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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. gotta love the olden days when a fight was still a fight...if that happened today there would have been multiple shooting victims. I could only imagine being locked up in the Don jail with a bunch of bikers at 16 years old...holy cow how you survived that alone is a feat!
  2. Ottawa plays a game on a very very thin line. They basically have no top 3 forwards so they rely on a couple second liners and a pile of 4th liners to play a really really tight system. They rely on winning 2-1 games. The minute that goes slightly awry and they make a few giveways..i.e. teams figure out their system a little bit they fold like a cheap deck of cards. Dont forget that last year they scraped into the playoffs by 4 points were the only team with a negative goal differential that clinched a playoff birth in the league. meaning literally a couple of goals go the other way via luck and teams simply reading your system a bit better after playing a season and a half against you....this is the result. The margin is so narrow in the NHL these days the difference between 5th and 28th is about 10 wins...in an 82 game season? thats nothing.
  3. huh? i never said that? thanks for the heads up. Are they actually open until 9pm like google says? I know that these kinds of shops always have far more limited hours than bass pro etc. thats what you get when you actually have knowledgeable staff.
  4. hed cost on of the big three for sure...and obviously matthews is not in that equation. I could even see it being marner or nylander + kapanen or someone. Then youd also have to sign him to 10+ million...not worth it IMO. I think theres other very very good D men (Vlasic, fowler) that would come much much cheaper and are nearly just as good at D
  5. i just remembered that i crushed the end of my St Croix premier musky rod as well. Are these guys know for carrying musky gear as well? I think im going to compare the price of having someone do it for me vs trying it myself...although maybe If i want to learn I should try on a rod that doesnt cost hundreds of dollars to replace lol.
  6. Totally open to recos to get them fixed...preferably in the GTA...and isnt it too small of a job for a rod builder??
  7. this story just shows how messed up people get in their heads when they do something absolutely nuts. Like why bother going through the trouble of wrapping someone up and throwing them off of a bridge into a river when its painfully obvious that someone is going to find the victim within a couple of days. Not to mention believe that you will get away with it and get the insurance money!
  8. Hi Guys, I am absolutely clueless when it comes to rod repair but I have a question for my fellow rod builders and repairers alike. Ive got a problem with 2 pretty high end rods 1. is totally missing the ceramic from the top eyelet...yes ive fished without it for the year but its driving me a bit nuts because i fish braid. What would be the best way to repair this? Do i cut the top eyelet off somehow without wrecking the blank and glue a new one on? If so is it even possible to buy one fuji/or other high end eyelet for the tip of my rod? Or do i somehow find replacement cermic ring to epoxy into the eyelet? 2. Ive got a drop shot rod that I was fishing in the last cold snap with and sure enough after icing up the literal hell outta my rod fishing in -18 the cermic popped out of the eyelet. Ive still got the insert, and i was even able to poke it sorta back into the eyelet seat. But it pops back out periodically. Both Rods are Loomis, so i am not sure if they use a specific brand of ceramic? maybe even fuji? Once again I wouldnt give a crepe, but these are some pretty high end rods and im rattled that such a stupid thing is effecting their overall performance which is friggin awesome. Any help or guidance you guys can provide is greatly appreciated.
  9. if you cant find a spot for excellent players like Leivo and Kapanen to play, jagr definitely doesnt have a spot on the roster. Their depth at forward is unparalleled. They friggin have Marleau playing on the 4th line!!!
  10. Chris that is probably one of the scariest stories I have heard. Your comment about him "practicing" is friggin terrifying. My best friend was in thailand and got roofied as well. He thinks it was possibly intended for his girlfriend because she gave him her drink. His recollection basically has him getting the drink from his girlfriend and then waking up the next day on the beach, he was missing one shoe and his passport and wallet were stolen. We had a serial killer in Flin Flon growing up, dude was dating an underage girl that was my brothers classmate's sister. Lucky for this little girl she was at school when dude decided to take out her entire family. I think only one of the victims survived. Anyways the family did not approve of the relationship and dude's solution was to get rid of them all and kidnap his girlfriend. He then subsequently had the police on a manhunt for a couple of weeks and the scariest part was that being in Flin Flon, the police locked down the two highways in and out of town almost immediately. Meaning if you took the highway out of town you went through a police stop check where they searched your vehicle. Everyone pretty much knew that this guy that had just shot a whole bunch of people was in the vicinity of town, but no one knew where. There were constant thermo helicopter patrols circling town, Flin Flon is 200k from the nearest town so there was no chance in hell that dude was going to be able to run on foot. Finally a couple of weeks after the murders a worker out at a site heard noises coming from a cement truck on the outskirts of town. He immediately contacted the police and sure enough there was dude with his "girlfriend" hiding in the back of cement truck.
