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Everything posted by tdotfisherman

  1. Great photos, thanks for posting. I was up there for our annual fishing trip 2 weeks ago, we didn't have the numbers we usually do but lots of size. Amazing fishery for sure...
  2. This season has been my worst ever so far. I usually fish around the Georgian Bay area, and the results have been really poor. Fall Walleye season is about to start so hopefully that turns the year around slightly...
  3. The GTA has a wonderful Pike fishery. Lots of large, heathly Pike swimming around... Any opportunity you have to cast a line for Pike I would recommend doing it. I'm going out this week for some Lake O Pike, I'll let you all know how it went.. *Update 3 days later: was skunked, lol. Conditions sucked, 1 pike follow, no pike on..
  4. ^^^That was a beautiful video. Nice catch too!
  5. This story warms my heart.
  6. I have the "Cousin" vehicle to the Trailblazer the GMC Envoy and I really enjoy it. Powerful engine, 4x4, nice ride, nice features, not too many problems, the only con is that the Envoy isnt the greatest on gas, but for 275 horsepower I'll accept that loss.
  7. Hey all, I have a question for the experienced boaters out there. Is there a difference between how you charge deep cycle marine batteries, and outboard motor starting marine batteries? I was told by a marine mechanic that you need to trickle-charge deep cycle batteries, and blast-charge starter batteries...is this true? If so, where can you buy a battery charger that has settings for both? Thanks
  8. Pointe au Baril is like Heaven. Enjoy yourself up there, and catch the big one!
  9. Wow.. thats brutal. I talked to him at the OFC group meeting at the fishing show about 2 years ago. He was one hell of a nice guy. Very sad news indeed...
  10. Kijiji is hit and miss. Sometimes the people are great to deal with, and the transaction and negotiation goes smoothly, other times I deal with deadbeat and lowball bidders. I've had people offer like 25% of the price, on already great deals. That gets me upset. Don't waste my time with lowball Bull.
  11. Wow.. Pickering is a haven for animals that shouldn't be there. Wasn't there talk about a Cougar spotting there 2 years ago around Duffins Creek?
  12. The 2010 Blue Jays were one of the most exciting teams I've seen out of them in a long while... young, raw, powerful, fun.. This year is going to be a lot of fun to watch as well I'm sure. A.A's plan seems to be coming together, I trust what he's doing. Also with all the payroll space that we have, he can sign some of his young guys to extensions and keep the key players together for the next 5 years, along with adding a few key agents hopefully.c This year I bet the Jays win just under 90 games, and hopefully in 2012 the playoffs are within reach.
  13. Santa took mercy on me and my sick addiction to fishing and didn't get me anything outdoor related..
  14. Hey all, I know a lot of you guys have boats, nice ones too. I'm looking to upsize boats this coming year, and I was curious about what type of financing rates some of you guys have on your boats, and if you got a good deal, who did you go with.. all comments and opinions are welcome. thanks.
  15. WOW.. great day guys! Damn.. I need to get out there..
  16. Great comedic actor. My favorite line was when Precilla Presley was sucking on his finger and he said "I've got nine more". I actually used that line on a girlfriend once, it was classic. RIP.
  17. I added some Stabil to my gas tanks today.. but I have no intention of shutting it down just yet. I booked December 1 off work, and I hope to get out one last time for some Lake Ontario Pike.. Lets hope its not too,too cold then..
  18. Hey all, Usually in the fall time there are tonnes of posts on this forum from people that caught big salmon chucking spoons off GTA piers.. I remember a few years back it seemed like every night CCMT was catching massive salmon.. but this year I don't think I've noticed one report. Have people not been fishing, or just not been catching? I'm somewhat perplexed? Anyone have any reports or information? I was just curious...
  19. Why does Work always get in the way of Fishing?

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  20. Urban Outdoor Adventures was a great show, and I learned so much about fishing in the GTA by watching that show. I can't wait for the new season. Best of luck Shaun.
  21. HUGE fish.. please give us more detail on the catch..
  22. I'm going out for Lake Ontario Salmon tonight.. If I catch one, I'll post a report, and if I don't, I won't
  23. Great looking Musky Ehg, thanks for posting!
  24. For the last few years I've used 50 Pound Braid on my Pike baitcasting setup, with a 45 Pound fluorocarbon leader. I've never had any breakoffs or lost fish. Once a Pike frays your leader, you must replace it though.. I wouldn't go Braid directly to lure, because the Fluorocarbon leader is less visable than powerpro braid.
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