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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. SOLD thank you for all the intrest
  2. So I've decided to change up one of my reels this year. In mint condition as it was only used 2 or 3 times in the past year. Price is $400 FIRM or trade for megabass X7 destroyer plus cash my end depending on the rod. Pick up is in mississauga or etobicoke
  3. Was great seeing you Bruce and Rob. As always a great turn out. It gets bigger every year. Will be at the north GTA swap in a few weeks
  4. http://m.thespec.com/news-story/2250679-city-s-car-theft-crown-tied-to-six-nations
  5. One of the most sweetest ladies I've ever met. Paul my condolences to you and your family
  6. All the best in the new year and my the fish gods bring everyone a great year on and off the water
  7. Mike you're just staying down the street from me if you want really good food with a bar atmosphere and restaurant atmosphere stop over at Gabriel's you won't regret it Bill the owner is a great guy and one of my customers.
  8. My wife had it for less then 3 months and had to change providers. Could be sitting right beside her and she could not receive my call or text. They have too many dead zones throughout the city.
  9. Safe Ice on every lake within 100k lol
  10. She sounds like one of those shoreline cottagers up North
  11. Now I'm so voting lol
  12. e-z-out


    Sam doesn't look like he's going to make it one more day.
  13. e-z-out


    Next week should be great 2 men remain. Who do you guys think will make the call next?
  14. Here you go https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10991265_10152661760311723_6707926056936689307_n.jpg?oh=af8a1f0d56c726ace6e4abebedc848c8&oe=55892D13&__gda__=1430837765_17e8bc65afd4c0a8887e6043273b9a19
  15. Max it was seeing you and meeting your gf. My son and I had a great time picked up some new shimano 500 reels for the kids ice rods. Saw lots of board members.
  16. With only 6 days away why has this not been pinned or talked about. No silent auction this year?
  17. Found this one B Please view this ad: Manual Auger - Ice Fishing 4", http://www.kijiji.ca/v-fishing-camping-outdoor/city-of-toronto/manual-auger-ice-fishing-4/1033314307 Price: $ 80.00
  18. Good to know booking that day off from work. Will have all 3 kids out with me this year I hope.
  19. from what I hear porcupine stew tastes pretty damn good
  20. Get yourself a live trap I'm sure a few members here would be willing to lend you one. Once placed place salt in the trap and in the morning you will have yourself a trapped porcupine.
  21. Brother B shoot me a pm when you figure out where you might be going.
  22. I'll be stopping in soon to see what they have. Just need more ice before me and the kids head out onto the ice.
  23. 230 Innisfil Street #1, Barrie, ON L4N 2N1, Canada +1 705-737-2248
  24. I second Lake Nipissing I've stayed over night and the fishing was great.
  25. 2 beers you party animal lol. Wish i could make it but have the company Christmas party that night. All that are going have a safe night and don't drink and drive. See you on the ice this season
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