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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. I had 4 days to roam the halls and check out the prices of everyone. There were some Fantastic deals to be had at every vendor's booth. Shimano Calcutta DC reels for $389. Thats a great deal. There were plenty others that I dont have time to list. This show is still a great show due to the fact that you have all your tackle in one place, you get to compare and shop around with clicking a mouse. You get to meet new people. You get away from the computer an get some excerise. I met some great OFNers as well as others. I especially liked how the Pros such as Dave and JP were talking with everyone. Pete Mania, Jim, etc were all interacting with everyone. Thats what I love to see. I did however really like the amount of Canadian products. Bassmagnet Lures, Rod Glove,Northam Fishing, Off the Dock toons, and countless others. All in all it was a great show from every aspect and cant wait for the next one
  2. Can never have to much stuff.
  3. Still you can never be to carefull. If you research the Pipe Bomb you will understand why. Think of it this way. You have 2 kids and a wife at home. You are a police officer and you see this just days before the olympics. What would you do risk being a macho here and leave you family behind or play it safe?
  4. Great, Just what I needed another site to get great deals from.
  5. Its good to see these guys out checking and charging. People were getting way to careless.
  6. http://www.justanswer.com/car/gmc?r=ppc|ga...CFWEO5Qod8SlyfA
  7. Here is a good link for you resto project http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zeroforum?id=19
  8. Jones or Duckett
  9. I have done Crab Fishing in Alaska befoe. I'm surprised he lived to be 53. I did not like the job at all. Different breed of human being to do that job.
  10. http://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2010/02/09/...arris-has-died/
  11. http://www.purefishing.com/contact USA http://www.teamtools.ca/summitpromotions/c...act.php?cid=CDN
  12. One man hole for a 2 man hole. This is a family site I thought. This thread is going to go downhill on a crazy carpet. Lol
  13. Plano andf Berkley make a Tackle bait management system right now that works great. Yes their ice line does not work that great. Their Baits(Gulp) have been out fishing live bait for me anyways for a while now. Walleye/bass/perch/etc love the stuff. Email pure fishing with your displeasure
  14. I've actually inquired for them to paint some custom lures. I will see them at the show to see if they still can. Hope he says yes.
  15. 4 Fish limit. One over 25" and 3 under 25" for a regular sportsfishing licence.
  16. Hey TJ, can you bring some stickers that I can buy to put on my boat as well. I will take a hat on saturday as well. I will come see you. Thanks
  17. Bass Magnet Lures mkes a hollow bodied musky swimbait. Waterwolf .com I beleive, based out of kingston
  18. 1234 and 1334 Booths. Fishingworld and Nories/Ecogear booths. Alternating back and foruth
  19. If you live in the GTA. Give this # a call. To funny. 647-476-2995
  20. Here's another, http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/yhst-31671722361584_2075_961104 Soon going to have to wear shades just to carry gear from boat. Lol.
  21. I think everyone is missing the question. Not which braid to use but which size to match. . The rule usually is that you need to stick to the size comparasions. If you are using a 30lb braid that is equilivent to 8lb mono than use 8lb mono or 8lb floro. I never use a bigger size. I always use the matching size line for each use. As for braid. I have used them all and most are really the same. Stay away from the colored ones as it tends to bleed very much. Others will have to be maintained after every few trips. I usually cut off at least 1-2 ft depending on the breakdown of the product. I would not give merrit to just one as they all are good with some outperforming others in different techniques. I have been using Toray line now for some time and love it. I use their Floro, Braid,Mono,others. I also use Daiwa's braid and their new lines from 09. Alot of people dont do this but to effectively get the most out of braid. I buy rods and reels for just that use. Braid has no stretch so therefore you need to use a rod that will allow that stretch to happen or braid will dig into its self very quickly. once you have the right combo braid can be amazing. Remember also that braid is not for every technique. It will hinder alot of baits actions where todays high tech Mono or Floro lines should be used. Each person will give you their rendetion on what to use. Each answer will be right since its coming from the horses mouth so to speak. Choose the best one you can afford and go from there. Here are some reviews on lines: http://www.tackletour.com/reviewpowerpro.html http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/miscellaneous-...superlines.html
  22. Looks like we will be fishing for these in the future. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO9oseiCTdk
  23. Seems Dan you kinda learned this rom experience. That ucks
  24. Hey motion, I have these identical units and have had them for a few years now. I still use a 334 which is the previous model of the 522. I can walk you through it if you need it done. You can tag along with me one day if need be and I can show you how to do so. I have mine dialed in same as a flasher unit. Amazing response. The ice ducer is the major trick. The units tend to burp or hicup sometimes, still not sure why. These are better units as you have a GPS and you can record your trips as well as record your Sonar logs for future reference. If you have the manual, read the ice section. You can dial these in very good.
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