  11. Im curious, where would you improve in order to try make a run...obviously defense, so lets say they get a number 1 guy and maybe another top 4 D man. Do you not see them as contenders then?
  12. yes absolutely, i expected them to be close to contending but not quite there yet. A few fixes on D and i can honestly say they are ready to win. They without a doubt now have the offense and goaltending of a championship caliber team. Bring in some defensive help and get the kids playing in their zone a bit better (they are 20 years old at the moment and still learning) and the shot numbers decrease and youve got a team that is right there with the best of them. Especially this seaon, we have seen a pile of regression from the typical leaders and thats exactly what is supposed to happen in a cap system. Washington is decimated because of the cap, P burgh has won twice in a row and has also lost a lot of key guys plus i will say they lack a bit of the "drive" after winning twice. Challenge...name 6 teams better than the leafs right now? Tampa, St Louis, perhaps nashville....that about sums it up. Crazy when you really think about it!
  13. Thanks Art absolutely no intention of starting conflict, discussing politics or the like here. The thread on the other forum is now 6 pages in and there has not been a single negative comment or even disagreement yet. Perhaps one of the cleanest big threads I have ever seen. The stories that some of the guys have though holy smokes, shows you how people that you think you know, you dont really know at all! Sometimes i begin to wonder myself, just how close have I come into contact with a dangerous person, when you really think about it it almost guaranteed that youve crossed paths with one even if you dont know it!
  14. I dont know if i agree with the statement that the leafs are playing "above" their station. I think this just has everything to do with good goaltending and fantastic coaching. Theres a reason Scotty Bowman was in the cup finals like 100 times. As far as goaltending goes? Anderson is the real deal...and thats huge. Look at Montreal if you want to see how important good goaltending is.
  15. trying being a leafs and oilers fan lol At least Toronto finally has something to show for it. The oilers have been ugly since their cup run. I cant wait for Toronto to make a deep playoff run. its soooo overdue. Theres something to be said though for all of this. Something magical really, The jays looked like they could do it but fell short, the raptors have come close but cant quite seal the deal. Every canadian team has had their run now since 93 and failed...I said this like 10 years ago and its still coming close, Edmonton honestly had me nervous...but im still in the running...the next cup coming home is coming to Toronto.
  16. By no means did i mean to offend anyone. In fact this is the rare type of thread where everyone can agree on the subject matter...we all agree that crime is bad...and if you dont you probably are not posting here about it lol I posted the thread in the "General discussion" There are threads about hockey and trucks and whatever other stuff, I saw how interesting the other thread on the other forum was, I didnt mean any harm by it here. Its definitely Non Fishing, but its interesting. Iron that story about your sister would be terrifying, especially if buddy gets off on a technicality! Manitou, are you saying you were playing some B Ball with the dude and then he went home and did the crime? or were you playing with someone else and when you came home you found out something happened?
  17. A great thread has sparked up on another bass forum that I frequent. The thread asks about who you may have known that ended up being a hardcore felon or criminal. pretty intriguing and interesting stuff, especially because the majority of people claim that you would never suspect so and so of being a murderer or bank robber etc etc. Personally my uncle has been in and outta the slammer his whole life but his stuff is just from hanging with a tough crowd i.e. bikers etc. and suffering from alcohol addiction. My dad worked with a guy at the mine who ended up murdering another co-worker on the job because "voices told him to do it" My dad is still thankful that when it happened it wasnt his shift (he was the safety supervisor) He had already experienced on his first day as a young engineer at the plant what happens when the slag pot ends up getting poured on someone, he said it was something he would prefer to not experience again. Some of the stories though that guys are sharing, one guy's grandfather's moving company got hired by jeffery Dahmer to move...they found out later that he had unknowingly helped Dahmer move a number of bodies from one residence to the next! Another guy met a guy at a gas station on the interstate, hung out with him for a bit and it turned out that very same guy from the gas station was in the process of driving down to Florida with his dismembered wife in the trunk to dispose of her! CRAZY Anyone else have any wild stories? I feel like Iron has known some people lol.
  18. boy i hope buddy got a patent before going on the news. Otherwise bass pro is already going to have an order out to china to make 10,000 of them for 10 cents a piece and will subsequently sue the guy for stealing their idea to boot.
  19. they fly the herc every day keeping an eye on things for the entire fishing season?
  20. the canadian coast guard is there to ensure that all of the boats move safely out of port?
  21. lol Habs fans running around thinking theyve got the best team in the league now because price is playing again ahhaha amazing.
  22. now santa just needs to actually deliver some ice this year
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