the weeds. The new prop worked too spec too (33mph). Kawartha Prop did great work. forgot to mention that a loon came after our plastic......it swam fast and straight right under the boat...then we moved As previously stated.....it was all worth it forrest
  7. Oh, I almost forgot to give a thank you to everyone here who gave tips and advice on my "first boat" purchases. thanks!
  8. No pics....the only pic of me with a fish was one that did not make it through. Smallmouth, Largemouth, Walleye, Sunfish, Crappie, Rock Bass, Muskie (? something took a panfish and a lure) Drifting, trolling, flipping, cranking....all added a bit more to the total.......me I was goofing around looking for lures I forgot at home and messing with the boat. Then.....4PM Everyone saw the storm coming....everyone ignored it for about 30 minutes. I guess they all thought like us....'just one more cast, we'll only get the tail end'. Total torrential downpour! little wind, even less visibility for a bit. Had to pull out the bail bucket and check bearings a few times......it was great! I would have stuck around to fish more but I told the wife at 8am I would only be gone for a couple of hours I may have been pressing my luck Anyone here get caught in it? forrest
  9. MRM, so how did he get it going? Was the merc service manual right? forrest
  10. If it is a tire a rubber stain you need a degreasing agent: -soapy water (I am sure you tried) -Goo gone, they sell it at CTC. I am sure the automotive guys have seen this b4 too. forrest
  11. np.....I knew this service manual would come in handy........this forum is great for this emergency type stuff. forrest
  12. 5) Change engine oil and filter<<<<run for short time and check for water again...redo if required
  13. BTW: when I said turn over in the above post I meant to physically flip the engine over....don't try to start it! forrest
  14. I was unable to find the thread that was posted here on OFC...maybe someone else remembers it? OK...could not find hte thread here but I have my 4 stroke merc efi service manual here: submerged while running....bad...but yours is not so:\ 1) do not start engine 2) flush exterior of outboard with fresh water to remove mud, weedds etc 3) remove spark plugs and get as much water as possible out of the powerhead...most water can be drained by putting motor horizontal 4) drain water from fuel system: a) disconnect remote hose loosen drain screw of vapor separator and drain fuel water into suitable contaner....then tighten drain screw c) release fuel pressure ...there is another section in the manual for this...do you have an EFI? d) remove fuel distribution manifold and empty contents into suitable container...inspect and clean fuel injectors...reinstall fuel injectors e) empty contents of water/fuel speperator 5)Change engine oil and filter<<<<run for short time and check for water again...redo if required. 6) pour alcohol into the engine and through teh throttle body, alcohol absorbs the water ....rotate flywheel (again?) 7) turn engien over and pour alcohol into spark plug openings and rotate the flywhell 8)turn engine over wiht the spark plug openings down remove the manifold plus and pour ingine oil into the intake manifold plug holes while rotating hte flywheel to distribute throughout the crankcase 9) again turn the engine over and pour approx one teaspoon of engine oil into each spark plug opening...rotate flywheel to distribute 10) remove and clean the intake manifold assembly and fuel pump assembly 11) dry all wiring and electric using compressed air (compressed is better than cold hairdryer air 12) disassemble the engine starter motor and dry the brush contacts armature and othe rcorrodible parts 13) reinstall spark plugsc 14) attempt to start engine 15) after a short run recheck engine oil for water I am not a mechanic by any means....will check back if you want more detail from manual good luck forrest
  15. sent PM...submerged motors should stay submerged until serviced!!!! there is a link around here on how to deal with it.....you are going to be up late I think forrest
  16. Off course getting caught and then getting away with it the way he did is worse! Not one conviction mentioned. 1) he drove drunk...real drunk 2) sounds like his co-worker cops perjured themselves (they are cops!) 3) he attempted to evade police and got away with that with some Bull argument
  17. Take a crayon and write: "this circle was caused by a rusty spare tire. Please do not ask me any questions about it on penalty of being thrown overboard" that should take care of it fine. OR as previously stated, buy a new boat.
  18. Does this news article mean that the carter defense is dead?: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor..._twobeer_080417
  19. Heres a link:http://www.lawyers.ca/international/students/discussiondetail.asp?ID=253&Law=DUI&T1=Carter+defence So the judge chose to believe him......that was his choice....since there was an empty been bottle on the floor of the car maybe there were others he chucked out hte window. Maybe he is an alcoholic and was sipping other booze in the car.....the judge did not want to think of this possibility....justice is screwed up. Hopefully the offending cops career is now dead dead dead and miserable. forrest
  20. If this is true then why are so many people falling over themselves to get out for bass? those fish are leaving town at midnight....thats the rumor. forrest
  21. yep....unbelievable and upsetting! There had to be another reason for the not guilty verdict. Like bribery or some other sort of shady deal. The crown did not seem happy. So 5 beers is not enough to be certain the person was over the limit? Rob Ramage was convicted on far less evidence! Doing 80K over the limit is ok if you think someone is charging up behind you?: I will keep this article in my car incase I get pulled over for speeding. Whats the first lie any drunk driver or his buddies would tell? Answer: " he only had a few" it goes on...read the article. That judge (and cop) need to go! forrest
  22. I have never heard of anyone in a boat getting hit by lightning..........I guess its possible ??????????????????
  23. I'm not and I have not heard too many complaints about the price of gas. I think the gist of this thread is one of conservation. forrest
  24. A ban on all motors? I could deal with that......old tyme styles paddle power? How would the old guys get around?
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