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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Yeah, I took an asskicking for sure yesterday... Jayson, remember what I told you about lead length. No matter what bait you use, if it's not in the zone, you won't catch a thing. Good luck man! That first fish will be a riot!
  2. Kemper, time to get a back up man!
  3. LOL!!!!!!!! 'Dude, I think we just passed our exit' 'No, I remember this....it's past this point' 'Dude, PA is 20 miles from here' Damn!!!! I think we missed our exit' How did you make out with your dad yesterday?
  4. Yup, 2 sets of trebles... just like the fullsize.
  5. I'd have to measure for sure, but I would assume around the 3inch range. I think the kicker with the Jr's is that they have rattles, compared to the pups and the normal sized ones which don't.. Rattles = fish!
  6. Jacques, I think the Zara Spook Jr is probabl my fav topwater bait of all time. You make anything similar? I'd love to get a few of them a test drive!!!
  7. I used sheetmetal screws in my felt soled boots without shoego and I don't think I lost a single one.. Really helped out, that's for sure.
  8. I know I know.... I was running such a long lead (10-12ft) I had a hell of a time maneuvering that fish so I could get my hands on it.. No shoal to beach them on out there, only about 6inches of water...
  9. Even if they aren't clipped, look at the top fin,... if they are compressed and close to the body, it's a hatchery fish for sure.
  10. You are going to have a hard time float fishing with a flyfishing reel...
  11. Mike, has this uncanny ability to come to a spot I've been fishing for a good 30 mins, make one stinking drift and catch a fish. Then he leaves and does it again and again and again.. I just shake my head and laugh.. Drew, it's always a pleasure man.. The leg eating mud was interesting that's for sure, funny thing is that was all rock last year... No mud to speak of... Let's make sure the next time we get out on the water is sooner then later!
  12. Can't beat time out on the water with the oldman, definitely my favorite kind of fishing...
  13. Transit employees should be under the 'essential services' group, ie they can't strike.. How can someone complain about a 3% raise per year? In these conditions? Unreal....
  14. I have grey.. I find that they work really well in all conditions.. Only issue I have sometimes is in the evening when the suns going down, but other then that they are fine... Depending on which ones you pick up, you should be able to get different lenses for them (grey, brown, amber) Mine were about $70US online... pretty cheap when it comes to polarized.
  15. I always have my Bolle's Habu polarized on...
  16. So how many beers did you have to buy after the round?
  17. My oldman had one of these things years ago, I've always used it to tie bags. I'm not married, but that might have been my grandmother! HOLY RIPOFF BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Whoops, that would be sitting infront of the TV! lol Watching that vid is painful, I think I would have had a bag tied before she even got the spoon out of the container! I'll rip off a 100 in an hour the next time I sit down, maybe more... just for you.
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