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Everything posted by Corey

  1. The Lowrance card reader has a device ID that is checked by MapCreate when MapCreate fires up. If you can find software to edit the Lowrance files then by all means get a cheap card reader/writer. If you plan to use MapCreate, get ready to buy a Lowrance card reader. cd.
  2. So for those who are considering sled insurance in the near future... who was the winner? Let us know who gave you the best price to save the rest of us some time.
  3. I got 11/20. Interesting about all the baitfish. Wonder if that has anything to do with the commercial ban and limit of angler caught baitfish. Maybe they are going to try and educate anglers about catching baitfish, identifying them in an effort not to transport non-native species.
  4. You would be better off getting a natural gas mini furnace. Something with a vented exhaust, or you risk the health of the animals. I looked into it all, but at about $600 for the cheapest unit, the installation costs as well, I went for electric. When I finished my garage, I installed a 220v outlet that was originally for a welder. I ended up buying one of those little square construction heaters for $60 with a thermostat. I like it because when I am not in the garage, I can set it to keep the temp just above freezing, and when I am in the garage I can turn it up. Looking at my electricity bill, it hasn't gone up more than $20 a month when I use it. I can tell when my central air is being used on my electricity bill, but there is no obvious spike when I used the heater. It works great. cd.
  5. With passing laws to make smokers have to stand in the middle of nowhere with no shelter for a cigarette, and all the bad publicity by a small group of anti-tobacco people making us look like second rate citizens, bringing in new laws to make us criminals for doing something which is totally legal is absurd.The vast majority of smokers are considerate enough to not smoke around children, follow rules put in place. For people who don't smoke, and think nobody should smoke or it should be outloawed all together, I think you are entitled to your opinion, but be sure I will find something you do offensive. Will I go an an anti-whatever parade, heck no. I have better things to do with my life than worry about something that you do that I don't like. I feel you should do the same. Smoking will not be outlawed for a long long time, if ever. We smokers have already been passed through the grinder. We are not allowed to smoke in places that are not 100% exposed to all the elements. It's nice that for a percentage of the population who pay for more tax's than the anti's, that we have to suffer to do soemthing that is 100% legal. Let me guess... why don't I quit... well why don't you quit fishing? Smoking is legal, fishing is legal. But to those of you who posted some kind of antismoking post and have yet to reply to any of the smokers, have a nice life...
  6. So basically we should erradicate anything that anybody is allergic to? People who are allergic to grass, try to avoid it. People who are allergic to foods, try to avoid them. If you are allergic to cigarette smoke, avoid it. Unfortunately that's something that's your problem, and not mine. Don't make it my problem.
  7. I am sure you do something I don't agree with, but do I publicly push to ban it? no. Go sit in a corner.
  8. I think that if I saw reports of people being happy that the docks weren't a big slip and slide, that the prices were properly advertised and followed through on and some staffer came down to the docks/ramps during peak times I may be convinced to go back. Our cabin was fairly clean, albeit the stove didn't work. The cabins might be done right with a little bit of leveling too. It's unfortunate that some people feel that hunting is a priority over their business, but hey, that's just my opinion. I didn't feel that as a group of 40+, we were treated well. I already said that didn't I? Either way... we have 10 months or so to decide where we are all bunking for next year. We'll see how things work out with Merlands over the next few months and we can look into other venues for us as well. cd.
  9. yep yep... A little work on the ramp, some non-skid tape on the docks and getting all the staff on the same page would help Merlands right along Kevin. Unfortunately the way we saw things was that we were on our own once the money got handed over. With a group of 40 people, we expected a little more service. I can understand that you were out of town, but if you had 3 employees they were pretty much transparent. We saw your wife to give her money, we saw your father or F-I-L for a few little things, other than that nobody. I was a little suprised when I found out we had to pay an extra $40 for docks. I told you we needed 1 when we talked on the phone, and your email to me indicated that my total bill included a dock space. In addition, another person had written confirmation from you for my cabin for the weekend. I understand they went into another cabin, but this seems a little unorganized to me... sort of a right hand left hand thing. I would suggest updating the pricing on the website as this really is false advertising. If it wasn't for the fact that I was just happy to be with friends and trying to make the best of the weekend, it would have been a heck of an argument. I definately agree with the term nickel and diming for the docks. None of that was disclosed to me via your website, our telephone conversation or your email confirmation of my cabin and the total price for it. I thought it was pretty clear when I asked how much is this all going to cost, that I wanted the total cost, not just the cabin. Unfortunately I have a hard time thinking I will ever come back to Merland Park. I feel deceived and ripped off, for only having been there once. I know you will pass this all off as you still seem to fill the place up every weekend, but in time it will all catch up. Corey
  10. Please don't take offense, but if quitting smoking for almost 2 years adds up to 47 months, I will keep smoking! cd. ps. good on ya for quitting, it takes a lot to quit.
