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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. I have this cover for my boat. It is big. Mind you I also have a bass boat. It worked great. I didn't have the luxury of a sale on it though.
  2. Even harder from work
  3. Funny you mention this. It is starting to snow here too. On the radio they are saying it is really bad in Kingston. All I can say is, better now than Sunday when I'll be going after the big toothy critters.
  4. Way to go, that's a huge score. You'll like that real for sure.
  5. I just entered the WFN Canadian Open yesterday. I figure it's a good one seeing who is putting it on. There is also this one that I found http://www.csfl.ca/
  6. Not sure about that, but I have used bubble gum to catch bass.
  7. I run 20 lbs Power Pro on my spinning gear, and 50 lbs on my casting gear. I have no problems with catching fish or having break offs. I fish primaraly bass, pike and walleye. I also do not worry about putting a leader on if targeting bass alone. For the next month and a half starting Saturday, Ti leaders on everything for the big toothy critters.
  8. Way to go on the boat. When I was a kid I grew up with a 12 foot tinny and a 4 horse. Best freedom I ever had!
  9. One that worked really well for me "I may look good to you now, but I'm fat when I'm naked" Oh wait, fishing line, I use Power Pro on everything.
  10. Look at that, I just learned something. I was way off on the RPM thing.
  11. I'm no expert by any means on this. I would guess that you could get the same speed from two engines running at a lower rpm than just one. Thus easier wear on the motor and maybe less gas consumption. Biggest factor may be, the ability to get home. If one bags out you still have one to run, could make a big difference on something like Lake Ontario. That's my edumacated guess.
  12. I tried the rope light trick. Boat got nicknamed disco for that I had to take them off because they were blinding to me, and I could not see anything outside the boat. I did not have a trim to hide them under to reflect the light down. If I did it would have been perfect, just like Lew's setup. I now use a 25 watt led headlamp (designed for mountain biking) and have an atv flood light to see all over the boat.
  13. There is a guy near here that has done something like this with his pontoon boat. It's got a nice wood railing. Loaded with a kitchen table and a sofa. I had to do a double take when I saw it. Wish I got a picture. I'll try and find him again this year.
  14. I have this problem with my boat sometimes, except mine won't go down. Mine is a loose wire inside the motor that cannot be reached to fix. I have to sometimes give the motor a "love tap" or give a quick tap up then trim down.
  15. Had this problem back in the fall. We had a snowfall, then a warm spell. Just enough to make the snow melt into slush. My auto bilge kicked on and stayed on. I have no idea for how long. Went out in the boat a few days later and noticed I was not pumping out water. Checked the pump, it had a huge hole melted in it from running dry for so long. I now have a manual pump to prevent this from happening again. Although the auto was nice because you didn't have to think about it.
  16. I have a one piece MH Compre and it is great. As for Shimano's warrenty, I just had a 15 year old Crucial replaced at no charge by them. Or maybe it was just great customer service from my local dealer?
  17. What makes this video even funnier is that it is his real wife with him in it.
  18. I do not know for sure what prizes are too be had. Being as big as WFN is, I'm, guessing you could come out ahead. I have heard of boats, motors, etc. that have been won by amateurs.
  19. Thanks for the replies people. As for sea sickness, I have been out in my boat for 12 hours in rough water no problem (hope I didn't just jinx myself). Ya it would be cool to be in a boat that my wife keeps pushing me to buy (this weekend included in Kinston at the boat show). I'm not too worried about not going far if there are fish, it's the giving up not trying that I want to avoid. I completely understand the fish now, talk later ratio. There are days that I am like that, just for recreation. As for being the amateur, it is nice not having the big expenses as the pros. I also like the fact that I go where they go, so I cannot be blamed for a failed spot. However if need be, I know where there are some hot spots to be had, just have to travel to get to them. Nice bass!!!!
  20. Whatever you do, do it now. Marinas are like us. It gets crazy busy in the spring. I am backed up a month to get bikes fixed. Wouldn't be surprised to hear a marina say the same thing. Something about people not wanting to fix their stuff until they want to use their stuff, which is usually the same time.
  21. That's why I am only looking at doing one. The cost. Of course I pick the most expensive one. But it is the closest to me so that makes up for it. I figured it would be an awsome experience to be paired up with a pro. Being able to fish the same body of water (albeit a different section) the tips I learn can be very valuable. So far I've heard the good. Get picked both days to be with top pros and come out near the top. I've also heard I could be paired up with someone who knows they are going nowhere and not go far from the checkin.
  22. Here goes. I've been thinking about doing this for a while now. The Canadian Open in Kingston, as an amateur. Hoping some of the pros, and amatuers that have done this can give me some info. Yes I know it is a pretty penny, but I figure it might just be a once in a lifetime experience. Compared to what my wives races cost, this is actually cheap. Give me what you've got. Feel free to PM me if you wish to not have it posted here. Thanks
  23. Ah, the season is near. Reports slowly coming in. Always a great read from you Cliff. Invest in a drift sock for your boat. You would be amazed at how much it would slow you down.
  24. Had my boat out over three weeks ago. Just after the ice out. Really cool to be floating around between ice burgs still coming though. I surprised myself because I did nothing to winterize my boat. About an ounce of Stabil in the tank, that was it. Started up on the first turn of the key. Then again it is an Evinrude. My trailer on the other hand. It has another boat on it still. I know the bulbs need replacing (bad habit of leaving the lights pluged in and going in the water). Should repack the bearings, check the tongue, and maybe make it into a bunk. Or just sell it and get a new one?
  25. The first couple of times going to the cottage I would remove my reels and put them in "Crown Royal" bags. Using a small weight to keep my line going into a bait cast reel , or tie to the gate of a spinning reel. All my rods went into a big PVC tube that was made into a rod holder. Now I am too lazy and just put them all into the truck or boat and go.
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