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Everything posted by Corey

  1. Ya... I would show up for an OFC GTG there.
  2. Passion is great... come to quinte in November and we can blabber while we fish. Arguments stop when the booze comes out though.
  3. So how about them leafs? Oh... might be another sore spot for some. Johnny Bass... let's go hug a tree man. Considering some of the other changes earth has gone through in millions of years before the last 100 years of industry by man, is it too much to think that this might be the start of another era for earth? Like I know we made the ice age happen and all the rest of whatever. I am not going to disagree that humans are playing a part in where the earth is headed, are we 100% responsible? Not a chance. The earth changes, we adapt. Humans are building more efficient everything these days, we are also changing to things that require less fossil fuels. Is all this going to save the earth? Who knows. Whatever is going to happen will happen. There is nothing we can do to reverse anything that is going on with the climate right now, it's going to change as it is doing. As for what I do or don't do Johnny Bass... who are you? I make appropriate comments... you put on a good argument, but you sound too much like Greenpeace or P3TA. Stop your crying and go do some fishing or something.
  4. Might want to watch out for that pesticide runoff in there from the fire a few months ago that killed all the fish btw.
  5. I fail to understand how _you_ beat out a million other sperm... good grief charlie brown.
  6. Nice... couldn't stay away from pond X eh... cd.
  7. For anyone in the Hamilton/Niagara area there are tons of places. Drive to Caledonia and start at the dam... walleyes in the summer, rainbows in the fall and coarse fish year round. From there head east on 54 to the bridge in York some bass and panfish. From there keep going down 54 to Cayuga and turn right on 3 and go a half click to the bridge there are bass and panfish, I caught a 13" crappie right under the bridge there. After that, take 3 east again to Dunnville and fish the dam there, walleye and coarse fish again, sometime trout in the fall. After that cruise down to Port Maitland and fish the pier, a variety of fish await you. cd.
  8. Well, hooked up with Bill to go see what was happening at pond X. We strapped Bill's nice new electric trolling motor onto a little (but very nice) 12' aluminum boat at the side of the pond and launched. From there we cruised to one side of the pond and not 5 seconds after casting his line, fish on! We continued for a few hours hitting a bunch of hammer handles and various bass in the 2-3 pound range. It was a nice relaxing outting with about 20-25 fish over about 3 hours of fishing. All of my fish were caught on gulp plastics and Bill got a bunch on spinnerbaits and plastic frogs. In addition to that, we got to hammer out a good game plan for BOQ, we'll be catching the most fish that weekend. Bill should be posting pics later on of some of the nicer fish we caught. Thanks for the good times Bill.
  9. If you need to tell someone something at a place you can't talk on the phone... ummm work, movie, restaurant, etc. As for other comments, blackberry's with camera's, removable storage, mp3, etc are available. As for why send SMS when you have a phone in your hand... SMS is cheap, airtime is not. As for whether it's important to get back to your customer's ASAP? How many customers does Roy have? Not everyone is a travelling carpet salesman. There are lots of phones with qwerty keyboards making SMS easy. Saving $15 a month minimum for a 3 year contract may just be worth it to someone who doesn't need full time email. I've been using blackberries for a long time, I manage a number of BES servers, I have written blackberry applications, I am RIM certified on both handhelds and BES. I also know that blackberries aren't for everybody. cd.
  10. I say go see Sam. He'll get ya hooked up and in the right direction. He's been kind to every OFC'r who has gone to his place.
  11. I say just show up people, we'll find places for people to sleep. Apparently up to 7 people can stay in our 2 room shack there, we have 4 right now that I know of. I know which bed I will be sleeping in, the rest of the place is up for grabs for whoever. cd.
  12. If you think your email is important enough to pay the data fee, get one. Blackberries are cool, but a pain in the ass at the same time. People seem to expect immediate responses from you if you have a Blackberry. I got rid of mine for that reason. They are great for the first little bit, but then they get kind of boring. I say get a nice phone and a text messaging plan for a lot less than a blackberry data plan and poop chat with all your friends that way... SMS is $10 a month tops, data plans start at $25 and only go up from there. cd. edit: how does this thing let me say ass, but make chitchat into poopchat?
  13. I don't want to vote for anybody today, but I am going to vote for one person. I am going to vote for the person who belongs to the party that is least likely to bring in more gun control.
  14. Ya Gerr... we got room. We got a 2 bedroom with 3 of us at this point. I'm sure we can fit 2 more people, possibly 3. Let's just all get up there and pack in for the nights. I can't see them kicking us out. We'll just have to see how much more they want to charge. cd.