  11. I totally agree with the fact that children should get treatment. I think everyone should get treatment. You say that anyone who does anything that puts their risk at health should not get health care if they need right? So for all the tax's I pay from income tax, PST, GST, cig's, booze, fuel, etc. I should not get any treatment if I come down with an ailment that may be related to something I do? I don't think it's a matter of stopping treatment for one thing to give money to another thing. It's a matter of spreading the money evenly according to need. I know there is a big push for children with autism to get more help. I probably know more about that situation than you do. You have no right to say stop giving treatment to people who may do harm to themselves. Better yet, for a thread that started off talking about not smoking in the presence of non-smokers, children in specific, why are you bringing health care up? I smoke, in my garage, away from my kids. I smoke in my vehicles, not with the kids in them. Pretty much all of my friends had smoking parents when they were young, some of them smoke, some of them don't. The ones who don't aren't all that much worse for wear at this point in their lives. Keep in mind, I grew up in Hamilton... you know the place that everyone thinks is stinky? The air might not be all that good compared to smoking eh. I don't smoke anywhere near my children. Obviously I can't protect them from all smoke, but I keep them away from it as much as I can. Should we ban farting near our children too? As I am sure methane can't be all that great for them either. What about banning kids from eating food that could possibly affect their health too? God knows all the fast food can't be all that great. But let me guess... you *never* eat at fast foods restaurants either right? You are the epidimy of health right? Eat a fish from Ontario waters lately? Take your fight for equal health care somewhere else, we are all pretty much in agreement with you that money needs to be spent on certain areas, but telling me I should not have health care because I smoke? Keep it up and you might need health care soon.
  12. You're kidding me right? You lead a 100% healthy life, so you should get health care? I know many non-smokers who have lung cancer or emphasima... is this because they didn't smoke? If you lead a perfect life you should never need health care right? So give up your right to it in this country... doubt you will. Do you not realize that the common ailments of smokers affect non-smokers too? You should get your head out of the ground and then fall off your high horse. I hope that one day when you are sick someone tells you you can't have treatment because it is associated with something bad.
  13. Mike, it was good meeting you, but you can share your bodily fluids with Gerr next time... we'll get out for some eyes in Dunnville or something this year. I'm glad you got over your apprehension. We've got a pretty good group going on and we all seem to have fun.
  14. Ya dawg! and I witnessed it...
  15. I'm sure Bill Parker is with me here in throwing out a big thank you to Peter for going through the trouble of bringing his boat up for us to use. He is definately a class act, especially after we woke him up the day after tieing on a pretty good one from what we hear. Thanks again Peter, if there is anything I can do for you, let me know. Corey
  16. When I lived at home, we took my sisters cats to the place across from Fiesta Mall, if that place exists. Somewhere right near the Dairy Queen, they did a very good job on the cats for what we were getting done. The recovery time was almost nothing. I can't say any of the dogs have ever been there though.
  17. I'm pretty sure some of us are going to do a summer trip for a weekend or long weekend up there next year HearingFish. We'll most likely stay at Mohawk Bay in Deseronto or on Hay Bay somewhere, place I am more familiar with. You are more than welcome to come up on the Sunday and fish with us. We'll get some fish up in the waters that I know. Corey
  18. It's pretty disgusting that these people can change their prices at will. It may even be a crime for them to have misleading advertising on their website, something which I will be looking into. It was really nice of Merland to watch everyone slipping and sliding on their boat ramp and not do anything about it. Finally someone asked for some sand to help out, so what do we get for the ramp? a bucket of frozen mud. People were literally slipping all over the place trying to get their boats out, the 4x4's were having a hard time and I know at least 1 vehicle was damaged because of the ice on the ramp. You would think that when the water drops, Merland would do something with their docks to avoid a big huge hard plastic slip and slide on the way down. If it wasn't for Bill Parker throwing his shoulder into me this morning, I was going for a serious ride off the docks. The Merland staff have no concern for the safety of their guest, have no concern for the well being of their guests. They know that once people are there, they can screw you over at will. One of the cottages has mouse turds all over the place, including the silverware tray with all the eating utensils... very nice eh. Turns out they screwed Gerritt for his reservation and I learned while I was there that someone else had written confirmation for the rental of the shack that I had booked. I can tell you this much... if my reservation had been lost, the Lavers would be having a nice sleep at their parents place (the one they tried to put Gerr in) because I would have been taking their house for the weekend. One thing that may be OK was the amount of blood flow I had to my melon while I was sleeping though. The lean of the entire shack... err cottage even, made sure that I had lots of blood flow to my brain. Other than the cold, lousy fishing, screwed up owners at merland... it was a good weekend spent with many good people. I would jump at any chance to fish with any of you again! Corey
  19. Yep! Congrats to BigChev & the LadyW. It was great meeting everyone. I suppose I'll see a bunch of you in Lakair next year. Corey
  20. Hey HF, Sorry nobody got back to you... it was a good time, but I don't think many of us will ever go back to Merland Park again. That is the most unorganized and poorly run and poorly maintained place I have ever been. cd.
  21. I think with about 40 of us planning to be there... look for a group of more than 10 people and you will know yer in the right spot. cd.
  22. Ya... but if it were like the good ol' days now, I might actually have to work for a living... sheesh.
  23. You should be able to get some from Erie Tracker or Grimsby Tackle. cd.
  24. ya... I got $10 to donate.
  25. Awesome! does this mean I don't have to drag all my crap from the gate now? I can just drive right on through? Free boat launching for OFC members?
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