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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. it doesnt matter who it is...its about knowledge my buddies threw all of their ciggs in the lake too until i ripped them apart for it...they are somewhat better but nowhere near perfect. they also threw the plastic from their ciggarette packs out the window while driving too. These are the same guys that literally dont recycle at all...everything goes straight into the trash. Fully white, 3rd generation canadians. its literally ignorance...surprise surprise. I really hope not one single friggin one of the people in this thread complaining about the "crowd" that is littering are smokers that throw their butts on the ground or in the lake because guess what you are just as much of a slob as these guys and your ignorance is the only thing giving you a false sense of superiority.
  2. only if i can rock the pink fur coat like killa cam manitou i think ive told you i collect vinyl...its not a massive collection, but its got the classics and a few rare gems my favourite of the collection is this single on vinyl
  3. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=84853&hl=%22fines%22+%22mnr%22 "Cong Luu of Toronto, pleaded guilty to fishing in a fish sanctuary and without a licence and was fined a total of $750." Xianlin Yu and Qi Wen He of Markham also pleaded guilty to fishing in a fish sanctuary and each fined $750. Se King Wu of Markham pleaded guilty to fishing without a licence and was fined $500.
  4. with that kinda cake you could hire me as your personal DJ
  5. just make sure when you win you have space for me to become your 14th or 50th child...whatever one you are on now.
  6. lets all remember, that colorado went 6-0 in pre season last year lol
  7. im shocked you were getting em on the chug...was fishing stoney last weekend and couldnt get a sniff on the top water. Nice to see the south end of the lake producing...but smallies? even more confusing lol well done!
  8. still need to learn how to slay summer eyes nice shootin
  9. here is one thing I have learned...spend your money on a rod and dont worry so much about the reel. I have been fly fishing for a couple of years and I still havent fought a fish on the reel yet. I am sure I will hook into something huge eventually, but almost all fish can be fought stripping line. As with any type of fishing, you dont want to cheap out too much if you are taking it somewhat seriously. Ive used really low end stuff and it will make you feel like you are a terrible caster...ive also used really really high end stuff and its much the same until you know what you are doing. Its taken me about two years to start really get my casting together and even then its a lifetime of work. for reference I fly fish off of my dock at my cottage probably 30 weeks a year. so its a lot of practice. its important to start out with a rod thats somewhat half decent though IMO, the rods will be forgiving but will still allow you to learn to properly cast...the transition over to higher end stuff will be easy. Unfortunately for you, if you want to fish smallies and trout you are pretty much in two different weight categories. A 5wt is definitely light for a 4lb smallie...but an 8 is overkill for trout. I personally have two rods a 5 and an 8 and it pretty much covers me through the whole spectrum...you can handle a big salmon on an 8 and you can fish small trout on a 5 and have a great time. my 8wt was the first fly rod i bought its a temple fork outfitters lefty kreh signature series...a very very affordable rod with great performance. It actually somewhat measures up to my winston...and thats saying something when you compare the price. Finally, dont cheap out on your fly line...ive got some really crap fly line on my 5 wt right now because I was in a pinch and it sucks, theres a crazy noticeable difference between high end line and the canadian tire junk. Good luck!
  10. The way my family has always cooked fish definitely shows the difference a lot more. Pike is definitely stronger tasting than walleye. Bass the meat is slightly different. Im not much of a fish eater so when i do i try to simply hit the fish with some hires and throw it on the fire as is. If im doing this its gotta be walleye.
  11. once again matt is correct! can you believe it!?? Mathews is a better hockey player than Ovi you are on a roll today bud!
  12. you wanna know what our weather is gonna be in a couple weeks...just look west my friends...thats how it always goes...right now its 5 degrees in edmonton....snow tonight 3 cm
  13. lol this is the only place ive found deals like that...the game is different around these parts.
  14. Finally Matt says something that makes 100% sense...maybe hes not brainless afterall?? he will exceed last years numbers.
  15. hockey never ends in my househould either just claimed the summer title 2 weeks ago! when i see mathews snipe like that i just feel so good about everything.
  16. why in the heck is there such a double standard when it comes to these guys vs others?? is it because they are white canadians that should know better? these fines are slightly closer to what should be charged against these A holes...but the last story I heard the white bucket brigade was out in the kawarthas fishing without licenses in a fish sanctuary keeping out of season fish and they got like a $500 fine...what a joke.
  17. i havent laughed out loud at a forum post in a while...but this one got me
  18. once again...where are you finding them even used these days for $140 CAD
  19. umm guys? he said 200 canadian...can someone please point me out to the $200 tax in stradics? cause I wanna buy them lol Now...yes i agree stradics are also my favourite spinning reel the drag systems on them is the best ive ever felt, thats why i own multiple of them but they are not $200. for something sub 200...im a fan of the abu revo
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