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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Way to go , Mine always say LOOSER!!! Thank goodness I don't buy them that often.
  2. Try contacting the local marinas to see if they can recomend someone. Also try an upholster. I had a soft top made for my Blazer way back when. It was in Hinton Alberta though so no good on giving you the name.
  3. Ah man. I wish I had a garage to play with my boat. It needs a lot of wiring done to it. Unfortunately it is sitting in a hoist on the water waiting for the melt
  4. Kickingfrog, so do come with pictures, but they are rare. I believe they may be in the states?
  5. I would not neccisasarily turn them away. As Joey said it is business. It's gambling in a way. Just like using your credit cards on line or over the phone. They still get accepted, but you do not see the signature. Anything can be forged these days. If they have your cards they could easily change a photo id to match signatures and photos. We have a lot of repeat customers so I do not really worry about it. Although some do get checked over more than others. With it going through the auto machines now though, they would have to work quick to get it through. I had a customer whose husbands card was used in France half an hour before they came in to purchase something from us on another card and it had already been stopped, even though they were different cards.
  6. The only problem with that is it is not a valid signature and your card can be declined at the till.
  7. Used to own a Chevy Astro (1988) that thing rocked. It would go anywhere and pull very easily. After 17 years I had to replace it. Got a 1998 Safari. There was no comparison. The Astro was a way better vehicle. Safari lasted 3 months and got replaced by the Ridgeline.
  8. Are you able to post picture of the seat recievers? It would give us a better chance to see what you need. I'll let someone else chime in on the motor. Again it depends on ground clearance, boat size, motor lenght, etc. There should be a tilt tab on the side of your motor though to be able to trailer it raised. Then you could tie it down to the trailer to keep it from bouncing. Just an idea, again someone else probably has better info.
  9. WOW!!!! You're buried in the stuff. Don't hurt yourself shoveling. Maybe you should get the hot line to the army just in case.
  10. I also like to use a 7' MH baitcast setup. Lined with 50lbs Power Pro. I fish Pike and smallies. Never broke off, or lack for senitivity.
  11. If it's a charger like mine, that is normal. Or at least that's what the instructions said (yes I read them). It gives an initial surface charge and then stabilizes itself and will go into the deep cycle charge.
  12. After reading your post it makes me feel good for shopping at my local tackle shop. I managed to get a Cumara rod from them last year with tax for less than what I see Bass Pro has it for. A couple of weekends back when I was at Lebaron I was looking for the Cumara to see what their price was. They had none that I could see. However they did have the Crucial dropshot rod on for roughly $160.00. Add that with the no tax deal they had going on, I couldn't pass it up. It will be interesting to see the difference between these two rods as they are the same specs.
  13. I know what you are saying. I stare at the water and my boat everyday hoping to see the ice break away, but no such luck. Soon, very soon!!!
  14. Went and checked it out yesterday. Nothing. The only Augers they had were 6" hand augers for $45.00. The whole trip was a bust. Checked out CTC and they had a few things, including an old Stradic FH for $180.00. Asked if it was on sale and their reply was people will buy so NO. Well I guess i'll go else where and buy the new model for less then. Guess I'll just sit here and read of all the deals being had at BPS and wish I lived closer.
  15. When I can buy a bag of 100 Salty Cincos (made in Canada) for $40.00 I don't think much about making my own. I'd rather be on the water
  16. Tried watching this once, couldn't get into it. So confusing. Gilligan's Island was much easier to follow.
  17. Heading there tomorrow. May have to see if it's still on for that price. With the $10.00 coupon you can't really go wrong. Although I don't ice fish.
  18. Torture, absolute torture. I am going through withdrawl here and all you guys can do is talk about all these deals and show pictures. You're all cruel, the whole bunch of ya's! Reef Runners are one of my best producing lures and seeing those deals really hurt. Guess I'll settle and go to CTC in Kingston. However I did luck out last Sunday and manage to get into Lebaron in Ottawa. Guessing they were open because of the show and family free fishing weekend? I wasn't going to get much because the last time I was in there I got really peved. Just a look around, never hurts to look. I grabbed a couple of muskie lures out of the sale bin for less than $3.00. Then my wife came in and had mentioned that it was also a no tax day. Oh crap the pressure mounted. Needless to say I ended up $350.00 poorer. Gerritt I looked at the Stratic 2500 FI. I got the FH model last year and really like it. I opted to go with the Saros instead it was about $60.00 cheaper and seemed to be very similar. All I can say is it took to line really well. All it's doing right now is sitting in the corner waiting to get used and abused.
  19. I do that same thing as Irishfield and have never had a problem with my line spinning on the reel. Another trick I learned was to respool your line from one reel to another after a years use. This allows you to get the most out of your line as the back half generally doesn't get used as much.
  20. NO. If you have time to read this forum, you have time to read the regulations. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/pubmenu.html#fish or visit almost any place that has fishing stuff and pick up a hard copy. It is your responibility to know what you can and cannot do.
  21. I fish very clear water on the St. Lawrence and up near Bancroft. I use Power Pro 50 on my baitcaster (had a few birdsnest becasue I'm a rookie, but never had to cut it out.) On my spinning rods I use PP 20. I do not use a Floro leader and only use a Ti leader when targeting pike. I've never had a problem catching fish. But also like mentioned earlier, I also don't make any money fishing
  22. That's the set I got last year. It was a pretty cool package, I think I used everything from it. This year they are offering the backpack. To me it doesn't have the same appeal, but I guess it all depends on who they hook up with. It wasn't an OFAH hat though, it was a Shimano.
  23. I'm also in favour of going with the bigger motor. For trolling slow you can always back troll, use a plate, or put out a drift sock (this is what I use).
  24. You guys are so cruel. Having never been to BPS and hearing all this great stuff drives me nuts. Even though I don't have the party tickets to buy anything, I'm sure I would find something. One day I will loose my virginity. Oh how I wish I lived closer.
  25. Wish I could. Never been there. I know there is a lot of stuff I need as well. Although I did do a bit of damage at Lebaron on Sunday.
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