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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Make sure the software is up to date on the unit. Does yours have a heading sensor? (White puck) I've also read about the wiring inside the control head being wrong from the factory. You wanna make sure the power cable are all bunched up on one side of the head, some guys have opened theirs up and the power cables make a big circle around the control head which messes up the heading sensor.
  2. Guys are paying a lot more then that for muskie baits, especially ones that are discontinued.
  3. Lew, that log book going up on Ebay anytime soon? GPS coords included? lol!
  4. If you can find a swimbait that pushes water and makes as much commotion as burned Double 10 does, I'm all ears
  5. You think Rielly isn't a first line D man? lol
  6. 74 on GPool today. Things are on the rise.
  7. I'm sure up there it's hard to do anything wrong and not catch fish
  8. I could muck around with those units all day and still be happy after I put the boat on the trailer, who am I kidding
  9. Yup, my 'birds did this before I got a new starting battery. Once I did, problem solved.
  10. Nice man! Hopefully you get the boat slimed soon.
  11. I'd toss nothing but topwaters all day.
  12. Great table saw for the price. Although, I'd like a stand for mine
  13. You think it was the dads decision to get him up at the awards show and not the NHLs? lol right. Might wanna change those glasses.
  14. You're missing the point. The original encounter wasn't a publicity stunt, bringing the kid back at the awards was. Not too hard to figure that one out is it? Typical feel good PR man, this is nothing new.
  15. Yeah, a little odd. I've got no doubt that Price is genuine in his feelings for the kid, but that's just going a wee bit to far by the NHL me thinks.
  16. Hopefully you're fishing mooching setups all week for salmon Non of this levelwind garbage! lol!
  17. Shouldn't be fishing steelhead or salmon on the beds either. So sporting! lol Difference though is salmon and steelhead don't stick around. One and done.
  18. Yup.... The price per barrel should be reflected at the pumps.. It's definitely not.
  19. Give them a fake one, lol.
  20. You'd think it would be common sense to leave the fish alone when they're spawning and protecting the fry.
  21. That's definitely not a lake to mess around on. You made a good choice.
  22. Probably the wrong forum to even start this topic on.
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