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Everything posted by Corey

  1. Corey


    Yeppers... it was a white knuckle trip over the burlington skyway this morning. Haven't felt that kind of wind on the bridge in years.
  2. Ya man... let's go for 4 in a row... watching it now.
  3. There was nothing in the title of this thread that indicated it was non fishing or that it was smoking related. You tell me to grow up danbo, but you are posting this trying to be one of my parents telling me a choice I am making in life is bad... I am an adult, I will make my own choices, I don't need someone telling me what is bad or not bad for me. As for this is the season for non fishing related posts... sure it is... but it might actually offend me that people think because they quit smoking they can try to shame or scare me into quitting. There's no need to post things like that. The majority of us are adults and I guarantee that not a single smoker who looks at that will say "OMG what the heck I Quit!"... not a single person will, I know it, you know it, he knows it, so why post it? What's next danbo? ban guns because it's guns that kill people and not people that kill people right?
  4. Of course... I still have a whole box of Labatt Bleu that hasn't been opened since Quinte... because I drink so much.
  5. Of course we all get along... my 2 points here are a. Is a fishing related website really the place to preach non-smoking by use of shocking pictures of a very rare extreme result of smoking? b. Tobacco and alcohol in Ontario are taxed like no other product. When we are paying $70-80 for a carton of cigarettes that the natives sell for $8, tell me that we aren't already paying more tax's. What I dislike more than anything though, are people who used to smoke, who portray the attitude that they are better than people who smoke because they were able to quit. I smoke and I don't want to quit. There is nothing that makes an ex-smoker better than me. I do what I choose, I am educated to the possible downfalls of what I choose to do, now flip off and let me live my life. I don't need someone who feels they have bettered themselves by quitting trying to shame/guilt/scare me into quitting. Like I said... if I want to see that stuff, or hear about that stuff I will google it.
  6. Do we have to get into the whole people who play sports, people who live dangerously like skydivers? How about hikers who get stuck in the woods? How about alcoholics who need liver transplants and dialisys? Basically anyone who does anything more than breathe should pay higher tax's right? Guess what, up here, in Ontario we pay huge amounts of tax on tobacco and alcohol, is that enough for you? Why don't we start putting a health tax at any type of sports venue. Up here we are installing portable defrib's at all ice rinks and some in schools and such. Maybe we should have a $10 health tax each time someone enters a venue to play a sport... Seems like pretty much everybody, healthy or not is at risk of developing something that will require medical care. It also seems like we all pay lots of tax's up here.
  7. Well I hope everyone stops driving, because people die in car accidents. I hope people stop boating and swimming because people drown. I hope people stop flying in planes because planes crash. I hope people stop drinking, because alcohol can kill you. For everyone who thinks they should tell me how to live my life, whatever dude, I don't tell you what to do right? If I want to hear about what smoking may or may not do to me, I will google it. If people want to quit smoking, they have the means to find a way. charlied... I think you should stop driving because your car pollutes the air just as much as my cigarettes do.
  8. Very nice... I'm sure we can find graphic pictures of the detriments of pretty much anything... Is there a point to posting this on a fishing site? There are extreme cases of anything... I am sure I can find pics of people in great health who have smoked for years. I am also sure I can find pics of people that are simular to those you posted who have not smoked or done anything that may be adverse to their health. I understand people who have quit smoking usually have a larger head as they are obviously better than those of us who still do smoke. Do I need you to express your ego to me by showing me pics like this... not really. Think eating enough fish from our clean waters will do less damage than this if you eat enough of it? Post some pics of that and tell people that if you eat fish you will suffer a simular fate. cd.
  9. Go to Glanford Iron on Tyneside Rd, their prices are half of Metal Supermarket and have 10X the amount of inventory. They are located just south of Hamilton, less than an hour drive for you. You can't go wrong with them. I have bought tons of metal from them. cd.
