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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Johnny on the farmers almanac Most scientific analyses of the accuracy of Farmers' Almanac forecasts have shown a 50% rate of accuracy,[1][2] no greater than random chance Doug Gilhelm is the head meteorologist at the weather network. He releases seasonal outlooks based on global weather patterns using a mathematical scientific approach. Most observation is done by simply looking at ocean temperatures and the expected jet stream variations that accompany those ocean current and wind patterns. His prediction for the winter was pretty close to spot on although he figured it would be colder than it was. He nailed the precipitation forecast though. A wild winter, southern Ontario surprisingly had one of the wettest winters we have ever had! Even more strange and unbelievable and this will throw a lot of folks for a loop, it was actually one of the snowiest...i know right? snow? where?? I talked to Doug and what threw us all for a loop is that the consistent pattern was that every time we got snow it immediately warmed up and melted it all therefore making it feel like we never had much snow. We also got a very significant amount of rain over the course of the winter. You may remember the one storm where Toronto got close to 70mm of rain. Thats almost record breaking. The pattern difference between for example parry sound and a place like Barrie was also extremely different. That ended up being the battle ground between the warm air to the south and the cold air to the north. That meant that many of those rain storms were a mix of snow and rain rather than the traditional snow we normally get. What was most notable was the simple lack of lake effect snow this year due to warmer than normal temperatures everyone experienced. It really cut down on the snow totals in the traditional snowbelt areas. What annoyed most of us was how bloody cold the fall was vs December and January. My lake actually totally iced over in November with almost 3 inches of ice, and then cleared, and then re-iced over again. That was strange to say the least and sure did a hell of a number on our docks and boat house. Ive got plenty of work to do once the lake opens up again.
  2. i second the simple spray bottle filled with hydrogen peroxide will do the job in a pinch. Its rough on your skin but at this point theres no hand sanitizer available anywhere.
  3. i just hit that ugly season up at my place that the ice is no longer safe enough to get where i need to go to fish...last week was good...really good though. Now i patiently wait.
  4. meh...4 year ban from fishing in canada and the idiot is an american that has been caught before...slap on the wrist once again.
  5. if only 20 litre gas cans were $10... still trying to find some drums!
  6. I’ve been trying to source some drums to buy a few hundred liters of ethanol free premium to run the boat on this summer.
  7. I can’t believe this thread only got two replies! Great stories none the less
  8. announcement at 1pm today will be that all businesses are to close. Grocery Stores, gas stations and pharmacies will remain open. Borders will be closed but will allow for canadians to return home.
  9. ended up going with the variable spanner wrench after seeing reference to the amazon one in the forum thread about using PVC Pipe. The problem is that currently my trim isnt technically functional due to the leak that I have in the hydraulic system. I may manually lift the motor onto the PVC though in conjunction with using that tool. It has selected pin sizes that hopefully will fit the way i need it to. Having something holding the wrench down even if the pins arent perfectly sized should hopefully help?
  10. Hey Guys, Im about to redo the seals on my trim rams on my 98 130TLRW yamaha and im struggling to determine what kind of spanner I can use for my trim seal caps. I found the following tool online https://www.amazon.ca/Universal-Variable-Pin-Spanner-Wrench/dp/B07FVS41V4 but its extremely difficult to determine whether this would work with my boats caps or not? Any insight anyone can provide is greatly appreciated. If a board member in the GTA Barrie or north has one kicking around that I could borrow that will work on a yamaha I would be forever grateful. Thanks.
  11. play with the sensitivity and contrast settings while imaging. I specifically find that down and side imaging can be tuned very nicely dependent on the structure/bait you are attempting to image. you can come up with some very impressive stuff if you dial your settings in right See the bait, find the fish.
  12. This is a hilarious thread from another forum that Im stealing. Heres my best one Wasnt for fishing but it was for the NHL winter classic in Anne Arbor. This still cracks me up to this day. My best friend is actually one of the smartest people I have ever met hes taken an IQ test and scored somewhere around 190 if I remember correctly. Anyways long story short, hes an investment wiz and when the winter classic was announced he immediately capitalized and bought up a bunch of rooms in Anne Arbour knowing that he would get a very nice return on investment by reselling the rooms to friends and people that he knew travelling down from Canada to watch the hockey game. I'm sure the folks at the Victory Inne and Suites were confused as hell when some canadian called up randomly in July to book 5 rooms for new years lol. Got to the hotel and as was arranged, I brought an air mattress and bedding to sleep on the floor of this room being shared between 6 people including my best friend Graeme who booked all of these rooms. The room seemed to have random furniture being stored in it (a random large armoir?) the shower literally had a vice grip to turn on the water and there was no shower curtain on the curtain rod ahahaha. All of these things considered heres the funniest bit. I asked my buddy what he paid for the room and he confidently and proudly said $70...to which I then clued him into the fact that he could have really splurged and spent an extra $30 split between 6 people to afford a shower curtain and a clean bed lol. Wasnt me, but my aunt, cousin and oldest brother stayed at a motel in The Pas Manitoba that had chainlink fence over the windows! ahahaha. Whats your best story?
