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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Why would you see a crash in Erie? It's been gin clear for the past 15+ years.
  2. Mike's probably got 400-500lbs of roe in the freezer by now according to some people in this thread :rofl2:
  3. Awesome man! We usually fish Honeymoon State Park, about 30mins north of Tampa when we are down there.. All kinds of fun stuff! Pomps, whitings, sea trout, bonnethead sharks, etc.. Always a great time when we are down there.
  4. A quick tap of the brakes and the boat just flies off the trailer and parks itself next to the dock as well? LOL!!!
  5. My oldman loves fishing for sea trout, although I'd like to find somewhere we could catch them from shore a bit closer then Florida
  6. Ric, do you get any sea trout that far north?
  7. If your boat and trailer are making a distinct 'S' pattern, maybe you should try the mirrors instead
  8. Sorry Mike, but a Stella wouldn't stand up to a 1/4 of what that Van Stall does.. Dunk your Stella in saltwater a few times and let us know how it runs if it's not cleaned immediately, lol.
  9. If he was trespassing that's probably why he got a ticket. No harbour license needed if you aren't in a engine powered vessel.
  10. Someones been looking through the Bass Pro Saltwater catalog, lol!
  11. It wouldn't be easy at all to single those people out. It's not like you are dialing up from home like you did in the good old days Free email accounts, multiple proxy servers, ISP's in different continents, etc etc. Sounds easy, but trust me it's not.. It's very expensive and very time consuming.. People just need to look out for themselves a bit.
  12. There are scammers working everything.. Kijiji, Craigslist, Autotrader, Ebay... It's really no one elses responsibility but your own to make sure you aren't silly enough to fall for one of them.... Kijiji is free as well, it should be used with caution.
  13. They've always kicked you out, that's nothing new. Can't say anything to you if you're in a boat and licensed properly.
  14. I've been fooled one to many times by creek chubs thinking they are nice brookies
  15. Sweet! Hopefully going to get out this weekend for a few if I can sneak away from work.
  16. Scam. Anytime the buyer doesn't specifically mention the item you have for sale, ignore them.
  17. I know it might be a surprise to you, but a lot of us 'bait' anglers take stocked fish from other systems in order to tie up our death bags. Does that make you feel better? Keep those assumptions coming :rofl2:
  18. I don't think so, I think the hatchery needs fresh from the fish loose roe in order to make little fish babies with, lol Scrape is immature.
  19. Well slap me in the ass and call me Sally, lol.
  20. I wouldn't really call that great spawning water, more like shallow spots in between pools, lol! I would guess 99% of the fish in that river spawn in the Boyne, Pine and the upper river in Hockley (or further) They should also make the Pine south of the base No Kill as well. The slaughter that goes on there in the fall before the close is horrible.
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