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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Yep. You just have to be a bobble head. I even do this while I'm on the boat looking at the horizon as it will also change. I don't think my inner kid has left me yet.
  2. I just got off the phone with them. Yes it is only US waters. Being that I am on the St. Lawrence, it will still have half the river for me. Not that I will use it much, but I'll have it. And yes I do have a NY licence to fish there, as I end up in their waters all the time.
  3. I tried the search and got nothing. I just bought a Navionic Gold card for my boat. It comes with a Fish'n chip offer that says US only. I know people have gotten the Canadian ones. Just not sure how. Could someone please let me know. Thanks
  4. Up at the cottage near Bancroft. Oh ya. First time at the cottage this year. Might be the only boat there. Very little traffic which is nice.
  5. Last year I kept all my walleye I caught for the table, all one of them. Also kept about 6-10 bass through the season, mostly small. Had to eat a four pounder because it was not going to live. I was really embarassed and felt bad because it was a big one. I try to stick around 2.5. For the amount I fish, that is not much. My wife this year keeps telling me when I go out to get dinner. So far there has been no dinner. Have to make her stop saying that.
  6. Dang, that looks exactly like the pair I caught last night. Except mine had no sunlight. We were cruising the river fog till midnight. Mine too met the knife, can't wait to snack. Nice catch.
  7. To stiffen up the tubing you could always run some dowel inside it, for the main poles anyways. It'll make it a bit heavier, but stiffer.
  8. Heat wave? I'm indoors all day and our building is still radiating the cold from the winter. Went out last night to fish. It was foggy. Got one follower to the boat and that was it. Ran into another guy on the water. Decided to zip back to the dock and both go out in one boat for some eyes. Out till one caught a 3 and 6 pound (roughly) eye, 3.5 smally and a rocker smaller than the lure. No camera so no entries for the team. Oh ya, had to wear pants and a sweater, it was nice and cool on the water. Got slapped when we hit shore though. Guess I know where I'll be spending a lot of my time.
  9. I got a Lindy glove this spring. I fish alone, and my wife likes the saftey of it. Haven't told her about muskie yet. They were $20.00 at LeBaron, as opposed to $40 everywhere else. I should have grabbed one for each hand. It's a bit stiff, but I found it worked really well handling the one and only pike I've caught so far. Have not had a chance to use it filleting yet. Keep in mind, the Lindy glove only protects the palm and edge of fingers, not the back of the hand. Meaning your still gonna get it if you hand is in the mouth of a toothy critter.
  10. Backrest seats in tinnies are nice. Have them at the cottage and when I was a boy. The big problem is the bases. I think I have fallen over in all of them. Get a good base and make sure it is attached well. As said before, the padding for the "padding" is nice after a few hours. If you end up with the basic shell, guarunteed you will be using pfd's (which you should not do) to get more comfotable.
  11. Works fine over here in Brock Vegas!!!
  12. LIAR!!! Musky doesn't open till the 21st. Where I am anyways. Heck the pike haven't even been on yet. I sure hope bass season isn't delayed the same way.
  13. This is exactly what I am doing it for. I have been looking at boats, and cannot find one that I absolutely love. I wish I had the power to design my own. I have found a local place that is going to give me a great deal on an e-tec. Although I am not going accross the board, I'm getting a 75. Up from a 50. I'm guessing the gas consumption would be similar to what it is now if I gun it all the time, but might still be better. For me the quieter more power and fuel consumption is where it is at. I figure start with the motor then I can transfer it to the boat I really want. 75 is the magic number for me. Thanks for all the input and help. Gotta go make a phone call
  14. Fist post I read today, what a great way to start. Nice work!!!
  15. Yes I have an older 2 stroke. Am looking at moving to a newer 2 stroke. I should have narrowed it down further. Is there an advantage or are the new 2 strokes still smokey and loud and burn as much gas?
  16. I am in no way spamming or wanting to debate who makes a better motor. Has anyone had an older Evinrude and upgrade to a newer one? If so did you find that you got better gas milage and a cleaner (not so smokey) ride?
  17. You mean dinner bells and seasoning Roy? I lived in Jasper Alberta and they were a hot item out there
  18. Try a specialty camping store, army surplus, MEC. Should be able to get it from any of them.
  19. I thought about it. I was entered for Kingston. Found out a couple of days ago that it was canceled. Sarnia is a bit far, but we have familly there so it was thought to be workable. Then I realized that it was really close to the long weekend. Can't afford to close the store that much, and I am not missing out on the cottage again.
  20. I slow troll by throwing my sock off the bow (with an extra line for safety). I have a 50 on a 17 footer.
  21. It's not just you, it's been freakin windy. Get a drift sock. Really easy to use. I also attach mine to a climbing loop webbing that is about 3 feet long. Get's the sock out in a nice postion. Using locking carabiners to hold it. I would say get the 36, especcially if it can be adjusted at the closed end for drift control. I am usually by myself so I only use one. It's amazing how much they can slow you down and how easy they are to use.
  22. Sorry puckhead. Didn't realize that third tree on the right gave it away that easily. How much ya want for the gear
  23. Anywhere from the boat. This is one spot I frequent a lot
  24. If I can remember Roy, I have a bunch at home. They are the old fashioned paper kind, you know 35 mm days. I took them when I was living out west. A bunch of salmon swimming up the water falls. Awsome experience to see.
  25. I have a 1993 Lowe Stinger 170 w/ 50 Rude. Great boat. I have no problems. i am selling it only because I want more. Two foot itis has gotten to me.
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