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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. been following these on the gram...i want ice so bad,...
  2. seems like people have finally figured out how to get around the trap..a Bull system and a mediocre goalie. Its not like their "talent" can dig them outta this one. I still love that Matt said "aquiring duchene means we are now a contender" ahahhaa adding a 20 goal scorer for 6 million per is always a great move lmao you know the leafs have an exact comparable, his names tyler bozak...he makes 2 million less per season and isnt a dink.
  3. absolute friggin tank specs ridiculous man...and look at that lake, looks like a friggin painting.
  4. that top shot is incredible
  5. Heres the vid of the kid getting player of the game https://streamable.com/wbhkr awesome
  6. Jesus Ovi's still got it...Matthew's shot is up there with one of the best of all time...but Ovi's shot, is...the best shot of all time.
  7. what in the heck!? Helix 10 for 599? jeezus, although i believe it, i saw some stuff out of the states along that regard. The 9+ models of the Helix are an oddity if they dont have DI or SI...its too high end of a unit so anyone buying them wants si and di. 112lb terrova at 50% off is outrageous.
  8. those skis are some friggin pigs also are those sturgeon in Ontario? no need for specifics, just curious where the heck in Canada you were. Bunk what was your best accidental catch this year? You could appreciate this but for us it was a 35 inch Gar on a weedless whacky rig in the pads hunting largies lol
  9. holy crepe thats cheap. I got my little buddy last year Sail had them on for $80, and Canadian Tire offers 10% canadian tire money on price matches so i did ok!
  10. nice Bill, ive heard some rumours about a ton of the loomis rods being liquidated now that the conquest rods are hitting the market. 70% off is solid!!!
  11. severe rumor mill...aka will never happen but.... Weber to Toronto? I like the idea but it better not cost 1 of the 3 young guns...
  12. last time i was out it was during a torrential downpour on christmas eve...needless to say we were catching and so were the other 3 guys on the pier.
  13. calling back that goal was ridiculous. If it was goalie interference then it needed to be a penalty, not a call back on a shot that occured 5 seconds after the interference. Thats a botched call. The goalie was even able to slide back across the net, set himself in the butterfly and then was able to attempt to make a save without being touched. When he got beat no one was near him or touching him. Leafs didnt deserve a win, but calling back that goal was ridiculous.
  14. full tank and absolutely no ethanol...91 premium ethanol free with stabilizer
  15. city folks sometimes think im strange because I spend every available moment that I have at the lake...this thread proves exactly why. Why the hell would you not want to live exactly like this every single chance you get. Gotta love Parry Sound district theres no place better. Thanks for the report
  16. im sure someones out there with a quad trying to catch perch lolll finished up my soft water season this past weekend...or at least i think so...unless it gets warm and we just dont get ice for another month...then im lying.
  17. Lets all take a moment this fine day to admire and remember the incredible work that Piere Dorion did in the Matt Duchene Trade Never mind the first and third round picks, goalies and prospects that Ottawa gave up. Matt Duchene Stat Line GP 5 Goals 0 Assists 0 +/- -6 Kyle Turris GP 4 Goals 1 Assists 3 +/- +2 Also, how about them Habs? Does anyone in the entire front office survive this Monday? I have a feeling someone is getting fired today.
  18. impressive! I saw this thread last week but was out on a course and didnt get to reply. Seems you didnt need any help from me anyways!
  19. Switch your Theme Iron, its at the bottom of your screen in the middle you can click on theme and select "Default"
  20. right on how big do they get on rainy?
  21. just saw a 13 come outta the bay this week.
  22. love the photos where the fish is half the size of the kid. Awesome report. Thanks,
  23. shes a little too dark for my liking...if we could lighten the tones its gonna look great. Also whats with the centered type?
  24. dont you have enough child labour to move an entire continent at this point?
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