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Everything posted by tdotfisherman

  1. Nice report, lots of decent fish, and it looks like it was really great weather out there..
  2. Yeah, Hooked is a good show.. I enjoy it.. I just wish there were more episodes.. I swear, I've seen the same 6 episodes for the last year.. As for fishing in HD.. it's a treat.. I wish they would bring the WFN HD to Rogers and Bell.. High Definition is the way to go.. especially for outdoor programming and sports..
  3. This is only my second year at this show... and I know this version has only been going on for two years, but I enjoyed myself quite a bit.. It's the middle of February.. it's freezing cold outside.. there's only frozen, dismal, Lake Ontario Pike fishing going on right now.. and going to this show is quite a nice little escape.. I got to price some new boats that I have been looking at, along with buy some tackle to top up my tackle box for 2009.. For $12 (or free admission in my case - thx again TJ) it's well worth it on a cold Ontario Winter day.. as for the deals, yeah.. they were weak, but spending a day around boating and fishing stuff is too good to pass up for me.. Plus c'mon.. Dave Mercer talking about his own crap for 10 minutes.. how can a guy go wrong?
  4. Deals on boats were far and few between.. everyone's raising their prices, even with a recession.. and most of the dealers throw a whack of unnecessary extra taxes and fees on top.. you see a boat for $14,999 sticker price, and once everything is all worked out it's somehow out to over $20,000.. what a rip off.. I think i'm going to be going the used route..
  5. Yeah.. Pike in Toronto are open right now.. up until the end of March.. As for the Toronto Islands.. I'd imagine that all the good canals are frozen solid.. has anyone been there in the last little while?
  6. Good point.. has anyone noticed that in a lot of the fishing shows on WFN where there is Largemouth Bass fishing, the hosts will be very impressed over a 1-2 pound Largemouth.. calling it a big fish, and a real chunky fish, and this and that.. I don't get it? All the Largies I've ever caught have been at least 2-3 pounds.. and Canada isn't even known for its Largemouth.. anyway, food for thought.. and yeah, Charlie Moore TV is without a doubt the worst program on WFN.. I think I'd rather watch the Linedancer infomercial..
  7. Probably head up to Georgian Bay about 4 or 5 times this summer.. Nippising area probably 2 or 3 times.. Maybe hit Simcoe or Scugog.. definately Lake Ontario, both from shore, and from a boat.. I'm going to B.C. but we'll see if we can get some fishing in or not.. Charter fishing packages for Salmon/Halibut are extremely expensive.. I'd rather save the $600-800 bucks and buy myself a nice Lowrance GPS/Sonar unit instead..
  8. I enjoyed the show.. Nice information on some new products.. might have to look into a few as well.. (as if I haven't spent enough money on fishing stuff already - thanks a lot JP!)
  9. Line isn't the main thing you should be worried about for Pike.. you can use 50 pound braid, or 8 pound mono.. as long as you have a good drag system on your spinning real, that isn't your main concern. However, you should probably purchase some wire leaders, or some fluorocarbon leaders from your nearest tackle store, because Nothern Pike have lots of sharp teeth, and if you arent using a leader above 30 pounds, you're going to have some bite offs. In today's economy, nobody wants to be loosing expensive fishing lures.. so buy some leaders, dont worry too much about your line, and just go fishing!
  10. Outdoor Canada
  11. All my money is tied up for the boat I'm going to buy in the spring.. but I will pick myself up a few spools of line, and probably a few jigs and hooks, just to top up the tackle box..
  12. Hey, welcome aboard.. It's not really like that up here.. Your probably just being swayed by all the ice fishing posts where your seeing people keep their catches.. There are two schools of thought in Canada.. many anglers are strictly catch and release, like myself.. although many people keep their catch for the supper table. I tend to find that the farther north you get in Ontario, the more fish are kept.. In and around the Urban centres, fish are generally let go.. but up north people fish to eat.. but I can't say that I've seen many people abusing the resource.. people in Canada generally stick to their daily limit of fish if they are keeping them, and like was stated earlier in this thread, Ontario is a tremendous fishery, I'd say the best freshwater fishing province/state in the entire world.. even with many anglers keeping their limits of fish, lakes are still plentiful with fish, and will continue that way simply due to the lack of population up in northern Ontario..
  13. Keep at it.. that looks like a great spot for late winter/early spring Northern Pike.. If you catch any fish this week do us all a favour and post a report
  14. Another unreal report! Whatever secret spot you've got yourself there, it always seems to be paying off.. Motivated by your last post, I got out today and did some Pike hunting, but everything was either frozen solid, or the spots that weren't frozen were severely wind-blown, and the water was dirty and dingy.. Keep the posts coming.. if I can't be catching em', I'm loving the reports of people who can!
  15. Great report.. those are some fat 'eyes.. Keep posting those Lac Seul reports dude.. I love em, and I really miss the lake..
  16. Yeah, it was a great show.. I've probably seen every episode from the first two seasons of the program.. i've learned a lot about urban fishing, and fishing close to Toronto from the program.. the last I heard the show was renamed to "Shaun Rickard's Outdoor Adventures".. anyway, I could have sworn that the host of the show has posted on this site a few times.. Anyway, if a new season airs, I will look forward to it..
  17. I sent the seller an email from two different email addresses, and both came back exactly the same, in very automated fashion.. the whole thing smells fishy, and I'm not going to persue it any further..
  18. Those two Northerns are HUGE! Great report.. but please tell me those weren't caught today? In -13 weather? If thats the case you have magical powers or something. I'm going to finally get out next Tuesday because I have the day off, and this report for sure will keep me motivated to keep casting, thanks Snag!
  19. Over the last few years my fishing obsession has really picked up.. I've come to realize that fishing, and being in the beautiful Canadian north is the closest thing to heaven on Earth. In discovering this, I've tried to turn some of my friends on to fishing so I can show them just how much enjoyment you can take out of it. When I take someone fishing with me for the first time I always love to try and put them on some Northern Pike.. not only are they somewhat easy to catch with some basic know-how, but they can grow to be quite large, and put up a great fight.. My first Northern Pike had me hooked on this sport for life! It's my hopes that it can do the same to some of my friends and family..
  20. Wow.. great names indeed.. I gotta get myself to see a seminar by Saric..
  21. Nothern Pike are a lot easier to catch than Musky.. You can catch Northerns anywhere in Ontario pretty much, and it doesn't take that much skill to get em'. Even in Lake Ontario they are generally easy to catch from shore.. Musky aren't nearly as abundant as Pike, and you need to specialize your gear to get them.. you need big rods, big lures, heavy line, and usually a boat. Oh yeah, don't forget you need a lot of time on the water to get them, especially in big water..
  22. I need to invest in one of those electric knives.. i'm tired of it taking 30 minutes to fully clean one Northern Pike..
  23. That is a lot of quality tackle...and your a shore fisherman eh? Care to get on to the water? You could probably sell those lures and buy yourself a tin boat with a 9.9 johnson..
  24. Not meaning to hijack, but does anyone know if you can get boat insurance for just theft.. and how much does it cost?
  25. Nice report.. always nice to see those big Lac Seul 'eyes
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