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Everything posted by Corey

  1. I just got a little chipmunk .22 for my 6 year old daughter and she comes shooting with me once a week. When she is a few years older she'll move up to handgun. Why anyone would start handgunning on anything bigger than a .22 is beyond me though. Good on dmasse for starting her with the .22, learn how to shoot with rimfire then move up to centerfire. cd.
  2. Have a look at some want ads... lotsa of machining jobs out there. I have done computer work for at least 3 machine shops in the last year and they are all actively looking for people. Make sure you are good with manual mills and other machines before fully taking on CNC. You have to understand everything before CNC if you really want to be proficient. cd.
  3. Good stuff... I am going to be picking up a crossbow soon... I can't wait for my week in Dec. but until then I am gonna crossbow it.
  4. Tell me that's not just a waist strap around him as a safety harness?
  5. Who's got room in their boat for me? If I can get a spot in a boat, I am there.
  6. I filled out comment forms on both the cogeco and wfn website, almost begging for it to be available in my area. I told them I wanted to give them my money.
  7. It's actually WFN that decides where its viewing area is going to be. I have been asking about it for a year now and all they did was send me a lousy box of swag... well ok it wasn't lousy, it had lots of swag though, both WFN and the Fight Network... I am still groaning to Cogeco about when the phone service will be available in Smithville... 10 minutes from SC.
  8. You know guys... Steve catches fish, and is always willing to help other people catch fish. If you ask him where on Erie to catch fish, he'll point you in the right direction no questions asked. He posts pretty much weekly with what is being caught and usually with what they are catching fish on, yet all we hear from some people is spam spam spam. Why don't we just enjoy the posts and pics from someone who is dedicated their whole life to fishing and does it pretty much everyday. It's funny how other professional guides who post reports on here always get a pat on the back, even though they have all their "contact info" in their signatures. Really guys... stop all the fricken whining and go out and catch some fish. I think some of you are just jealous personally. cd.
  9. I must say... I am pleasantly suprised.
  10. Well... there go my predictions... right out the window.
  11. If somebody has room for me in their boat, I could most likely make it.
  12. And people wonder why I keep a .410 in the vehicle with me at all times...
  13. What area do you live in? There are lots of places in or around hamilton. I personally go to The Hitchman on the hill just above Grimsby. Good people there, good prices.
  14. Ya Gerritt... your predictions are right on, but I think the only decision of the night will be for Groves... The rest are going to be KO's or TKO's. I might just have to drop by with some brown pop if the boss will let me.
  15. I think the term probable cause is what we are talking about. If someone informs a CO that you are in violation of fish and wildlife act, and they can corrorborate it by means of a sworn affidavit or additional witness's, a CO has the right to enter and search a private dwelling, vehicle or any other place. This doesn't mean they can ransack your place, but looking in fridges, freezers, gun cabinets, etc are all fair game during a search executed by the MNR.
  16. Rick...move the content to the new server, make the DNS changes and throw a pointer or redirect from this host to the new one.
  17. I understand what you are saying there Gerritt, but we have that covered. The SCO thing is over and done with now. It was interesting but frivolous. It's all good where I work... We have many sources of revenue and an excellent team to boot. I will be wise with what I get in the way of stock purchase and options. cd.
  18. So the company I work for today had their IPO today... Initial Public Offering, for those who don't know. Apparently it's the most successful IPO since Google did theirs. Let's look at the math here. I have 1600 shares at 23 bucks a share... it closed at 51 bucks a share... hrm. Gotta love em...
  19. You waited less than 30 minutes before deciding to post this in here? I suppose those who know the computer stuff should monitor the Computer Help area each minute for someone to post so that we can immediately help them out? I would ban you. oh... and because I feel nice... go into your control panel, add & remove programs, and remove everything that says mcafee, rogers, security, norton, etc. and then just reinstall a single protection suite of your choice. The more the merrier doesn't apply here. You have a whole buch of competing software on your machine and they are fighting eachother screwing everything up.
  20. Did you say a patchy server?
  21. Ya... the only 2 threads you have posted in are the first, you begging us to vote for you for something... who the frig are you? and this one. Go away.
  22. Hey Canada Goose... tell me something... You spell his last name wrong, it's Choronzey. You claim to cut and paste his response, with the last name spelled wrong. Are you trying to convince us that he doesn't know how to spell his last name? I think you are full of it. I think it would be great to have Darryl and his people take you to court for libel because of your Bull post here. Putting words in his mouth that he didn't say or write. You should be banned for criminal activity on here. You should have legal action taken against you for your lies and slander against Darryl. Why don't you go spread your Bull on other boards. cd.
  23. I will be there!
  24. Prince Edward Island.
  25. nice boat, wish i could come for the ride. as a side note, my place is on the way to the lower grand.
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