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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. The problem with that logic is.... they are special.. Even though we bleed the same colour...
  2. I think this could be easily solved with ferrite... instead of rewiring everything to the cranking battery.. the OP states his wiring is a mess... Hopefully he can find the power cables to the sonars LOL G
  3. There could be... anyone that says otherwise would be foolish... that said, if it did happen it would probably be a battery gone bad, and not likely the drain the sonar places on the battery.. and most larger motors will place a charge upon the battery to help out.. However several sonars? that I am not sure of. G
  4. Yup... a fancy iron ferrite cable made by Humminbird to make $$$
  5. It clamps around the power cables and reduces electronic interference and it does work in ALOT of cases.. and is a very cheap solution. It has worked here in the past for people.. The link I gave you, even mentions it. Worth a shot and might cost you less then 10 bucks
  6. There is your problem.... you can try Iron ferrite.... if that does not work, you may need to somehow else isolate the sonars. (IE. Seperate battery, or cranking battery) If ferrite does not work... here is some more info. http://www.humminbird.com/Faq.aspx?TaxonomyId=103A1849 G
  7. Buy the right RAM mount for your unit and you will be happy you did I used stainless steel w/ washers and nylocks when I did mine they never backed off. Hope this helps G
  8. Looks like the nutbars have MAY have attacked again.. Some are saying bombing, others explosions.. CNN.com
  9. Google special touch marine Hamilton. Gunner is a good guy
  10. Thanks for bringing this up.. I too never received mine when I applied in early January, all I have was the yellow papers they gave me.. I just gave them a call and my card will be mailed out. G
  11. One hand pays another...thats how it is supposed to work. Good job Wayne, class act as always. Now Emil you pay that karma forward, god I love this site
  12. And the opposition.... http://www.oliviachow.ca/2012/10/harper-budget-bill-guts-protection-of-rivers-and-lakes/ Trout in the river... getting ready for the spawn. http://youtu.be/Ia-w5rlS6S0 more info on the stream... I find it odd they call it a "wee waterway" it is anything but... making it seem minor http://wellingtontimes.ca/?p=8510
  13. I should add there is a river here in Wellington county that will be buried (Diverted into underground culverts) to accommodate this project.. it is a steelhead spawning creek... I sent this in to be added to the news section a while ago... it has not yet been added. G
  14. Canadian govt demands a 10-page questionnaire & CV in order to seek permission to comment on oil pipeline Under Canada's newly gutted environmental laws, members of the public who want to comment on the upcoming hearings on the new Enbridge oil pipeline must beg for permission by fillling in an obscure, ten-page questionnaire and submitting a CV. It's as though the Harper government has fingerpainted BACK OFF AND DIE on Parliament in heavy crude. (I edited in BACK OFF to conform to forum rules) “The new rules are undemocratic. They attempt to restrict the public’s participation in these hearings and prevent a real dialogue about the environmental impacts of the Line 9 pipeline project,” said Adam Scott of Environmental Defence. “Canadians should not have to apply for permission to have their voices heard on projects that carry serious risks to their communities.” Under the new rules, any Ontario resident who lives along the 639-km pipeline route who wants to send in a letter about their concerns must first apply to the NEB for permission to send in a letter. As of today, the public will have just two weeks to fill out a 10-page form which asks for a resume and references. “Since when does someone’s resume determine if they have the right to be concerned about what’s happening in their home community?” said Keith Stewart of Greenpeace Canada. “Anyone who lives and works in southern Ontario could be affected by a spill and everyone is affected by climate change. The right to send a letter of comment and have it considered by public agencies is part of the basic rights and freedoms Canadians enjoy.” Line 9 runs directly through the most populated part of the country, through backyards, under farms and next to schools. The pipeline crosses every Canadian river flowing into Lake Ontario, threatening the drinking water of millions. http://environmentaldefence.ca/articles/new-undemocratic-rules-create-barrier-public-participation-in-upcoming-pipeline-hearings-co G
  15. It was a great presentation, with as it seems some dire consequences... why sign an agreement and make amendments afterwards? We the Canadian people are the only ones to lose here... We need to get the word out, We need to stand united, This is a VERY sad state of affairs if this happens... and it will..... Dont get me wrong... I believe our native people deserve better... but to what limit? and to exclude the rest of us as a nation? taking over parks that generations have enjoyed... I think 117,500 acres is absurd... and that is the minimum the will accept. add to that that is only the one sect of the algonquins.. there are overlying claims... It will become ALOT larger, and this treaty will set precedence for future treaties A modern treaty can only work if it benefits all peoples... both native and non... otherwise it equals even more segregation and will further strain ties between native and non-natives. These people claim to be stewards of the land, Have you ever been on a reserve? if you haven't I urge you to go for a drive through one.. Look at the maps... Algonquin park will become no more.. (PS they WILL hold the mineral rights, in addition to the land gained and money given) 550,000,000.00 as a start, for what? the color of their skin? What will you say when Algonquin Park becomes an open pit mine ran by our indigenous? What will you say when there are no more Moose or Deer left in Ontario, When the lakes have been netted out.. What will you tell your children and their children about how Ontario "Used" to be.. And us? well... we lose our heritage as well.... Sickens me. Please keep this civil... Write your elected politicians.. Let them know your voice matters. But it might be too little too late as it looks like it is a done deal... now it is just the details... Why is it we cannot stand together... but the voice of a few can? I hate to think we are cowards... G
  16. Yup... Best if I dont say anything at all... as it will offend. But thank you for the video links,. One Pissed off Canadian. G
  17. Gives Crappie a whole NEW meaning doesn't it? LOL
  18. Such as farm run off, pesticides, herbicides and crazy chemicals from the airport.... The farms and the stuff they spray their crops with are my major concern. G
  19. Lake Ontario, Hamilton Harbour.... Lake Erie, Grand river... All Poop does flow down hill.. Which is why I will not eat fish from them... especially the Grand river, added to the poop and pee from countless towns and municipalities is farm run off, pesticides, herbicides the list goes on and on... it is an open sewer. I am for one glad I have moved out of the Hamilton/Grand river region and into a region with natural aquafiers G
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