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Everything posted by Corey

  1. I live in the area... Grimsby is pretty much sold out. They have no more room to grow. Beamsville is growing out... all the houses are being build south of 8 and east of Mountain St. If you are looking for land, more than just a building lot, prepare to pay. It's all in the greenbelt and zoning changes are nearly impossible. Even the commitee of adjustment are a tough bunch to sway. If you are unlucky enough to get something that is covered by the escarpment commitee you are doomed. They will force you to do what they want with your land, with the law behind them. If you don't mind an extra 10 minutes to the QEW I would look in West Lincoln or Pelham. There are nice properties around. The tax's in the Niagara region are pretty decent too. If you want anymore info send me a PM... I know a fair amount of the people who count and can get ya set in the right direction. cd.
  2. I've never had any problems with Canada Post other than the occasional wrong address thing... I get 2 or 3 items a year that have my neighbours name and address on it and vice versa, but other than that I have never had anything lost or stolen, that I know of. I do however wish that CP would allow shipping of ammunition however. cd.
  3. You're not trying to have a debate, you are just trying to be a goof. You are doing a good job of it. The MNR keeps tabs on things and sets limits accordingly. It's kinda funny how people take hundreds of thousands of perch out of Simcoe each year, and next year there are just as many. Notice the walleye limit on Erie went up to 6 a couple of years ago? Just because you don't agree with keeping big fish or keeping limits doesn't mean it's wrong. I fish for the fish I like to eat. When I go fishing it is for the sole purpose of eating the fish I catch. As long as what I catch is legal, I keep it. It sucks that you have to be such an idiot about things. If you keep a musky, some people will probably throw all this back in your face, and rightfully so. I don't know how many threads we need on ethics vs. law, but I will do what is legal and what I think is right. If you don't like it, go join P3TA or go join fishinghurts. I really don't care. Don't bash people who abide by the law. Our MNR does keep track of things and does stock certain areas. They also makr sanctuaries when need be. For the most part, all the heavily fished bodies of water are looked after just fine. Let's look at 2 bodies of water... BOQ and Erie. When the zebra muscles came in, everyone said the fisheries were doomed. The fish stock dimished in both bodies of water. On Erie, nothing in the regs changed. On the BOQ a slot was put in. These were 2 devestated fisheries. Look what's happened now? The are both producing lots of HUGE fish. Along with the MNR, mother nature is taking care of things. There should not be an ethical word said about anybody who is abiding by the law on here. If you have an opinion, go tell it to someone who cares. We don't. cd.
  4. First off... nice fish, I am jealous. Now... for all you people who are complaining, I thought we had a thread or two not too long ago where we came to a consensus that as long as the catch is legit, we're not going to tear people a new one. Apparently some of you haven't read that. Ethics aside, those fish are legit. If you decide you are going to throw back big fish, kudos to you, that's your perogative. There's nothing wrong with keeping fish, not even a musky. Yes I know there's a certain "old boys musky club" here, but they are abiding by the "it's ok if it's legit" consensus we have reached. Let's keep ethics out of reports and let people show what they have legally caught here. Nate... you just keep going and going. If I was in the old boys club I would give you a warning to keep your beliefs and ethics out of other peoples reports. Nobody asked you for what you consider your ethical opinion. Go have a seat in the corner dude. cd.
  5. Yes... Bernie's old school fishing gear definately schooled us... I did however bring up the rear (as usual) with the last walleye caught. Gerritt and I decided to run straight out from the cottage into the channel and try to get a meal of perch and within 3 minutes of drilling the first hole out comes a little eater sized walleye. I thought for sure we had hit gold, but in my usual fashion we ended up with the 1 walleye and a bunch of worm infested perch... sucked. As Gerritt and I were talking on the last leg home... even if we didn't get out fishing, being at Bernie's is like no other. There were sooo many laughs, the biggest one being shown a picture of a loser posing beside a nice motor! It was all good, wouldn't trade it for anything. Wish we could have brought Bill with us, but I am sure he's enjoying soaking up the rays in the sunshine state. cd.
  6. I think for you they will work as good as any other lure you use.
  7. Don't worry about it Joe... I am gonna pee in your hole right after I pee in G's holeto make sure I catch all the fish
  8. Guess we'll be stopping there for a few minutes Friday morning...
  9. Where ya billy?
  10. ditto to bernie... donate my ticket please...
  11. Whaaa? I quit!
  12. See! even Cliff thinks I was right.
  13. 1978 then?
  14. I think I am right.
  15. The camp was shut down once again and did not reopen until 1979
  16. 1979
  17. 2003
  18. 2002
  19. Oh... that hurts.
  20. Happy Birthday Bernie!
  21. That's because you are near BPS everyday. When I go in, I know what I want... If I am not sure, I buy whatever catch's my eye. I buy certain things from local stores, I buy certain things from big box stores. I am a pretty impulsive buyer, but there have been several times we've opted out of BPS for shopping at a smaller store. Right G? Right Bill? and we were very pleased with our experience.
  22. A plug is a plug... I never said there was anything wrong with it, but thank you for making me aware of that... honestly, I didn't know haha. You can thank me for allowing you to make your 7th post... well on your way to a record post count dude.
  23. Good damage control... and an even better plug to go with it.
  24. Not that I care about any of this but saying that local small shops have overhead yada yada yada is a moot point. How much tax do you think BPS pays for their store? How much does it cost for services, wages, this that and the other thing. I have found that FW has a great slection of lures and stuff and sometimes their prices are good. I think the point that Gerr is making is that if these smaller 'local' stores are crying about not being able to compete with the bigger stores, they have to start getting the prices close to the bigger stores. If FW had come back with a price that was $40 more than Radio World (which is a small local eletronics shop as well) I would be Gerr would have bought it there. But their price was 20% more than Radio World. Big store, little store, 20% is a huge gap in price. cd.
  25. What you fail to notice is that the spam does cost people money. There are millions of small websites which are only allocated a certain amount of bandwidth. Once that is exceeded there are additional costs. If you are a small business owner and your website costs are increased because of spam coming to your email address, you are gonna be cheesed off. Sure spam filters work fairly well these days, but they work after the mail has been delivered to your mail server, which means the bandwisth for the spam on the way in is costing you money. I am sure if I came to your house and plugged in to a 120v outlet on the outside of your house you would complain, simular situation.
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