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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Stop eating sheephead, it's affecting your brain Pat, if you want a bit more information, send someone off a PM.. People will be a lot more helpful when they know the hundreds of lurkers on this site won't also be given the heads up... If you are ever headed up this way, I'll be glad to give you some info that should help you out in your search for a steelie.
  2. This is when an old fashioned ass kicking is COMPLETELY justified.
  3. Dude, go check out the river. Get a notepad, copy down what the conditions were like, then go home, jump on the net and look at the flow charts. Soon enough you'll figure out what is good and what isn't.. You honestly think people are going to tell you when the fish are in? There will be hundreds of people down there... Think about it.
  4. A decent rod builder should have no issues with this at all.
  5. Shouldn't be to hard, I just had the same thing done to my Loomis IM6.
  6. It's been full for a while.. I don't know about Mike, but I have a few guys that are a 'go' if someone backs out, lol. I cannot wait, it's definitely going to be a trip of a lifetime.
  7. Awesome pics Al! My dad and I are definitely hooked on Nipigon after our trip up there in August. We'll definitely be making the yearly trek.
  8. Did you check out the link that was posted earlier on in this thread with all the shot patterns? Sure, it's not ALL the shot patterns, but it gives you a pretty good idea what to use in what situations.
  9. I'm a professional flosser if I can belly hook a 10lb'er in the 'Geen. We hit it just right, one of the best days I've had out on the water this year... It's fun to see big fish leap out of the water 4-5 times.
  10. 9ft of insane rapids? lol You'll want a monster float (11-14g) and a lot of shot right above your tippet (Even some dust shot on your leader never hurt) The thing is, you don't want to fish IN the fast water, you want to fish the seam right besides it.. And like Stonefly said earlier, fishing this type of water is a bit tricky.. You'll feel the hits before you actually see the float go down. You need to make sure you are trotting (keeping the line a bit taught as the float goes downstream) and pay attention. Any time the float bobbles, or does somethig funky, set the hook.. These hits are extremely easy to miss. I had a hell of a day a few weeks ago fishing similar water.. After a few tips from a buddy the next time out, nailed a bunch.
  11. I stream it via TVersity through my PS3 If it's a big file (a few gigs) I'll copy it to USB drive and play it via my PS3 that way.
  12. Tied into a few big wild 10lb'ers on the 'Geen a few weeks ago.. As soon you put hooks into them, they went directly for the sky. I gotta agree with you on that one, steelies are one of the best. Even those small 3-4lb'ers that you sometimes get in the Notty in early October are a hand full.
  13. Buy a pair of decent pliers to remove the shot if you need to downsize... I can fish the 'Geen one day, then the Notty and not have to re-rig. I hate re-rigging, so I do whatever I can to avoid it.
  14. In fast water you'll want to upsize your float and bulk shot... The key is to get it down quickly and keep it there.. Running small floats is a waste of time in those conditions. I've made that mistake on way to many occasions..
  15. The 8000 series offered by Bell has the dual tuner. I dunno what revision they are on now, I had the 8900 model.
  16. I'm wrong if that's the case!
  17. The chinnies were full of life man, I couldn't believe it. I had a monster hooked (legally) and I couldn't even make headway on it. I've never had my GL3 bent over like that before... Everytime the float would quiver, I'd be like "Oh man, not again" A few quick pops to try and dislodge my hook from wherever I flossed the stupid thing. If they were ganked, they'd break you off in a few seconds, or we'd just bust it off ourselves. I actually had a pair spawning right in front of me... Won't be much in the way of chinnies down there in the next week or so, definitely near the end. But full of life, that's for sure.
  18. I'm going to hit that river this week, should be PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Lots of giant black boots.. I think I pulled 3-4 hooks out of the one I landed, poor thing... I've never harvested brown roe before, actually haven't yet.. both fish I took roe from were chinnies. Only time I harvest rainbow row is from down in the US, and it's from a trib that's made up of stockers.. I won't touch a wild fish.
  20. Comparing Drennan and Froghair is like comparing apples to oranges, lol...
  21. That's the problem fishing the gin clear stuff. It's fun to watch the fish hit, but good luck trying to horse that thing running 3# tippet. It's hard enough getting them out of the wood in ideal conditions.
  22. One brown made a donation of roe that day.. The rest is chinny. I told Mike to post that pic just because I wanted to laugh at all the roe monger responses
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