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Everything posted by Fishwilly

  1. We're also with start.ca and they're fantastic. Company out of London ,ON . great customer service....they actually answer the phone quickly and you're not talking to Apu in lord knows where. I'm on unlimited 25mbs for $67/mnth. Been with Rogers,bell,teksavvy and always issues with lagging and throttling but not with start.ca .
  2. Whay we have is a very flawed system with the average Joe paying for the greed/power of the few. Listen to what Russell Brand has to say.
  3. My Olympus Tough TG3 has GPS built in
  4. White lake is mostly a bass lake . Don't know of any guides there. Cottages to rent a plenty though.
  5. We fished Wellington from thursday till sunday. Caught about ten shakers and plenty of lakers. Also a 14 lbs chinook and got broke off on two screamers. Action should be good this weekend. Leader of the GOSD this week caught at the Bonnet! 27lbs
  6. Hey Brian you don't even need Bell for internet. Give Start.ca a try. Rock solid and way better pricing. Bell is always trying sneaky stuff like this. Enough is enough. Cheers
  7. If you're gay good for you. And like Cliff I agree that you don't see us heterosexual people out scantilly clad in leather outfits and Lord knows what throwing parades..... procreation is pretty tough with same sex. My 2 cents
  8. Same here. Koodo is owned by Telus so coverage is good. I'm paying $45/month for unlimited talk anywhere in Canada , unlimted text and 1GB of data.
  9. I'm also at a loss for words....the world is gone sideways and it ain't ever gonna be right again. You can take that to the bank!!
  10. Try Taro Murata. He's done a few shows with Bob Izumi and great guy to fish with. We fished with him this year and did real well.
  11. I'm running a Humminbird 800 series and played with the transducer till it sits about 1/2" below the hull. Best way is use a straighedge to follow bottom of hull then place ducer about 1/2" lower. I can mark depth no problems at all speeds but not so much for the fish though. That only works at slower speeds.
  12. Do you have cable going to the house or is this rural area?
  13. FYI LeBaron's has their 15% discount on everything in the store till Saturday. That's the store in Ottawa, not sure about the other ones.
  14. Sorry to tell you but I've seen steel studs rust right through and would never use them in a basement application. Stick to wood .
  15. I"m a contractor and use this method. Do yourself a favor and use plywood and not OSB.
  16. I have no problem backing up but this does look pretty cool. Come on guys....embrace technology. Just look at our gps graphs!
  17. I'm jonesing for some salmon...Gonna have to wait a little longer for them to show up in Wellington. Nice chromers bud!
  18. Which port were you out of? Nice catch btw
  19. Feel for you man but like most said ...the first with cash in hand takes it. I've had so many people say they'll buy it , never to be seen again.
  20. Wow pretty cool. Wish I was in on this action Cheers
  21. Blunt arrows or not , one small mishap and someone loses an eye. This ones going up for a Darwin award!!
  22. Checked out their website. $519 for preorder. Up there with GoPro but this unit flies. Pretty cool. Would get awesome shots fighting salmon on lake O.
  23. duh too obvious. thanks
  24. What the heck does NF mean in some topic titles?
  25. We had the same thing on and off all day fishing out of Wellington. Always worried someone won't see us coming in too fast. Salmon aren't in but the trout came out to play. We managed 11 between 5-15 lbs. Lots of fun and practise till the salmon show up.
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