  13. if this is the face you make when you catch a big one Its probably time to sell the rods and boat 😄
  14. living in a neighborhood with a high gun violence rate...I wouldnt care if they only shot each other. live by the gun die by the gun so to speak. The problem is that they shot up the front door of my building. Then another time they had a big shootout across the street and hit a poor lady in the head in front of her 4 children 😔
  15. beautiful place johnny. I wish I could buy it and live in it permanently
  16. synthetic drugs crystal meth and fentanyl have basically put that group of society at the edge. The epidemic spread through the midwest of the United States in the early 2000's. Its just made its way to Canada. Theres really no end in sight to it unless we either enforce harsher drug trafficking laws or they all kill themselves off. I lived in the downtown east side of vancouver where they had close to 1,000 people die from fentanyl overdose in 2019. Theres only 20,000 users total in the area. If 1,000 die per year it seemingly cleans itself up. Crazy enough the death rate has actually finally started to decline in BC because the users have basically overdosed themselves off. Long gone are the days of the "local drunk" in small towns. Now you have guys that havent slept in a week with super human strength running around stealing and doing anything to ensure their next fix. Its scary as hell. The beauty of all of this is that Toronto's gun crime problems are also directly related to it. The guys selling all of this crap are the ones shooting each other on our streets.
  17. lol if it takes them 8 years to send the first bill, id wait it out for the second "notice" lol Also how did they calculate the bill? I never told anyone what I paid for the boat, the province asked how much the trailer was worth and I paid up. The boat? not so sure.
  18. Not the case...they cant legally require you to do that. Itd be like saying your warranty is voided if you use a saw and you are a tradesman carpenter. The reason I know? I have had far far too much warranty work done on the very truck that I do my own changes on since new. I do know that they have the ability to see that the oil changes were done in timely fashion without going over the appropriate intervals.
  19. i remember when i bought my truck, the guy was trying to sell me on their "oil change package" because they were going to give me a discount? The dealership literally charges $320 to do an oil change on an eco diesel...and trust me ive done the oil changes on every single vehicle ive ever owned. There is absolutely 0 difference between a diesel oil change and a regular oil change aside from the fact that the oil filter is in a housing which screws off just like regular car oil filter and its an element style filter instead of one with steel housing. I just bought 19 litres of rotella T6 for $130 at canadian tire. The truck takes 10 Litres. and a filter for $30 (still insane)...so please explain Mr. Stealership where the other $210 comes from...because "diesel oil changes are complicated" Im still waiting on the class action suit to go through like it did in the states for their emissions cheating scandal. I dont want to wish the canadian employees of Dodge out of their jobs (I dont even think they do any canadian manufacturing here anymore anyways?) but seriously, i wouldnt mind if this law suit buried them, they friggin deserve it.
  20. well we put the method Irish suggested to test and it worked until mother nature screwed us over. Really frustrating. I spent 7.5 hours first snowblowing, then shovelling then flooding and scraping and flooding and scraping again. The problem? 60kmh winds that kept drifting fine snow onto my flood creating crunchy slush which ruined my rink. I was annoyed but happy to at least learn something. I kept it simple. Once the rink was scraped off well. i drilled holes in the corners and proceeded to "pump" the auger flooding the rink. I then had my buddys push the water using shovels out away as far as you possible could. This simply caused all of the ice to get wet, but not really have standing water. any deeper ruts were typically difficult to scrape clean and the snow that collected in them got saturated and basically filled themselves in. The system was working beautifully until the wind had other ideas. We did have one maybe 10x10 section of ice that the snow wasnt blowing on and it was beautiful. we scraped some of the slush off too and still tried to skate for about a half hour out in the wind storm. If you stood still the wind would push you across the entire rink! A lesson for me though that now I know how to build a rink whenever I want even if the ice isnt perfect. As long as the wind is down and the air is cold!
  21. gas prices were a lot cheaper back in the day 🙄
  22. Mr Frostbite googan baits was handling the merchandising. His personality take it or leave it but kudos to the kid for turning this stuff into a real business. Kind of the polar opposite of Aaron who wants nothing to do with anything anymore except fishing and his wife. I think the fame has got to him a bit and hes not a big fan of it but hes keeping it up simply to make ends meet. Was cheering for Paul and Taro and I thought they really stood a chance but Manitoba just had one better period when team tacklebox blanked and that was the difference. Was good to see Paul and Taro a bit more engaged this time around, Taro explained to me that the first time they were literally just doing it as a favour to Aaron, but this time it seems like the sponsors made it worth their while to spend 4 straight days doing this. Looking forward to my trip with Taro in July to talk about it more in depth. Im sure season 3 will get done, but im slightly wary of it becoming overblown and sold out like a normal fishing show. The Konrads? What i love about them is they break the fishing down to simple trusted techniques. Dont over complicate it and just read water incredibly. Theres a reason they catch world record caliber fish across multiple species. I would definitely say that this was the best collection of multispecies anglers ever gathered for one "tournament"
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