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Everything posted by Corey

  1. The arms are more sore from the sunburn than that stinkhead! I think Gerritt has found a new drink of choice... well, maybe not more choice than his beer, but he's hooked on the mighty black russians. Here's some more pics of Bernie fixing Gerritt's boat motor... Here's Bernie's engine testing tank, making sure Gerritt isn't going to be paddling the west arm of Nipissing. Anyone want to wager a guess what these are? Here's some pics from the famous cedar strip boat building operation that has been mentioned previously. Fantastic quality and 100% hand crafted. Amazingly unbelievably beautiful boats!
  2. Some more fishing pics...
  3. Wow! I don't know what more I can say about this weekend. I don't know how I can possibly thank Bernie enough for being such a great host. This weekend had everything that any of us could ever want. It started with pretty good traffic, even though we drove through a tornado. We found Bernie's place in no time, got packed into the boat and then scooted over to the cottage. We have lots of laughs, lots of fish and all came home with amazing memories. Bernie and his brother Mike are both amazing fishermen. Not only do they know the area very well, we caught fish at pretty much every hole we pulled up to. It was a hard bite, but we did manage to tempt the hungry ones at every place we stopped in to fish. Bernie pretty much hand feeds some of the woodpeckers up there, pretty cool to see them from 4 feet away. Bernie has the cutest dog for sure, very well behaved and we spoiled him with lots of yummie meat all weekend. While we were going for a rip out to a fishing hole... We saw a pretty neat rainbow by itself up high in the clouds. Some of these pics that Bernie posted are the same as the ones below, but you can't imagine what kind of a surf and turf meal we had Saturday night! Here's a pic of Bernie after a long hard day of fishing, living the life we all wish we had. I will post more fishing pics a little bit later. cd.
  4. I got stuck in the mess after I Toronto bound between Fruitland and 50 Rd. 9 people in the van, only 7 seat belts. Apparently a tire blew out and it crossed through all 3 lanes and then flipped. The driver was airlifted to Ham Gen and the front passenger was taken by ambulance, apparently everyone else was not seriously injured. I'll say this though, it was the same type of van with the same company logo of the van that cut me off twice last night on the way home along that way. The driver this morning was female and the driver that cut me off was male last night, so I guess its not the same person driving. Either way, whoever owns that company needs to speak to their employees about some wreckless driving. It almost cost them today. cd.
  5. Well... I suppose Gerritt should take out a second mortgage to pay for fuel for our fishing trip this weekend haha. cd.
  6. OFC does what? Everything but set your hook? This kind of post is great to see, everyone helping everyone. cd.
  7. Is it bad that I pretty much understand that? With the exception of some of the chemicals names, I know what they are trying to do. Ethanol most likely will not work for that process like the isopropal will.
  8. So sharing the same bandwidth as all the other DSL subscribers from the DSLAM at the CO through the phone network is preferred over sharing the same loop as your neighbours with cable? Running lossy DSL through old corroded 24g copper is preferred over sheilded RG6? Being too far from a CO and having to run DSL in maintenance mode as opposed to nice fast cable is preferred? Ugh. Don't mean to hijack the thread here, but where there is a choice between cable and DSL, cable wins hands down. The only people to push DSL are people with something to gain. Any non-partisan opinion will pick cable 99% of the time, the other 1% are people who haven't been screwed by the DSL provider as bad as they have been screwed by their cable provider.
  9. Chances are you have 3 pair running from the maintenance room in the building up to your apartment. Because it is a building, Bell will ensure that the 3 pairs are provisioned accordingly. What you will end up with is a single location with 2 plugs. You will have to purchase dual jacks for the other outlet locations and wire em in yourself. It's easy, just look at the colours that Bell wires in on the first jack. With your DSL, as Gerritt says, you will be sharing 1 of your phone lines with it. You will be required to install a filter on every device on that line in the apartment, except for the DSL modem. The first paragraph will not apply if you get distinctive ring. If you have distinctive ring, each of your phone lines will ring a certain way, allowing you to identify which number is being called by the rings. In this case, there should be no re-wiring done, just the filters. If you have no need to talk on 2 simultaneous phones, distinctive rings is the way to go... $5 a month for the second number. No muss no fuss. cd.
