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Everything posted by Fishwilly

  1. wow simply amazing!!
  2. The Concrobium stuff from Depot is fantastic. I'm a renovator and do mostly bathrooms and use this stuff to kill mould. Totally odor / fumes free and works great.....as a matter of fact just noticed yesterday after storing boat in the garage with cover on that there was even mould growing on the fishing rods. I'll be spraying this stuff everywhere today and leave the cover off when it's stored. Oh yeah and make sure all hatches and lids remain open.
  3. Well I went out and voted but did little good. Now four more years of liberal spending. I'm not sure people realize how bad our provinces' debt load really is. How about to the tune of 270 billion!!!! That's more than the debt of California! We pay over 11 billion a year in interest alone just to service that debt. That's over a million dollars an hour in interest. Thanks for voting in the fiberals again !!!
  4. +1 on the shrimp.....thought that was my little secret. Up in Ottawa that's all we use for large cats.Cought some huge bass down 30 ft and also walleye. Super bait, just make sure it's the grey uncooked shrimp. Leave the tails and shell on.
  5. I agree with most that unless you're doing serious off roading get either a road or hybrid. I picked up a Giant hybrid that rides like a dream with the narrower tires and front only suspension. I just swaped out the seatpost for a Specialized suspension to smooth out the bumps and voila. I think I might have spent $550 for the lot.Highly recommend going to bike shop.....CT and Walmart staff just don't know.
  6. Big Cliff I'm a general contractor and I'd suggest you go with the steel roof. Black or charcoal up to you. Woulnd't go with shingles as they only lasted 12yrs. That being said 12 yrs is pretty low for 25 yrs shingles. I'm thinking you might need better venting or insulation. Make sure they use the Maxxi vents and that your soffits have sufficient air flow. Lastly make sure you have styro vents in the attic at the wall transition to let air circulate and escape at the peak. I've seen plenty of older homes where the siding crews would install perforated soffits right over the old plywood soffits.
  7. Nice slab Mike....colourful background lol
  8. Tired of higher prices across the board......gas on the rise , 40 % increase approved on natural gas. It's gotta stop. We're only working to pay OUR bills. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  9. 30's it is. Thanks all for info
  10. Man that's a nice catch!! can't wait to get out there
  11. I'll be picking up some Okuma Convector reels for downriggers and also for Dipsys. Not sure which size is best. I was palming the 30 size at Sail ..man that's a big reel. Do I really need this size for Lake "O" salmon ? or could I get by with 20 size?
  12. Ohhh spending on tackle...my favourite past time!!
  13. Ok this might be a stupid question but why do I need wire line for Dipsys. If I'm running inlines with Dipsys can I use mono or braid? And if wire line is a must with inline planers , is it also the same if I'd be using planers with a mast? Thanks for the patience lol
  14. Wow lots of usefull info to digest. Re: planer boards... Can I run Dipsys on in line boards or is that too much pull? Also you guys are talking about running wire on the dipsy rods....so I need special rods for wire line? What about the reel , would the convector 30 be ok with wire line?
  15. Hi gang, I'm gonna be venturing onto the big "O" for the first time this summer. I'm hoping for salmon, trout, steelhead etc... Boat will be set up with pair Scotty 1116 downriggers and I'm wondering what you guys would recommend for rod/reels for trolling. I'm thinking of setting up four on the riggers stacked and maybe another two port and starboard with inline planers. Can I stick with the same rods reels across the board or...??? I don't want to break the bank but I usually buy quality stuff. Can't find much info on Rapala levelwind linecounter such as the Delta model at LeBarons. Anyone have any experience with this unit or should I stick with Shimano or Daiwa? Cheers
  16. saw him last year in Ottawa......truly one of the funniest. RIP
  17. I agree about uncut angling. The kid catches tons of fish and explains his techniques well. This kind of show is the future of fishing on tv.
  18. Hi akaShag Yeah also got it ordered with the Merc 9.9 kicker.....now the waiting
  19. I picked up new Jiffy propane model this winter and it works like a charm. Hated sucking in gas fumes and carrying gas cans, spills etc...
  20. Thanks to all. Anyone else on the board target big cats in the Ottawa river?
  21. Might not be exactly what you're looking for in the way of cargo management but in my 2011 F-150 I had the dealer put in Line-X spray in bedliner. It really keeps stuff from sliding around due to it's texture.
  22. I love gulp alive for walleye on Quinte
  23. HI all, Just want to say hi to all. Avid fisherman from the Ottawa area. Stoked about picking up new Legend 18 Xtreme w/115 HP Merc Fourstroke soon. Got it outfitted with downriggers and hoping to try my hand at Lake Ontario for salmon this summer. Any advise on this is appreciated as I'm hoping this rig can take the big O. Tight lines Fishwilly
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