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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Shouldn't be hard to catch bass on Rice. No need for other people's waypoints.
  2. The Licks/Tim Hortons before Parry Sound is rammed all the time, I wouldn't worry about people having to take a 2 min detour
  3. Spinnerbaits/jerkbaits for pike. Cranks in the evening trolled for walleye as well. Lots of big crappie in there as well.
  4. Stay in the middle of the channel in most places and you'll be fine. What are you going to be fishing for? If you want walleyes, I did real well above Dallas rapids vertical jigging spoons tipped with a piece of worm. If heading towards Dallas be on the look out for a huge rock right in the middle of the channel once you make your right hand turn off the main channel. I stick to the left side when going in, go slow the first time and mark it, then it's nothing to worry about. You'll also want to be careful about half way down the main outlet, there's a bit of a zigzag there. Again, go slow the first time and after that you're golden. I wouldn't waste my time with Canoe channel, but I would head east from the lodge and check out the rapids below the train bridge. Should be able to get into some walleye there as well (Be on the look out for big toothy critters as well) Be weary of the slot on the French, especially for walleye.
  5. Those must have been a riot on the flyord. For their size, I don't think there is a more vicious fish out there. I catch them on full sized spinnerbaits all the time bass fishing.
  6. Fished Sunday, 10 follows, 1 for 2. It was a grind. The problem is all that action happened in 2 separate 10minute windows, lol. Only a 32in fish landed. 18 million boats out and a super hot day probably didn't help things. But that's early season muskie fishing for ya. Looking forward to the Zone 14 opener next weekend.
  7. On bunks? Boat isn't going anywhere. Now rollers is a whole other ballgame lol
  8. Slow death hooks with little bits of worm. Only thing I've found that consistently works when there's a mayfly hatch.
  9. The spots I'm fishing are structure oriented. A lot easier to pick them apart casting then it is trolling.
  10. So you just bandwagon jump from one team to another? LOL! Awesome.
  11. Casting, 100%. I don't bother trolling until the water temps dip.
  12. The exceptions... It's a 3rd Sat in June opener.
  13. My fav time for musky is the month of Sept.
  14. I make a few trips a year to the Kawarthas to get my confidence back up before heading home to GBay, lol! I can't imagine the pressure those systems get day in and day out.
  15. If you actually want to catch one, head to the Kawarthas. Crane and a few other were popular years ago, but like everything they got a tonne of pressure and it's definitely not like it used to be.
  16. Should have lost fishing rights forever.
  17. Dr spoons are deadly for pike, nice job.
  18. I love those fish. If you're releasing them consider pinching the barbs, makes the release much easier.
  19. It's not very scenic up the 400 much past the Waub to be honest. Once you get past PAB you could always stop at the Key or French river for a little break and some views.
  20. I'd be using a circle hook with live or dead bait.
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