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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. forgive me but the options are New york Yawn Chicago...wow they won the cup again? yawn Tampa...florida based hockey...yawn and southern california based ducks hockey....quadruple yawn nobody cares Gary strikes again. We the suckers who will come back thirsty for hockey come september while the people in florida and california dont take notice until May.
  2. lmao this exact thing happened to me on sunday....Their faces lit up when they told me to turn the flashlight on...holy crap my heart stopped ahhaha
  3. bought a buff to use while fishing flats in mexico, thought id never use it again in Ontario until i realized that its the best insect repellent you can buy lol. Blackflies are insanity right now in Pointe Au Baril, been pulling the buff up over my ears and face...a quick spray of muskol on the forehead where my hats not covering and I am invincible.
  4. As mentioned earlier the bear began eating his leg, he then gave it a hard enough time that it moved away for a bit, it then came back and started eating it again and then finally he was able to convince the bear that eating his leg while getting its eyes gouged wasnt worth it. My understanding is that he was able to call for help and be rescued. He saved his leg, but im pretty sure its still pretty severely damaged. My cousin made a point to take his boy to see him in the hospital and be aware of just how seriously hurt his "uncle/godfather" really was. He wanted to insure that his son had a respect for the wilderness and what can happen. My cousin lives off the grid outside of Hinton Alberta. I went out and visited him last year and Grizzlies are no joke, you should see what they can do to a tree when sharpening their claws.
  5. i miss tarpon fishing so much already. Those bloody fish are insane
  6. meh, id pass on that view and fishing, looks like a bad time. what did you use to take those photos, the colour is insanity
  7. black bears are usually totally ok, however brown bears....you are quiet simply food to them. My cousins best friend was mauled by a brown in Alberta, the thing clamped onto his head and then started eating his leg. it then left for a bit and left buddy dying, he then came back and started eating his leg some more, the guy finally convinced the bear that he wasnt worth the tasty meal after gouging its eyes enough. He then was rescued and survived but was in intensive care for months. They are no friggin joke.
  8. To quote floyd money money money money......moneyyyy Lostanotherone you have the exact same point my brother made, theres no such thing as drafting low if you are a crap team that will now make the playoffs simply because your coach is that good. The rebuild is a strange concept now, however if you are doing it the right way with young guys then no complaints here. There is nothing wrong with taking a very young inexperienced team and building it up. I along with many of my friends have been discussing this for years, what the heck are the leafs doing, yes there is a salary cap, but there is no cap on how much you can spend on coaches, staff, scouts management all should be top notch. Anyone else here about guy boucher as an assistant???? July 1st cant come soon enough, dump kessel, trade phaneuf for Edmonton's 16th...ba bam Shanny is god.
  9. if you dont want to drill holes, a couple of small boxes for the speakers and install them that way.
  10. simple solution, take your photo and dont post it to facebook. I think 100% of us would take a photo of a 50+ musky that we catch while pike fishing in the spring. Dont post it to facebook, show your friends in person, no harm no foul.
  11. isnt this what pushes us to fish again, i find that my addiction gets worse when ive been skunked. I have been having a slow spring this far, with terrible luck visibly seeing fish take swipes at my lures and missing, its frusterating, but then i consider the fact that if i landed half of the fish that I have been missing the day would be considered epic. Thats how it is though, the more time you pay to the fish gods, the bigger the reward. I had a weekend last fall i spent 18 hours on the water without even a nibble, it paid off with a personal best walleye and ive been fishing walleye my whole life.
  12. cleaned up, if only i could get on some decent sized gators, been struggling for size so far this year!
  13. jesus that is literally the biggest crappie ever ahaha wow
  14. i think im kinda done with hockey for the season. I could give two less turds about any of these teams. I like jono toews a lot but watching chicago or LA win the cup every year blows. Dont even get me started about the east...yawwwnnnnnn Like stammer but to hell with the cup ending up in Florida Bettman wins again.
  15. unreal, havent seen a burbot that big in a while. My cabin in bakers narrows in Manitoba on little athapapskow was situated where the world record was caught in 94...it has since been beaten but it was cool knowing that the all tackle world record was caught within eyesight of my dock.
  16. Go Caps! either team will be crushed by the ducks or chicago lol
  17. same with GB...i always say big water big fish..but the work is much harder.
  18. i can tell you right now, there is no law pertaining to this. If it is, it is not enforced at all because I pass cop cars stuck in traffic on the right weekly. I cycle every day to work in downtown toronto and if I along with every other cyclist in Toronto were to wait in traffic lines, we would never get anywhere. When you are in the city literally every single cyclist has to do this out of necessity due to gridlock. The best bet is to just use roads with bike lanes, however its not always 100% an option. I do have to laugh at the cyclist related sentiment, I as a driver and cyclist would like to point out the general stupidity of the majority of drivers far exceeds that of cyclists on average. I personally know along with most other cyclists that we have wayyyy more at stake in a collision with a motor vehicle. For a car driver a collision with a cyclist is a nuisance, for me its a matter of life or death. I cannot tell you the amount of times ive nearly been hit by drivers making completely idiotic maneuvers such as turning right at an intersection from the left lane on a two lane road, or more commonly, clearly seeing me riding down a road, however feeling that because I am a cyclist it is the right of the motor vehicle operator to pull out from a side street directly infront of me even though you make eye contact with me and acknowledged that I am visible. Hate all you want, but if you expect me to contribute to the environment by sitting in gridlock for an hour a day, vs passing some stopped cars on the right come at me bro lol
  19. try air BNB in the area you can usually get 1 day rentals. https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/5837496?checkin=15-07-2015&checkout=20-07-2015&guests=4&s=nkjy
  20. can anyone confirm how the chain sinnet is attached to the ring? Im guessing you simply wrap the first look around the ring?
  21. jeez, a dozen fish over 15 lbs sounds like a really fun day.
  22. jigging walleye, ive got a 10 inch length of of 20lb fluro tied to the jig, i then tie that to the fluro using 20lb xxxsmall raven micro swivel...this presentation was a game changer for me over everyone else in the boat last fall, coulda been luck, but it seems to be working for me a lot better than not running a leader like in previous years. Coulda went lighter on the fluro but i fish a river with a lot of snags everywhere, I need to still be able to get the jig out from the rocks when dead sticking, plus I never get bit off.
  23. jesus, those perch are bigger than the bass i catch ahhaa
  24. Ovi is the story, i think hes gonna do it this year. Im gonna be pissed if Chicago wins it yet again...yawwwwnnn
  25. catching a 40 incher tomorrow and i dont even care what you say!

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