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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. The boat looks sweet Rizzo congrats on a nice buy.
  2. This was my lg on little lake yesterday doing some dock fishing it was a hard day with over 24 boats on the small lake. Still over all it was a fun outting.
  3. Lower Buckhorn has a nice boat launch next to Lock 31
  4. Nice Fish Kev i know that spot all to well fish it every time i'm there with some nice fish. My best spot has to be the flats they have tones of smllies.
  5. I'm with Anton on this one they knew what they got them selfs into.
  6. Yes very serious it happend 9 days ago up at the cottage. I know that boat has to be long gone by now. Cops told me to sit tight they will keep there eyes open for it but i stand a 30% chance of getting it back. Rizzo let us know how the new boat turns out. Take lots of pics i want to see how clean this thing is
  7. Curt the little guy is getting big now from the last time i saw him. Great pics my fave has to be your little guy playing with his food lol
  8. The last few times i've been out i've run into the same problem. Yes them topwater frogs work so good. That Pikes head was huge damn great pics and report better luck next time. 9am starts are a bit late if you ask me 5 and 6am starts work the best just my to cents
  9. I always send them a email and i always get a message back the next day. Best way or just give them a call. I myself am on the hunt for a new boat since i no longer have mine. Long story short people have sticky fingers.
  10. Rizzo is that boat your going to look at? 161 aluminum fishing boat, 40 hp 2001 merc motor, side console, minkota trolling motor, live well, aerator, dual batteries, solid floors, runs great, $9800. (905)331-0288, Burlington. Take a look at this one not bad a little bit under powerd but still a nice boat 2002 Mercury 60hp 2 stroke, purchased in 2006 little use, color fish finder,trolling motor,trailering cover, clarion Marine CD nice fishing pkg, includes matching trailer $7500 OBO. (705)523-2294,(705) 966-3165 Sudbury This one is not bad for the money
  11. I like that crestliner the paint job is sweet looking. the price is not bad as well
  12. is it the same boat that i keep seeing on Kijiji? if so the boat looks supper clean and i would say yes you got a good deal depending on what your spending on it. In the end your going to upgrade it and make it your own boat. What do you think your going to have to spend to get it the way you want it?
  13. cedar park and Lawrence park have boat launchs the fishing there is not to bad i was up there last week and will be there again this saturday. best time to fish is from 6 am to 9am after that you need to move around. Big Carp are in the lake as are eyes but they are harder to fish for since they have droped in numbers over the years. Pike are the number one fish for that lake and you will find more hits will come from the smaller pike since they hit just about anything that moves. Good luck this up coming sunday
  14. It sounds like you had a good time to bad the Mother-in-Law gave you a hard time. Can't wait to see the pics Curt
  15. The 16 footers should have a well as seen on the site but you would have to ask when you call.
  16. great report them sheepheads put up a nice fight.
  17. Looks like everyone had a good time great report
  18. all signed up
  19. count me and my buddy in for that weekend.
  20. Yes old age
  21. Welcome aboard Richard.
  22. Yes moon is uncharted and rocks are all over the place. I'd do as "Follow" said follow the bigger boats and keep the speed down. Good luck and happy fishing
  23. Long Lake road has a launch as well but i don't know how it is. Been a long time since i've been on that lake. Best bet is to call the cottage owners and ask them if they know how the boat launch is. Good luck exterminator happy fishing
  24. Sorry to hear that man i also have had the same problem but i let it be and left the boat right where it sat and nothing ever came of it just the one letter that i got in the mail. The way i see it you payed for your house you can keep what ever you want on it and around it. There will always be a few people that have nothing better to do with there time but complain. Hope you find a spot for the boat.
  25. If you have the original receipt then you should be good keep it with you when you fish along with the License. Hope that helps Ryan
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