  10. I have a funny feeling that there may be some no trespassing signs posted around there, if they aren't already. I don't blame them after someone torched a bunch of boats a while back this year.
  11. My route home sucked too... North Service Rd to Appleby, South on Appleby to Lakeshore, West on Lakeshore to Walkers, North on Walkers to New, West on New to Elizabeth, South on Elizabeth to Lakeshore, West on Lakshore to QEW. Total time: 1hr 15mins Once on the QEW (at 150kmh) to Bartlett and up the hill to my town, 18 minutes. Normally the trip from work to the bridge is 10-15 minutes, today was terrible. Feel bad for the couple in the car, a truck coming off the 403 from Hamilton merged in front of them with not enough room and clipped them causing them to roll over and be ejected because of not wearing seatbelts. The trucks coming off the 403 from Hamilton make unsafe merges everyday when I am on my way home, they coming across 3 lanes of traffic in one fell swoop almost daily. I say that our OPP really need to re-evaluate what they do in the course of their day. Maybe instead of sitting and waiting for someone to speed by, they need to actually get out on the road and observe the unsafe driving and start laying down the law. There are far too many idiots out there and too many truck drivers with a 'I'm bigger than you' attitude. Time to start hitting them in the wallet to make em realize they better drive safely in the future. Let's not get into how the OPP dealt with the assault of the 2 CH cameramen that was caught on TV. If that isn't a blatent crock of poop, I don't know what is. A dozen OPP stand around watching as 2 cameramen get beat up, and then the perp steals a US Border Patrol vehicle and the OPP stood there and watched without moving a finger. Who pays their f&c%ing salary? Serve and protect my ar$e.
  12. Fatal rollover, Niagara bound between Fairview and Lakeshore. I work between Appleby and Burloak on the North Service Rd and when I left work it was a parking lot there, I knew something was up... Took me an hour and fifteen minutes to get from the QEW & Appleby to Lakeshore and QEW. Too many people are driving like fricken idiots, cutting people off, swerving all over the place. I think our police need to crack down on these idiots driving on the highways.
  13. Hey Lew, Sorry to hear about the bad news. My condolenses to you and your family. Corey
  14. So you took a bunch of pics of a buncha houses and some broad, but no pics of a 19" perch? Bull.
  15. Tea is definately a bad thing, and no, I don't drink tea. Believe me, I have seen so many dieticians and experts on this kidney stone stuff, i should get an honoural doctorate in it. I do not eat anything that is on my no-no list. the only thing that i have a hard time sticking with is a max of 4oz of meat a day... heck, that's the cold cuts on my sandwich for lunch, now what about dinner eh.
  16. Hey Photoz... where are you going for the lithotripsy? apparently in London they don't make you do the kleen prep. I will never do it again, even if I get it done at st. Joe's. Did i say never? I really mean never again! I will go without food for a day or two, and really push to clean myself out, but as far as drinking that stuff again, never. I had a stent put in for my second kidney stone removal. You got the string taped to your leg? I didn't have any discomfort from the stent when i had mine at all, except for waking up with a tent and having the string not long enough and cutting into the side of the entrance, if ya know what I mean. As well, it doesn't hurt at all to pull it out by yourself if you have to. You may have yours in until the procedure though I gather. I feel mild discomfort this morning, and a little bit of a burning, but nothing to be concerned about. cd.
