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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. after watching Aaron wiebe on Uncut Angling, I would argue that there are few people who can work a sonar like he does. Well aside from pros that is. I wish i could read side imaging as well as he does. For the most part the tech in my boat is primitive, so the sonar is used to find structure, depths and temperatures. For the most part the spots we fish we are watching the depth and contours to see what the structure looks like. Basically any time we fish, we first check the charts for variation, im a very very firm believer that fish hold to structure with options. I.e. Shallow with deep water near by and places to hide with something to eat close by. I will say that it is rare for us to mark bass on the unit...however when i really think about it 2 of my most impressive moments fishing were literally both due to my ability to notice something on the graph. The first one was fishing in november for smallies. We came across a spot that had produced before but I think for whatever reason we never took note of the structure there...sure enough on the edge of a deeper basin we saw a distinctive hump that came up sharply from 30 feet to 20 and had one of the biggest bait clouds I had ever seen fishing shallowish structure. We tossed swimbaits out over the hump, let them sink down to bottom and then proceeded to swim our swimbaits up over the hump...what happened was a 20lb bag in my next 5 casts. Second time was this fall we drove towards a reef with 30FOW of water around it and sure enough 10 seconds into our troll around the reef to look at the structure we marked an arch so big that it had two fish icons on it. Stalled the boat and dropped the drop shot right down to bottom...within seconds tap...tension...hook set and i caught my PB pickerel coming in at 9lbs. I can honestly say that without the graph on both of those occasions we may have not caught the fish at all without electronics. All said fishies got lip piercings and went back to get even bigger. When fishing open water trolling with downriggers...if you dont have your graph you are basically aiming blind and praying...we find the thermocline and put the balls to it. checking the depth of the balls using the sonar to ensure that we have the thermocline encased both up and down with lures. If you start marking fish, we are trying to hit them with the ball.
  2. we will be towing a tinner upside down in a box trailer, so no worries there!
  3. It actually is effectively doing its job rick. youve got 12 teams in the east right now that are within striking distance of a playoff spot and youve got 11 in the west...what that means is that youve got an extra 7 teams right now that are still generating good revenue because the games still matter.
  4. only for it to come back 4 months later lol
  5. We are officially booked for the weekend of April 22. This is gonna be a gongshow!
  6. you know me and the boys bill...we caught over 20 crappies and kept two medium sized ones cause they were hooked deep and bleeding. Those were the first two fish we kept out of the 40+ weve caught over the past few weeks.
  7. The PA is the one thats not allowing this. It has nothing to do with the NHL not wanting it. They tried and the PA shot it down.
  8. not just a leaf fan saying this...but the shootout has had its time, it feels like a friggin coin toss to decide games. Its especially anti climatic now after the 3 on 3...you play an absolutely epic game of tight hockey, then you go to 3-3 and its absolutely wild, but then you just do a shootout and it seems like such a cheap way to end it. Consider this...if the leafs literally were .500 in the shootout they would be 3rd in the division...instead they are out of the playoffs. Calgary did the leafs a big favour yesterday.
  9. thanks for the info muddler...after this past weekend its just going to be a matter of following them...we hammered 10" + slabs all day on saturday, finally made up for the bogus ice season that we had this year. Hit a PB as well, its promising to see the average size is good, cause we know that theres gonna be a monster in the group, its only a matter of time before we find her.
  10. does ice season ever truly end for you guys? the good old days in manitoba when we drove the van out on the ice on my birthday mid april. We actually are now running the best ice we have had all year in PAB. The snow melted and the white ice got soft and saturated, then the cold snap froze it all way harder than it ever was, and then subsequently over the past 4 days of really good cold (we got to minus -25 3 consecutive nights) we now have an additional 6 inches of black ice under the original ice layer. You could drive a truck on the ice in PAB.
  11. ughhh sounds like the fish finally turned on...weve been hammering away for weeks straight on Georgian Bay right up till last saturday and things were sorta firing but nowhere near what you are describing...sure enough our season closes March 1st, and sure as poop, our ice just literally got the best it has been all season due to the lack of insulation. This weekend would have cracked up to be the perfect weekend to finally get on the eyes like last year where we pulled 8 25 inch fish from the depths in a quick afternoon. I guess our only hope now is that the crappies feel the same way that the eyes do and hit us hard, gotta make due with what the regs allow. I cant believe that there is a 3 week difference between PAB and nippising but it is what it is. tight lines out there,
  12. I dont think folks in southern Ontario truly understand the plight of the north. Specifically as it pertains to the rezs. The rez's and crap in southern Ontario are highly civilized places with lots of money, infrastructure and services near by. Im from Flin Flon, when you take the bus from Winnipeg you go to the land where the Rez's dont have names, they are simply numbers placed in the forest somewhere amongst the muskeg. The closest grocery store is a 5 hour drive. They are so far removed there isnt even a car to steal to try make a living. That my friends is the real deal. Also if folks from the GTA think the gang violence and crap is bad in Toronto? Go to Winnipeg...those guys would make any of the gangsta's in Toronto quiver in fear.
  13. sweet, the russian babes are back for me to date. Where do i put my credit card info?

