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Everything posted by kemper

  1. that makes so much sense it cant possibly be about our tax system... haha
  2. Blackbird plastic float should be fine splitshot- you can find blackbird splitshot in small sizes at most bait shops, there is also some steelhead shot that I hear of but have never seen/used. I use blackbird BB2, and BB4 although I would like to find some a bit smaller swivels- micro swivels, they dont have a ball bearing more like a cartridge. They are small, im not sure how to describe them other that they are the smallest swivels you have ever seen. Cant remember which brand I buy Leader material- maxima ultragreen in 4 lb. Nothing beats it, nothing. bait- you got it, roe is key so are jigs (try riverwood) hooks- only one kind ever touches my float line, Daiichi in number 10 or 12.
  3. There is only one time of the year better than late fall, and thats march! The steelies are big, angry and hungry in march
  4. both my dad and I do it when out in the boat fishing for anything. doesnt seem to cause any issues, we both do well
  5. The east, trib I fish usually gets a solid run although it has been a little lacking this season. Oh ya, this isnt FF.net lol
  6. Yep, just let them know you are getting into float fishing and they will help you out.
  7. If you dont know how old it is, you are going to want to replace the line for sure. I like the Raven bright pink line, seems to float well (for a while, then it collects water and sinks like a rock) and it tough as nails. Im sure others will have their own opinions on the line though. As for casting learning the side cast is super easy and simple to do when its cold out and your hands are frozen, just watch a video you will pick it up in no time. It will twist your line though so learning a spinning cast is a bonus
  8. What a silly question thanks all!
  9. Did you lean your .45 out the window and take her down? I would have.
  10. Im not sure why people struggle so much with this concept. If you were going 75 in a 60 you were speeding. "but the guy behind me was going faster!" sorry, its not about the guy behind you, if you were speeding than you were speeding and thats that. Also, being a 18 year old male I have been in the car with many less than competent drivers. Some of my friends I actually WILL NOT get in the car with. Just last night I had some friends in the car and my friend (female - 17) was driving behind me. It was raining and she was (attempting) to drive a standard. Every stop was followed with either a stall out or a huge wheelspinning dump clutch start, and the corners were like mario was driving (poorly). The entire time I felt like I was going to be rear ended. Heres a tip, if your kid cant drive...DONT ALLOW THEM TO! also, if you teach your kid to drive standard...make sure they can actually get the car to move before you send them out into the world.
  11. this morning I got confirmation that we are in fact, perfectly sane. this is the form that it came in
  12. Ive been floatin hot pink for two years now! Great stuff...just dont have any of it under your float if the water is anything less than chocolate
  13. water wasnt as brown at it looks in that picture, it was actually a nice dark green in the main flow. was probably all my stompin around that muddied it up near the picture. Roe bag was a double, two regular sized bright orange bags
  14. Went out today to find the water looking BEAUTIFUL. Thought I would hit some tribs on my way back to school and it was a good idea. Went 0/1 on steel...thought that it would have been better but didn't see too many coming in. Did find a couple of browns that wanted to tangle though, first up was a BIG male with awesome colours and a really huge kype. Battled him for 5 minutes before my roe bag came flying back at me. I could see the whole time that he was just barely hooked in the tip of the kype and it was only a matter of time before it came out, nonetheless I got a great look at it and it was a good fight. Probably in the 10 lb range. After a little break in the action I hooked up with this beauty female brown, and a really good size one for the trib I was on. I see alot of big males but almost never see any big females. This was a great battle with some acrobatics and the works. Sorry about the mud on the fish in the second pic, didnt realize it was there until after the picture. Back to reality now...two midterms this week.
  15. Why do we wake at 4:00 AM and open the door to a foot of snow, or blowing sleet and rain and think, its going to be a great day? Why do we scrape an inch of ice off our car windows in complete darkness when it is ten below freezing, and drive miles to a river when we know we would never take the risk going to work? Why do we come home from work at 8:00 PM, tie roe bags and organize gear for hours when we know that we are only a couple hours from waking up? ~ maybe we are crazy. Why do we pack up the truck in the pouring rain, knowing that the lake will be on the verge of unfishable? Why do we call in sick, when we get up in the morning to look out the window and just get that "feeling"? Why do we battle 5 footers, gale-force winds and freak storms? ~ maybe we are crazy Why do we break ice off a good run just to get a drift in, tie tennis ball roe bags so we can fish in the milk and spend hours searching a river we know is probably barren of fish? ~ maybe, just maybe we are crazy. But I think its because we are devoted to the greatest sport on the planet. The clarity of mind and sense of attachment to the earth that comes with fishing are things that cannot be found any other way. There is something about heading out in terrible weather that makes us feel like we are invincible, we stop at nothing to accomplish our dreams of landing the big one just so we can watch it swim away unharmed. We are anglers, man or woman, steelheader or bass master, fresh water or salt water. so you tell me, are we crazy?
  16. oh and the bright pink one, and the pink/orange ones are going to be killer!
  17. Lookin great man! easy to tie eh? I have to re tye all mine, I dropped them in the monsoon yesterday and they floated out to the lake (DAMN, almost 20 of them!)
  18. oh and as far as eating fish out of lake O and its tributaries...I had a resident bow bleed out on me two weeks ago. Beautiful fish, very large for a resident on the river I was on was probably around 16-17 inches and beautifully coloured. anyways, moral of the store I took it home and cleaned it because im not one to toss a dead fish back into the stream and it was by far the BEST trout that I have ever tasted. Unbelieveable. sad part is there was 4 hooks and roe bags in its stomach. Poor little guys pick at the ones we snag into logs until they come out, not knowing there is a hook in there
  19. I think a few of us have different definitions of the 'blue zone' ...its not a particular fish...
  20. Oh great steelhead guru, wont thou please enlighten me! haha yes, I agree I suppose... Ive got a bit of a plan. Oshawa, and then I will head east from there until I find something fishable. If I am off, let a brother know
  21. I call false. 2 cm by 1.5 cm... up stream... nope, just wouldnt happen.
  22. yes it is... I didnt think about that, although I dont know if I can afford to do a saugeen run AND a grand run next week.
  23. Im really beginning to dislike you. And tomorrow morning i get to fish in a ditch...one that will probably be 500 m high and chocolate milk.
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