  17. And so ends another chapter in my book of kidney stones. This was by far the fastest, easiest and least painful procedure i have had to date for kidney stone removal. I left for the hospital shortly after 11am this morning, for my 12:30 checkin time. Got to day surgery, got signed in. Because of my size, my dignity was all but left at the door squeezing into them crappy gowns and sitting on a chair surrounded by some nice looking ladies. Once I got my stall in the prep area, I was promptly poked with the IV, given a mixture of saline and torodol. Once I got to the new lithotriptor suite, I got up onto the machine, admired all the technology and told my urologist that him and I were going to have some words after the procedure. Why? Well in preparation for this procedure I was instructed to buy this stuff called Kleen Prep. 4 packets of powder, each to be mixed into 1 litre of water and consumed, 250ml every 10 minutes until you have gone through all 4 litres of this stuff. this stuff was the absolute most putrid stuff I have ever consumed in my life. I gagged every time I took a drink of this stuff. Along with the fact of not having anything to eat for almost 24 hours, this experience is one I will never go through again. If you are ever asked to use this Kleen Prep stuff before a procedure, refuse to do it. You will thank me for it. So once the procedure began, it was a breeze, I was stoned up with 'happy juice' as my urologist refers to it and for all intents and purposes the procedure felt like someone just poking me in the side repeatedly with their finger. There was little to no pain, and as it did start to hurt more, the juice was brought on to ease any pain. The whole thing took 40 minutes or so, but when you are stoned, it feels like 10. Once I was brought back to the day surgery area I felt incredibly well, so of course, I asked to go for a smoke. Them nurses were like nazi's when it came to me going for a smoke. First they told me I had to urinate, and I said let's go. They thought they had me licked, but I gave them 200ml instantly. Next they told me that my ride had to be there, and that I couldn't sign an AMA (what the heck?). They tried telling me that my coctail of 5 drugs during the procedure was another reason I couldn't go for a smoke. I was starting to get irritated, so I began to do jumping jacks. Finally after talking real nice to the anastaesiologist, she let me sign an AMA and I was sprung! Shortly thereafter my wife got there and we were on our way home. As soon as I got in the van, the first thing I did was call up Mr Grande pizza (anyone from Hamilton should know Mr Grande), they have the biggest and very close to the best pizza you will ever find. So here I am, stuffed like a pig after having no eaten for almost 2 days, feeling great after my procedure to rid my body of kidney stones. Finally, if any of you ever have an indication of a possible kidney stone, see you doctor as soon as possible and get an ultrasound done. The smaller the stone is, the easier it is to get rid of. If you catch the stone while it is under 1/2 inch, you should be getting what I got today, which is exponentially better than the laser or the tube in the back methods of lithotripsy. cd.
  18. I guess my 7 year fixed at 3.75% is a pretty good deal. It's all about who ya know and who owes ya favours.
  19. Restrict, yes. Minimum posts, no. The whole point is to prevent hotlinking from outside OFC. Let logged in members view images, guests and outside links, no. cd.
  20. http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&a...&iwloc=addr Link to google maps, you should be able to zoom out enough to find your way. cd.
  21. I'll be there, but 49 cents a wing? They better be good and big dang wings. cd.
  22. Without hearing what actually happened, too many people are passing judgement. For all we know, buddy may not have had his safety on and fell, or dropped the gun. On the other hand, they could very well have setup in eachothers crossfire, who knows. The fact that dude was charged would lead more to a no safety, accidental discharge way of this happening. ch312, yes it would be stupidity on your part. If you are not sure of where your bullet may land, you shouldn't take the shot. If you know that you are shooting at an upward trajectory, and you are not sure of what may be within range of your bullet, don't take the shot. Ya it sucks watching your game walk away because you don't have a safe shot, but killing someone because you don't understand the ballistics of the projectile is pure stupidity. What we need to do here is make mention to the media that thousands of people have safely hunted today, as did yesterday, and will tomorrow. We may want to write letters to the media calling for a ban on baseball bats too. They can be used to hurt or kill people, and the fact that people enjoy using them for recreation shouldn't be an excuse to keep them legal because if it saves just one life... cd.
  23. Did someone says boots? Like really, who would forget their boots? cd.
  24. Nice fish... 4 fish limit? 6 is the limit on erie this year, but good eats none the less.
  25. <start comment> I think 1 thread with 6 posts would have sufficed. <finish comment>
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