I miss the wedding and i'll be staying at your house for the weekend
or in my truck hahaha
Fishing would be great this weekend it's going to be nice all day.
with the chance of rain but i don't think we will get any.
HAHA that was me at my best after working 13hrs then going to belleville for 10 hrs of fishing.
Every time someone took a nap the fish gods gave up a few fish myself and will took turns sleeping and every time we hooked up a few fish.
Thats for the pics Rob
Just got back from BOQ with Lloyd Bill Rob and Will it was a blast once again.
The guys did well but this time around i was the "Sheep head killer"
Thanks again Lloyd for another great weekend of fishing.
Hope to go out next week once again.
Was great seeing Bill again along with Rob and meeting Will and meeting Shawn.
Bill it was a blast if you ever have time we should go down that way tones of fish we marked but only a few hit. Peter lost one and did i but was a great day on the water.
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Hope that helps Lew