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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Personal card through Paypal is the only way I do transactions with AliExpress
  2. I think we've all said our peace, I'd suggest an admin just lock this thread and we can go back to talking about heated guides and when we can start icefishing
  3. Good job at side stepping the question.
  4. I'd probably cross rainbows off the list. All kinds of walleye/pike lakes out there that are accessible by either plane or drive in within 8hrs of Toronto.
  5. So you classify 'New comers' and 'You people' as black/brown? What about the Polish, Italian or Irish guy that just got off the boat 3 weeks ago? Doesn't fit either one of those descriptions?
  6. Kerfoot out indefinitely. That's gonna hurt!
  7. We should probably write up a contract to figure out who gets the first million
  8. ...and there it is. Everyone has their own interpretation of what Don said. Of course the snowflakes that are so sensitive to absolutely everything will jump on this and think it's racist. Perhaps they should look up the word racist and read it's definition before using it in a sentence.
  9. That's probably your safest bet. As they're the ones getting iced up first anyhow.
  10. We he also talking about my oldman that came here in '57? I'll ask my dad if he's outraged.
  11. Problem is all guides aren't the same size or thickness. Unless an average was take (A few will be over a few will be under) and do it that way.
  12. Yup, voltage regulator should do it. Keep those guides at about 50 degrees and you'll be all set.
  13. You completely missed Dons message, although I'm not surprised.
  14. All I'm asking for is for you to tell me what he said on Sat that was racist? That's it. Once you do I'll simply point out that your interpretation of what he said probably isn't the same as everyone else's and that calling him a racist is ridiculous.
  15. What did Cherry say that was racist?
  16. Don't let you boat sit with the same tank of fuel in it for 6 months. I've never had issues running ethanol fuel. A slash of Startron here and there and before it's gone for winter is all I ever do.
  17. Hard to go after a guy for a clean hit though..
  18. Tossing hardware in any of the Lake O tribs wouldn't be a bad idea. Cohos, browns, steelhead. Spinning gear is fine as are spinners, spoons etc. Goodluck!
  19. The worst. I can't count the number of times I've almost been sideswiped. I take the back entrance off Bayview now.
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