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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. no... it turned into we wont shop there because of lack of service.
  2. hamburger helper for me!
  3. nothing but bad experiences @ FW for me... reading this thread it seems their Customer service is hit or miss. I have nothing but great things to say about Bill's bait and tackle or Angling outfitters.. they seem to get it right 100% of the time. G
  4. <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object> Just realized My picture is on the mod list! LOL! Wooooooooooo!
  5. I have a high efficiency Payne installed here, a good buddy of mine supplied and installed, (including new plenum and assorted ducting) for 1400.00 cash.... he works for a decent sized firm but did this on the side for me... He swears by the carrier brand and has been doing this for 30+ years.. Anyways, I could not be happier... the unit has not given me one once of trouble in the 3 years since she was installed. G
  6. gloves, fully clothed and pull em... then salt the earth.
  7. Jos, is a great guy for sure! Glad you got sorted out B, G
  8. Wow.. this is sad news. John has helped me more then one with real estate issues etc.. He is one good guy and OFC has lost a fantastic member. He will be sorely missed. I remember in March when he posted this in the classified section.. "Dealing with some health issues that will keep me close to home this summer. Hopefully I'll get out to the carp swim you tried and catch your mirror carp again. I think wading the creeks will be a tad strenuous for me so I'm limited to shore fishing unfortunately." Little did anyone know the true severity of his health issues.... Rest in peace John. G.
  9. It has been awhile since anyone has posted about Dick... SO I thought I would post this video for all the new folks to OFC.. I have probably watched this video over a hundred times... Dreaming, for a simpler life... Anyways I hope you enjoy it. G. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tYvjpXiPyXo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. check out this... absolutepoker.com G
  11. Pokerstars.net, absolutepoker.com and fulltilt are the largest out there!.. they are not even US based companies.. but payments are flowing through the US.. I believe that is where they got in trouble... The FEDS have seized their domains etc... should be interesting G
  12. I wont lie.. I like to play the odd game for real $$ online.. Maybe 20.00 every few months... However I think I will refrain for now on.. Feds Go 'All In' Against Online Poker Sites http://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/2011/04/15/goes-versus-online-poker-sites/ G
  13. Agreed! however... not everything is black and white.. 3 years ago someone hit my ex's car... while I was in the polling station voting. some bystanders got the license plate of the guy that did it.... he took off needless to say... So I called a buddy of mine that is law enforcement and found out who the person was, lives etc... this elderly fellow answered the door, him and his disabled wife had just gone out and voted.. after a long conversation, he had no idea he had even hit our car.... he was easily in his late 80's.. anyways the damage was cosmetic around 1000.00... he offered to give me the cash right there and then... but considering the circumstances I refused his money, and instead asked him to donate to McMaster Sick Kids Hospital.. 10 days later I got a letter in the mail... from McMaster saying that 2000.00 had been donated in my sons memory.. to think that their donation could have helped save another child's life... to me means more then some missing paint. There really are some good people on this planet... just to bad it is the negative that always gets talked about... After getting that letter I walked up to their door again, shook his hand with tears in my eyes and said thank you... karma begets karma. G.
  14. Not to mention, you have met Bernie, cliff and will etc... when I took you up the B's place... You have met alot of OFC'rs!
  15. we have ALOT of catching up to do brother... looking forward to the PM...
  16. LOL! thanks Wayne!.. come to think of it.. I think you met Don as well... might be wrong here though.. but pretty sure you did. Don is a great guy.. and if you need a decent carpenter (cabinet maker) he is the guy you want to talk too.. G
  17. Not if you know how to back up a trailer correctly...
  18. For those that dont know.. Don and I used to work together.
  19. You were introduced to OFC by ME! I took you to the Tyler event LOL... you have met a few OFC'rs there. Mainly Terry, Joey and Paul.. I think Will was there as well.. How the hell have you been? still with MDB? Dude, it has been too long! G.
  20. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CD2LRROpph0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Bwahahahahahaaaa!... if I hear this again I am going to kill myself! stupid viral crap
  21. all you need to do is pickup a switch and hook it up before the first reciever. then run a line to the new reciever. switch should cost about 20 bux. a switch is not a splitter. look for DiSEqC you will then need to run the switch utility in the menu for both recievers so the boxes know what ports on the switch it is to look for. G
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