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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Probably less likely to be surface feeding and more just movin around. I see them do that all the time in the winter when it gets a little warmer for a few days. Stretchin their muscles maybe? lol
  2. Congrats to Obama. Talk about being dealt a shiite hand though. It will be interesting to see how the markets react tomorrow.. oh ya and the S&P was once again correct in predicting the President...something like 80%
  3. Lookin good Mike, Ill be getting out for some bouncin/surf floatin this weekend. My ditches are gin.
  4. Just wear your winter coat. I have been fishing winter steelies for a few seasons and you arent really in the water much in the winter. Alot of days I dont even wear my waders in the winter, no need to.
  5. Since they can be caught within casting distance of shore I assume depth is not a big issue. When I was surf casting last weekend I noticed some guys in little mini pontoon boat thingers flat line trolling 100 ft from shore and doing well
  6. I wish the speed had ANYTHING swimming in it at this point. skunkaroo last three times out. And as for that bridge, yep its great...although its alow more shallow this year which sucks. How about runnin a float right down the edge of that big cement block when the water is up....BAM. Fish on every time.
  7. I spotted a big cat up in the collingwood area one evening after coming off the slopes and heading to the car. I am not sure what it was, (probably not quite big enough to be a cougar) but it was big, wild and made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck
  8. Gigantic fish for the system
  9. I call fair game. If her handlers, and herself could not figure out that they were being set up by actors PRETENDING to be the French president and staff then they deserve it. There is now way that prank should be that easy to pull off.
  10. oh interesting chrome hunting fact, I put at least 4 hours in saturday and sunday too, and got the big skunk. Go figure.
  11. amazing as usual! Im getting my ars kicked by chrome so far this season, can wait to get into some quality ones like that! and you can always tell the difference between a wild fish and a stocker, they are just pure muscle
  12. Friday morning I snuck out of school early and headed back towards my usual haunts. Thought I might get some steelheading in but boy was I in for a surprise! Was greeted with just a little too clear water, but got the confidence up as I had the first steelie hooked within 4 drifts. I fought it until it was close enough to take and then it popped the hook. Close enough, id say it counts. That would be one of only two steelhead I would tangle with on Friday, but it was the browns that made my day. I broke my PB brown....TWICE! First fish was a big fat female, full of eggs (that I let her keep) and came on a worm drifted in the still water. I knew there were browns swimming around because I could see them, it was tempting the hit that was the trouble! The fish took a worm...and boy was she beautiful! My PB brown trout... After that I hooked into another, somewhat smaller but it was foul hooked (unintentionally) so no picture for you guys. In the same hole I was half asleep when my float SHOT under and downstream, and I set the hook into a massive male steelhead that was on a tear downstream. Only fought it for 10-15 seconds before it was gone forever but it was definatly one of the biggest steelies that I have ever tangled with, and it was very angry. This spooked my pool, and I knew I had to try something different. I started to turn rocks over until I came across this small, greasy looking character of a bug. I figured that it was matching the hatch at its finest and sure enough it payed off with a new PB brown...AGAIN! This fish was just mammoth, there is no other way to describe it. BURSTING with eggs (tight, and again I let her keep them) and full of spunk. A long battle ensued but my trusty stick chrome thunder would emerge the victor. Pictures do not do justice, but for reference look at how small my front hand looks against its belly. Ill let the pictures do the talking. until we meet again... To add to a magical day, I hit the beach for some surf fishin that same night and went for a rediculous number something like 15/22 on trout. Nothing big, mostly shaker size but a BLAST none the less. Double headers were abound and it was a good time. I have some pics from then too, just have to give me a break I have been taking the bus back to school and I need to sleep. Just thought I would share my day, it isnt often we get a shot at two PBs in one day. I also have an angle that shows the size of the brown better but I have to kill the background first before I post it.
  13. beauty brown, think its silver now? wait until june!
  14. beauty brown, think its silver now? wait until june!
  15. hey now, that was only ONCE. geez that creeps me out, I was fishing that exact pool one day before thoes bodies were found
  16. looks like there is alot of us steelheaders from the shwa, we should get out for a shopping cart drifting bonanza. I know a few good carts that are holding fish right now...there is also a couple hiding behind that big tractor tire in the ----- pool!
  17. this is true...but I wonder if they are all true. example, if I ever catch a world record I would consider saying that I "caught her on a rapala" . It equals publicity, and in all likelyhood a cheque or two
  18. and two different set ups to boot! that is an addicted steelheader! good fishin
  19. seems to be getting off task again on the salmon post. I dont see what is wrong with having a 20 lb beast chinny smash a plug at the mouth of a river and take you for the fight of your life. Anyone think musky are strong? Give a fresh 25 lb Chinny a run on the lake, you might be surprised. again, good fishin.
  20. depends what water you fish. On a normal day in the eastern ditches I think 8 lb would be a struggle.
  21. yep, unfortuantely for me those damn salmon will be snapping my leads and spooking my pools for another few weeks. Great for those that target them though! good fishin
  22. there is a chance that i will be at the 'geen this friday as well. Not too sure yet, I have to see what my gas money looks like as I have to drive all the way back home (oshawa) that night instead of just driving back to guelph. And its a long damn drive lol. Might have to setting for getting up early and doing my usual routine...fishing my way back.
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