  15. If you don't buy it, let me know who's selling it and I will buy it. cd.
  16. It's getting pretty retarded out there... If there is anyone in the Niagara area who is concerned about something like this happening to them, let me know and if I can sneak out to fish for a bit I'll offer my big fat intimidating white arse as a fishing partner and someone to help look out for you. It's amazing how some people think that they are better than someone who is not the same race as they are. This goes all ways no matter what race you are. Wouldn't it be nice if people would just let people be? OK... so who wants to go fishing? cd.
  17. Grew up in the east end... Smithville now.
  18. Hey Gerr! Hope you didn't put money on your picks.... what's the inverse of a grand slam?
  19. 106 from corey.
  20. Roy, I am not underestimating anything. Notice how what I recommended was already done by Gerr? Slowpoke... nothing to do with stress, at least not on my part. If you were in Gerritt's situation would you want people suggesting you go on a wild goose chase? or even better buy a product that has nothing to do with the situation you are in? Gerritt's problem was a pretty serious one. People who don't know what he was dealing with should not be offering advise as to what he should do. That would only be compounding it. Say what you all want to say, but if you ask a question or need help, you would only want solutions from people who know what they are talking about right? How about I start offering stupid solutions to all the problems you people post? I'm sure you'll all appreciate it. I can understand saying something to support his situation, but offering ideas or solutions that will not even come close to solving the problem is a waste of everybody's time. Oh... shouldn't this thread be in the Computer Help section?
  21. Byng is a good one. You might also think about Sherkston... little pricey but they have the stocked trout pond there... fish on every cast just about.
  22. Suggesting someone switch to db2 for db for a program that uses a proprietary file format shows that someone doesn't know what they are talking about... Hey... why don't you put these great Chevy pistons in your Ford because your transmission is broken is a pretty good equivilent to what wolfville suggested Gerritt do. For all you people who think I need to apologize or that my comment was unwarranted, would you like people who don't know what they are talking about offering advice that is absolutely useless to you when solving an issue that has the importance of corrupted company accounting information? One of the things I absolutely hate is people who offer advice on something that they obviously don't know anything about. Gerritt's problem is a corrupted database file. If you don't know what db engine the software uses, you shouldn't be offering suggestions to solve the problem. What if Gerritt had spent 3-4 hours researching how to get his accounting info onto db2, and then at the end finding out it will never work as it's a totally unsupported product? Would you people like advice that will set you back hours of work for nothing because someone who doesn't know anything made a suggestion for you to follow? Like seriously, if you don't know anything about a product someone is asking about, keep your comments to yourself. I will not apologize to anybody. Notice how I don't chime in on what motor is better or what fishing rod is better? I don't know enough details of all those things to give trustworthy advice. I can give an opinion of a rod that I might own and use, but not a comparison. An opinion is much different than suggesting a solution to a problem. What's the moral of this rant? If someone asks for help for a specific problem, and you know enough about it, help them out. Don't start suggesting different products when all he wants to do is get something fixed. That's just spam, especially when you work for the company. Maybe I should suggest he run his machines in VM's cause he can VMotion them around and do SAN LUN snapshots to what... fix his corrupted data file? I am just shaking my head now. cd.
  23. First of all, Gerritt, I can't help ya with this one. Called Sage Software (they own simply/accpac now). Hope you have a support contract or backup or big credit card. Whoever asked what kind of database it was, doesn't know much about database's and/or software or they would know that Simply uses a proprietary file format. Asking what kind of database it is was a useless question. And for the person who spammed us with the db2 plug... dude, get a clue. If someone is going to buy a db, they are going to buy Oracle, or if they don't want to spend that much they are going to buy SQL Server. If they want best bang for the buck they are going to go with postgre or mysql. db2? are you kidding me? made here in Canada? Just because you sweep the floors at the IBM office up there and they support db2 from there, *does not* mean they make it there. Oh did I mention db2 has been around since the 70's? Oh and one more thing... applications that use proprietary file formats with no odbc/direct sql support aren't going to run on db2, stop spamming Bull. Gerr, call Sage/Simply and they will have you ship the file to them and fix it for you. It's gonna cost though.
  24. How is someone gonna catch fish without polarized glasses? and all that extra headgear... http://www.bassboatcentral.com/Allisonpics/Shook2.jpg
  25. Oh... I need somewhere to shack up too... who has room for me in a cottage? cd.
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