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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. Terry what are you doing tomorrow Friday i'll be hitting Cooks Bay friday and saturday with a few OFC members on saturday.
  2. I'd be interested in a Quinte G2G as well
  3. I know what to pick up tomorrow thanks for the info
  4. I so want one now but where to keep it Hey Wayne have any room in your hanger
  5. Ice fishing o hope tomorrow
  6. Lucky you Terry i'm still waiting to find a good lake to hit. But at the same time looking to go out on the ice with other just in case. Better safe then sorry i say.
  7. Hey Terry when do you plan on hitting the ice on simco?
  8. Curt you getting the ich too? I know i am i need to drill a few holes and start fishing befor i go nutts
  9. Just picked one up today and i have to say i like it for $29.99 cant go wrong. Mr buddy Heater is great when fishing in a larger hut. I have a 2 man hut and it's to much so i went with a smaller unit this year. I hope i didn't make a wrong choice in units or back to the buddy i go.
  10. You might want to have a read all the info is on here Waterfalls Lodge
  11. Take a look at the chubby dater line up Chubby Darter
  12. Johnnyb he has a few left but they are moving fast i picked up one of each colour a few days ago. Get them befor they are gone. Last year he sold out with in 2 weeks of getting the new order.
  13. Congrats Rob your one young grandpa. She is a beautiful little angel
  14. you know hes still playing in the snow and thinking extra hard what to do lol
  15. Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking
  16. Thats the place Jim I might be there myself sunday
  17. Hey Jim have a read about the lake google it and you will see whats there. weekend fishing only
  18. Happy Birthday Dave. So when do i get my free sub
  19. Curt belwoods has no fish lol. well the last time we hit that lake we didn't get anything but you did get one hell of a strike. Lets hope the fish are back
  20. What year is the car make and modle? I myself ran into the same problem a few years ago. My alarm was always going off after i locked the car. Tured out that my swich the one that is mounted on the door itself had rust build up and had to be sanded down and hit with some WD40. Never gave me problems after that. You might want to look into that first. could be an eazy fix
  21. Valens is that in Hamilton?
  22. Wayne thats the memo from my work how did you get it?
  23. Thank god i work nites and i'm off till sunday nite. I guess i'll be sharpening some hooks and getting all my ice fishing gear ready.
  24. My fave has to be 15
  25. jwl i was freezing my and i was fishing with 2 young old guys lol
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