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    2. Acountdeleted


      SFU innovates...... I don't know what that is.

    3. irishfield


      Just remember.. pop ups are based on cookie tracking. I'm looking at car parts from Year One all the time. What sites have you been frequenting?? LOL




      you tell me! im on my work computer any time i access this site lol!!!

  14. the OPP officer i was speaking with indicated that the chop shops were actively operating on 6 nations. They have multiple locations and where the cars are at any time is anyones guess. There is nothing illegal about having a garage in an empty building. the cars move in and then are gone and the activities switch to another location. There is indeed 0 doubt though that these robberies are related to larger crime syndicates. the ones doing the stealing are simply employees.
  15. Ive seen a 1lb largie hit a twin 8 musky bait...so I definitely get what you are saying when there are 10lbers lurking below. Big baits, big fish.
  16. I wasnt going to touch this issue, but Scuro's comment I feel needs a straight forward response before this gets off the rails. Scuro having spoken directly with an OPP officer who patrols brant county, the issue is directly related to bullet number 3. These are professionals operating "chop shops" on reserve land. No one has insinuated race in this thread. In fact I can almost guarantee that there are white folks that are the beneficiaries of this organized crime. The low level employees of this chop shop on reserve land are most likely indigenous due to their location, however it is very very obvious that the parts from these vehicles are being shipped off reserve, how many sets of wheels and car parts could residents of the reserve need? Go up 3 levels of hierarchy in the organized crime ring and race becomes a non factor here. The only complaints I have seen so far are with the thieves being thieves and with organized crime. If you are a proponent of organized crime and thievery then I would hope that you express your advocacy in front of everyone in this thread.
  17. i hate that they took the wheels off and a few other pieces and just left it...what a waste. I am at least glad that the cops are going into the res and doing work. My understanding was that they didnt even bother.
  18. if you get the opportunity to fish saltwater, do it! you havent fought a fish until youve hooked into a saltwater fish...the only comparable for sheer power is a musky. I have never in my life seen a freshwater fish jump 8 feet into the air though...
  19. so good TSN had to do it, the ratings on sportcentre are crashing and now its going to get an absolutely massive boost.
  20. mark those huts on your GPS, they are gonna be hot holes when its time for open water season....timber and man made structure boo ya!
  21. my bet is he gets extended. this is a gamble that one of your 8? (cant remember the number) draft picks, specifically a second rounder will not have as much impact on your NHL roster as Bryan Boyle will. He wore the A in tampa and is a locker room guy that plays defensively minded hockey. You have to look beyond the impact that he makes on the ice and look at what his impact is off the ice. There is also talk about the fact that the leafs would absolutely love to get into the playoffs this year just to throw the kids into the flame and let them get a feel for it early. That way in 3 years when its time to make a run they will be seasoned already. Boyle is kinda like adding a bit of hot sauce to the marinade.
  22. Hey Garnet, when you reference red's im guessing you are referring to baits that mimic the red shiner? I sometimes feel that way myself, that presenting the same bait that absolutely everyone else is fishing on the lake is not the best option. I do know that some small lakes or at certain times of the year the fish become accustomed to one bait and will eat only that...ive seen that with smallies and gobies in the fall, schools of massive bass had moved into 2 FOW and were cruising in packs over the rocks scooping up every gobie in sight. But in this case the timing would have the bass on the beds shallow and very very aggressive. the good thing is that bass are pretty stupid, its not like you are fishing Permit or Browns in a gin clear river in the mountains of new zealand.
  23. lol and what exactly have the sens done since inception? lmao love the extension on burrows too
  24. you are telling me Bill...it only took me 13 years to find them lol! Once they decide to make a move it might be until next february before I find them again lol
  25. figured it'd be steep, tinner magic it is! 200 bucks in gas far exceed the extra gas id burn towing a boat vs just driving the ram.
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