  10. Does this mean that greenpeace is gonna start targetting us poor fisherpeoples who use sonar? Think you can design a whale safe fishfinder to protect us from the eco warriors?
  11. Get a 50' yellow nylon rope. You can keep it in the bag so it doesn't end up everywhere. You never know if you will need it to pull someone out, or have someone pull you out. cd. ps. don't forget your boots
  12. Well it got gutted out this morning, broken leg, broken ribs and the organ cavity was full of blood. Otherwise the meat doesn't seem too bad off... It's hanging right now, most likely until next weekend. Dropped the van off at Eastgate Ford like my insurance company requested. Got the rental... a Focus (ugh). I was already on the brakes so the impact wasn't too bad, for me at least. Guy at the repair place will email me pics of the van tomorrow, although it really isn't all that bad, some broken plastic, bent hood and cracked windshield. I should get out to see the deer sometime this weekend, it's hanging nicely. cd.
  13. Heading north on Park Rd in Grimsby, deer in the other lane pulled a Uturn and stopped and squatted in front of my van... Cosmetic damage only... pics later... I told the cop how I sat out in the wind and cold with a shotgun for a week and didn't shoot anything and laughed about what it took for me to get a deer this year. I may post pics of the deer as well later too. I will warn before doing so though. cd.
  14. I use my 870 for most things... I call it 'Old Faithful'. I bought it used from someone who passed on a few years ago and he had used it for over 20 years. It came with a slug barrel, and I bought a 28" barrel with threaded chokes for waterfowl and such. You can get used 870's for cheap cheap... I know there's a Wingmaster in immaculate shape for sale by one of the members of my club... I think he wants like 300 for it or something. If you are going to shoot slugs, make sure you have the cylinder choke available for the barrel. For birds you are looking at a Modified choke for most and Full or Super Full choke for Turkey's. With small enough shot, you can pop small game like rabbits and upland birds, but if you are too close you may just mince them on the spot. In the future you may look at a rifle for bigger game like moose or bear, or as some people say a smaller shottie for small game. A 12g is definately the way to go for a good all-round gun. cd.
  15. I'm sure as with others we get an OFC discount of 10% with our OFC stickers on our vehicles?
  16. Whilst biting my tongue reading this thread... Get rid of Norton, use Add & Remove Programs and remove it, then go into the Program Files folder from your C: drive and remove all Norton & Symantec folders provided you use no other Norton/Symantec products. Download AVG, it's only 7 megs or so... like 20 mins on dialup and install it. Don't buy anything, just download AVG from the link provided back a few posts, Terry's I think. There's also a free antispyware package there, I would get that too, or Windows Defender from the MS website.
  17. Hey G! Happy birthday dude... when we going for a beer?
  18. Sorry... I meant PST... coming from Quebec I only pay GST, and not PST. Saves me $30.
  19. Today I ordered myself a nice new Tikka T3 Lite Stainless .270. The first thing that lady on the phone told me to do was go get one at the Miss. store... I thought to myself... $30 for shipping or $65 for PST... I'll pay for shipping. So now the wait begins for my new bang bang. I'll post updates on my experience as it occurs. cd. update... I called the CFC today just before closing to see if the transfer on the gun has been started... imagine that... it hasn't. Secondly a charge to my credit card hasn't been made yet. I know it's Christmas and all, but if everyone else has to work hard to make it good for everyone so should they. I am mildly disappointed at this point, I would have expected them to begin the transfer process after 2 working days.
  20. that's a mighty small boat for all them electronics... where's the motor?
  21. With the dozens of people posting they live in or around Hamilton back in that thread about Hammertown people... we should be able to get a few peoples out... I will drill holes. cd.
  22. Do I sense a mini-gtg in January?
  23. Man G... I would have brought my snowblower over to your place for a share of the meal...
  24. I have an RC10GT and a Jato right now... Thinking about picking up a burshless Rustler in the next little while...
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