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Everything posted by kemper

  1. oh ya, forgot to add this. All you winter steelheaders out there, ICE PICKS (the kind icefishermen use) should be attached to your vest at all times. Simple reason, if you go in the drink and the current takes you under the ice its game over. Ice picks can help you out big time in not sliding off the bank or pulling yourself out of the drink before it takes you under an ice shelf
  2. Thing is, what do we get if we institute voting laws (Austrailia)? We get a whole lot of people voting that have NO IDEA who, what, where, when or why they are voting. This is more of a problem if you ask me. If the people that have no clue dont vote, it just makes my vote worth more.
  3. I have thought about it too, as I often fish the rivers all alone most of the winter. One slip...that could be all she wrote. I try to stand back further than usual, and I NEVER step on any river ice!
  4. It is VERY expensive to extract oil from the oil sands, and the break-even is between $70-$80 (closer to $80 apparently). I have a good friend whos father is involved in the oil business and makes frequent trips to the sands, a very knowledgeable businessman and I often talk to him about the business side of life. (great to learn from someone who has made and lost millions more than once, so that I never make the same mistakes) You dont even want to know how much money he has...
  5. Ya, its $0.99 here, cheap right!? but lets think about it for a second. Last time oil was this low we were paying something like $0.76. This doesnt add up for me, somebody is walking away with a whole lot of $0.23's in their pocket!
  6. I did the same thing to mine last weekend, damn caged in rock banks! thanks for the suggestions guys, Ill be fixing mine up later
  7. Up 13% in one day, now back down again. Makes you dizzy! If I had some money and some time there sure are alot of bargains out there today, buy low sell high anyone?
  8. I once watched him catch smelt (or some other minnow less than 4 inches) through the ice for half an hour... wow what a show
  9. This man is correct, I forgot to add that. I get mine at Gangons in Oshawa. Nope, just a simple pin from the fabric store will do fine!
  10. that would involve actually SEEING a conservation officer. Kinda sad isnt it? Knowing that you could fish illegally for years without the risk of getting caught. I have been fishing one trib a couple times a week for 4 or 5 years now and I ONCE saw a CO, and he didnt even ask for my license.
  11. Not too sure about an area but you probably arent actually going to spot many bows, they seem pretty darn good at hiding!
  12. thats a whistlin' trout if'n i ever seen one!
  13. sorry tried to edit the original and quoted it instead
  14. I have been getting alot of PMs regarding the steelhead jigs and how one would go about making them. Well I decided to spin one up really quickly and do a step by step along the way. This one is really rough, but the fish dont see whats underneath the fur anyways so dont waste your time with perfect wrapping, you are going to lose a bunch of these to the bottom no matter what. 1) Wrap your thread of choice onto a premium Daiichi jig hook, Im using size 5 here but smaller/larger for your applications is fine. 2) Put a pin through the hole in a bead head (or in this case glass bead) and wrap the exposed (sharp) end of the pin onto the shank of the hook as shown. 3) Take a length of rabbit fur strip (I use Streamside Inc.) in whatever colour you please and wrap it onto the ars end of the hook. The key is to make sure that you wrap it in properly so that the hair tips point to the BACK of the jig, and form a tail. 4) Wrap the rabbit strip up the shank of the hook so that the hair falls pointing towards the back of the hook. You can tell if you are doing this right because it will only happen two ways. It will look right, or it will look back-asswards. 5) Tie in the other end of the rabbit strip when you get to the top of the jig, and snip off any extra. Wrap the collar onto your jig and VOILA! There you have it, next stop STEELTOWN! this particular jig is not of good quality, I was on the phone as I did it and it was very quickly tied but the idea is there. Dont spend a lot of time doing this, spin as many as you can because you are going to lose some if you are fishing them properly. Winter steelhead seem to love black/purple and anything is a bright orange/red/peach. I am also sure that some vet fly tyer is going to blast me for the cheap tie, but this is how I do it, its quick and they work. Nuff said. any more questions just shoot!
  15. Probably would have already if they thought they could get the fan base. Those races in the states are HUGE in popularity (ive been to one) and I just dont think Canada has the same number of people that would get out to a race. Its kinda like college sports, they fill a huge stadium in the states are we have 50 fans.
  16. What size water are you going to be fishing? I have float rods in sizes 9'6", 10'6", 11'6", 12'6", 13'6" and to be honest for the east tribs 95% of the time Ill use the 11'6" or even the 10 and a half footer. I find the 13'6" to be too much rod for the smaller rivers, of course there are some days where you get into a run of big fish and get pulled around a little with the shorter rod wishing the bigger one was in your hand but in general the shorter 12'6" and less is enough rod to handle any steel around here and its easier to deal with in the car and walking through the bush. side note...are you planning to fish in the deep of winter? If so a longer rod does help to keep the line off the ice at the sides of the creek when fighting a fish. I just built a st.croix and I love it, unreal feel and more power than I expected. Also have a Fenwick which has been my go to stick since I got into steelheading 5 years ago and the longest rod is an okuma that feels like a piece of spaghetti that has been boiled for an hour but it sure does haul ars on big fish. Morale of the story? It doesnt really matter which rod you choose because in two years you probably will have a collection large enough to stock a small shop. tightlines
  17. thanks all stay tuned for some wacky designs...
  18. exactly, pin thru the hole in the bead and tied onto the hook. They are slightly weighted, just enough to keep them from floating up . I run a float with a shot pattern similar to that used with roe and float all the same places. I find the jigs KILLER is fast water when roe just doesnt seem to be producing. I never had a lot of confidence in my jigs until last season when I forced myself to only bring the jigs and no other bait. Had a banner day and they have been producing ever since.
  19. Disclaimer: Kemper's Jigs is not actually a business, I am not trying to spam anyone... I do however, like to catch steelhead. I also like to catch them on jigs, and last season I got tired of paying such high prices so I decided to take matters into my own hands and create my own. They worked fairly well, and this season I have decided to switch it up just a little with coloured glass bead heads on rabbit fur jigs. The rabbit is easier to tie and I think the coloured heads add a little something. To be honest I ran out of bead heads and went to my sisters glass bead box and robbed her. I apologise. anyways here is two of my newest creations, I think the black with purple/white head is going to be killer this winter! somewhere down that crazy river...
  20. Looks like its probably a resident. They get kinda 'boxy' like that, nice little fish too bad it got left for dead like that
  21. Same thing for me today Solo, alot of walking for two small steelies. Did manage to land a VERY pretty resident bow about 16" though. Good fishin kemper
  22. If I had some I would donate a skien no problem...Im going to be fishing all weekend and Im sure Ill run into a boot with some eggs on my line sooner or later. Dont really like to do it but I havent taken one in 3 years and I just ran out so its about that time.
  23. yep, that would happen I am seriously regretting being here to hand in that project yesterday. I mean, its only 5 % and all that steel! wicked fishin!
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