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Everything posted by BillM

  1. My best fall tip is switching from jigs to vertical jigging spoons. It's been a trip saver.
  2. You're going to have a really tough time getting any sort of charge back into that battery with a solar panel.
  3. My buddies booked up there for next weekend, at least the place he is going is open for business.
  4. Stick another gook into the split ring to open it up. Split ring pliers will be the best idea by far though.
  5. Try the Muskoka waterweb or FishOnline.
  6. Don't forget the walleye.
  7. Fished Lake O yesterday, zero issues. Not a bad day on the water.
  8. Too late? Most likely not. All water temp dependent.
  9. Tide pods.. Just eat a bunch of those and you'll be fine.
  10. Unfortunately you're answer wasn't correct. Although I'm sure you realize this by now.
  11. I'm going to nitpick here, but he didn't say everyone, he said almost everyone. So say 99% out of a 100.
  12. Who said it was ever just taking older people? Reading that is heartbreaking. I can't even begin to figure out why he didn't bring her in or call an ambulance or something.
  13. I get the kids to step up on the main motor. Not perfect, but it works. Although my nephew did use the transducer last time as a step lol
  14. A G2N Helix 10/12 would do you just fine. No need for a G3N/G4N
  15. Sell the Helix 7 and add that $500 in for a Helix 10-12. This really is going to be your best bet.
  16. Lockdowns would work if they did them properly. It only took them a year to stop flights coming in from India and other high Covid areas...
  17. Wishmaster don't look like anything special. I don't think the fish care to be honest
  18. This is the thing people don't get. It's pretty easy to go fishing without making stops for fuel or Tim Hortons or anything else. If someone can't wrap their heads around this, then they definitely should be staying home.
  19. Even if testing within the lower environments are successful, the real test is Production. Most lower environment cannot recreate the load and traffic you'll see in Prod. You'd be surprised at how many quick fixes go in because a vendor suggested it. I deal with this daily. No one is going to sue anyone else, their are vendor contracts and SLAs in place for this very reason.
  20. SLX would be a great alternative as well. I'm still holding onto all my Shimano Calais and Antares reels until they fall apart
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