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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. ive been wanting to river fish for years and the complete ish show still scares me off. Ive also said that I think fishing licenses should cost 500 dollars a year and be strictly enforced...but ill probably catch even more flack for that one!
  2. interesting pattern you picked up on there. Ive read a few articles talking about male smallies making a one week trip back to the spawning beds in the fall...perhaps this is the result! its all a matter of timing i guess! nice job
  3. Are the Kast gloves similar to say "mechanix" gloves that you get at canadian tire...ive heard some reviews that say they are somewhat similar to that...I am mostly concerned with using a spinning reel with the gloves on...is the line pinch to cast still possible with the gloves on.
  4. nice job, that water looks cold!
  5. If every officer had this kinda of day You would literally pay all of their salaries for a year in 2 weeks time at that rate...jesus
  6. Joey, i grew up in Northern Manitoba, and have a place in the Parry sound district, i know a thing or two about bears. I wouldnt be so jaded if I didnt consistently see poaching occuring everywhere be it on the lake or with year round deer hunting In this case you are going even further by encouraging normally honest people to make a judgement call, you can say bears are easily distinguishable, but the fact that a bear has cubs with it or not something you would find out until after you shoot in some cases. Trust me I am 100% pro hunting, but the thought of killing a mother and leaving the cubs to starve is just a bit too far, especially when you are trying to put this under the pretense that its to reduce the problem bear population. im guessing the majority of bear hunting isnt occuring within a 5 km radius of town.. Maybe only hunt males in the spring? Much like the deer hunt used to be prior to the doe tag initiative.
  7. still not sure why this cant be done on every major tributary in southern Ontario...the fines would easily pay for the officer's time.
  8. please let me know how they are...if someone finally gives a waterproof glove a good review i will go out and buy them immediately.
  9. what this means is that a bunch of idiots will probably go out and shoot a bunch of female bears with cubs and then run away leaving the dead bear and its cubs to starve...cant say i agree with this one at all. How in the hell is a CO ever going to enforce the fine for shooting a bear with a cub when the guy that shoots it will most likely just run away. I think this is ridiculous. Trying to alter the bear-person interaction through unnatural means is ridiculous in the first place. Stop putting your hand in everything and let nature sort it out. Humans are the problem here, not the bears.
  10. rain suits with the zip in jacket liner option are the bomb...i use my FXR floatex liner inside my cabellas jacket, it fits almost perfectly and turns my rain jacket into a winter jacket.
  11. this is awesome, i thought i was the only crazy guy trying to talk to animals while fishing. I talk to loons all the time while out in the boat. They make good company some evenings.
  12. guys, dont overfill your oil, it puts a pile of pressure on your seals...you are better off running a little below the max line than over. When you overfill your oil, you get oil blowing through the seals and into combustion...which is not good on all accounts. You can actually severely damage your car doing this.
  13. http://www.thestar.com/sports/bluejays/2015/10/29/blue-jays-ownership-responsible-for-this-ridiculous-ending-arthur.html good article
  14. Not to hijack this thread, but i may as well ask a couple of questions too then? is it actually that hard to catch 5+ bass in florida? the boys and I have considered haulin the tinner down there to do some camping/bassing yes ive fished salt, and I am obviously aware that it is literally insane...hook into a baby tarpon and youve got 12 lbs of high flying pure fury on your line. My concern is with boat access etc. Obviously if you are going to pay a guide, then yes go salt 100% but if you are hauling a tinner down for the spawn, then what?
  15. i started a thread about this last year...seems no one has actually made an purchases...ive heard of the skeena gloves as well, but the price is hefty...lately ive been using some thin underarmour running gloves with heat packs on the palms...works fairly well, but itd be nice to not have to get your hands soaked every time you catch a fish. The search for me continues as the weather continues to get colder... I dont know about you Landry, but once my hands get cold they actually begin to go completely useless, to the point that my fingers literally stop working. Poor circulation is a curse, and im generally a pretty healthy guy...i looked up some information about it and unfortunately its mainly just genetics.
  16. god, Tiger is official bucket list update for me...i need a 40 and to make a mount...i swear they are the most badass looking fish in the world.
  17. This whole city is doomed, the AA removal, the friggin lewekie replacement...good god. Ive lost all faith again.
  18. watching this video is making me sad im not back out there this weekend...after the best weekend of fishing in my life last weekend, watching this video might tide me by a bit.
  19. im interested to see the rainfall totals, its been relentless in toronto
  20. strange pattern here, but this might change in the fall? I fished last weekend before the saturday storm...friday was clear and the fishing was garbage...after the storm was ok...and obviously during the storm was straight fire... but it seems like in the fall the calm before the storm is no good, while in the summer it is?
  21. lol to people thinking babcock is shook...he took the job knowing this exactly what was going to happen...why do you think they sent all of their best players down to the AHL...everything is going perfectly according to plan.
  22. i think they are spot on if not under estimating this storm thus far. I havent seen driving rain like this in toronto in a while. We get this kind of rain when it comes off the bay up in Parry Sound, but in toronto we dont see extended hard rain like this very often.
  23. i sure hope you saved the cheeks, thats the best part!
  24. the tinner is really really stable when gear is in it...ive had one close call running it close to empty by myself into a wind storm. I pulled a big catwalk and nearly flipped it over backwards in late november...that one was scary. But as far as taking on waves when its full of gear, ive never had much of an issue, she is generally very very stable as far as tinners go. Its just when you get too comfortable and both dont think to not reach over teh side of the boat at the same time in those waves that you run into trouble. Lesson learned for sure!
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