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Everything posted by e-z-out

  1. Here you go forrest fish ontario
  2. http://www.fishontariostore.com/
  3. No problem Bill i'll be heading up today to do some xmas shopping for myself yes for myself since the wife wont buy me any of the goodies that i want so i have to spoil myself once again.
  4. Hope that helps Rob your brother should know where that shop is. you can't miss it very first servis exit after you pass wonderland
  5. Just a heads up for the guys looking for a deal on some gear fish Ontario is having a sale and worth the drive. From 'Fish OnTario - Hwy 400 Fishing Store' Message: Lures starting at $1,25 Lucky Strike $11.99 Cotton Cordel, Rebel - 3 pcs for $10.00 Salmo Lures 3 for $10.00 Ice Fishing Genz Worms Assorted Jigs $1.77 Ice fishing combos starting at $14.99 Fly FishingFlies - $1.33 each Hooks - buy 1 pack reg price get 2nd half price! Shimano Cumara, Reg. $279.99 - $90.00 off Shimano Symetre - $60.00 Shimano Sedona $50.00 Shimano Saro - $120.00 Shimano Stradic $$135.00 ... and many more in-store specials!
  6. <<<<<<drooling so whens dinner i'm coming over
  7. Can we say one sweet sounding WRX STI sick
  8. Sorry to hear that Patrick i've never had any issue with any of the companys you listed. I have returned numerous lures and always get top notch service. I wish you luck if you deside to fight it. If i buy another Shad pt65-250CRSD SP i will save the bill for you if you'ed like.
  9. I like it makes it more fun.
  10. TB if need be i have a 4x4 and always willing to help out.
  11. Well i'm still in for the 13th as long as someone has a seat open on there boat.
  12. Happy Birthday Lew see you at the December GTG have a good one today.
  13. When it comes to spoons it would go with these spoons Slammer, Hammer, Swimming Minnow, Rattler Mille Lacs, Jigging Minnow, Swisher Leech, For the chubby darter colours i would go with Gold Metallic Orange Perch Real Roach Hot Perch Luminescent Orange Dace Red Tail Shiner Luminescent Gray Dace That are the colours i run they work great for me. you might want to pick up other colours and give them a try. As for the jigs i would tip them with maggots when it comes to pan fish but for walleyes minnows seem to work good. Hope that helps
  14. Yes we all love pictures of fish and Rob loves the ones of sheepheads good old drums Welcome
  15. poor Roy old age is getting to him
  16. lures to have on any ice fishing trip. 1) Salmo Chubby Darter size 3 is great for pan fish size 4 is great for walleye 5 and up is great bigger fish. 2) Glow Bug is always good for when it gets dark. 3) Fingerling have always worked great for me as well. 4) Devils Standup i use this one when the bite gets hard. all great when jiggin the bottom. Here are a few others that i have but don't use much of Rubber Leg Ant, Moon Glow, Tear Drop, Dart Finky, Barracuda, Gold Roc, Fish-N-Eye, Glow Bee Hope that helps
  17. Count me in this year. I'll put up some yamamoto goodies for the auction
  18. congrats rick
  19. Well i'm the winner of the 6" sub and man was it good thanks Dave
  20. Sad news to wake up to. I was hoping they would find him safe and sound but thats not the out come. My condolences to his family and friends.
  21. i so need to hit rice some time soon with out the wife finding out steath time
  22. Me thinks Roy wants a stalker as well lol
  23. Well said irishfield Sorry Lloyd looks like i'll be missing this saturdays fishing once again have a birthday party i have to atend or else the doghouse i go. Why do birthdays always mess up my fishing plans
  24. Only sunfish in Balsam Yes the 15th is the closing date for the Kawartha's
  25. Done and man do you have a lot of sponsors i want a free subway sub now they are closed till the morning
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