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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report and pics!!! ... don't worry, the wimmins always have a way of beating the pee-yiss out of the men... that's why I leave mine at home!!!!
  2. Does that mean we won't being seeing you 'til December?... ...2013??? Just kiddin' Wayne!... the more you post... the better I look/feel!!!
  3. I know, I was a bad boy eh? ... was just trying to boost your image!
  4. I think it was the same as my tally-pecker in milimeters.. around 2000 or so...
  5. Roight noice fesh eh!!! Those big'uns would be much harder to catch if y'all would eat them as quick as you catch them... doncha yanno!!! Do I need to post a tutorial on how to clean and skin them???
  6. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? ... arent you s'posed to be jogging instead of futzin' around takin' pics of skull jugs and cataloging the creeks eco-system??? Jus' kiddin' Hosette!... exercise is a real good thing!!! ... please don't kick my
  7. Wuss!
  8. I've never met an unpleasant CO, in the U.S or Canada... but then, I'm always smiling and very respectful when they stop me. I always have everything they want when they want it! I must be a CO magnet in Canada, I've been stopped the last 2 out of 3 times up there... and never a problem! I haven't been checked here in 'Bama for the last 10 yrs., and as soon as they saw the flash of the blue lifetime license they said "That's ok! I see it!" before I even handed it to him!
  9. The best is debatable. ... but these are some of the fastest!!! http://www.bulletboats.com/ Catch those 100 mph Bass!!!
  10. My 2 younger brothers and I were quite the snake hunter/catchers in our childhood!!! We caught a 5 foot long Black Racer when I was only about 4'-6" tall! You gotta be fast to catch one of those things! It took all 3 of us to chase that thing down and cath it, we chased it for a good half mile up the creek before we tired it out enough to catch it. We kept it as a pet for a couple months before letting it go for the winter. Mom was very cool about it and didn't mind a bit. Mom was working at the Dairy Bar when a lady came in and started telling her about the 3 crazy boys that had a huge Water Moccasin in a gallon jar at the little league game, Mom said "Oh you must be talking about my 3 boys and their pet Black Racer... his name is Rastus!" I also used to enjoy catching and playing with Hog-Nosed snakes, they can flare their neck out like a Cobra, wiggle their tails like a Rattlesnake... and if all that fails to scare you off the roll over on their backs and play dead! Thanks for bringing back the memories Erik!!! Fear of snakes is born out of ignorance!... You aren't that ignorant are you?
  11. I've heard those Pucker Lipped Trout are decent table fare, why don't you give them a try? ... I triple Dawg dare ya!!!
  12. Excellent report Simon!!! ... still looks cold up there for some reason though.
  13. Is it just me? ... or do sucker reports sound nasty???
  14. The ignorant don't know any better. The stupid know better, but do it anyway!
  15. Those are some nice cats! This is what a true Blue looks like though.
  16. Where are the hooks and fluro leaders???
  17. ... grow-op? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PciMH7nO5wY...feature=related
  18. Nice report and pics Mike!!! ... you'll catch'em next time!!!
  19. Great report and pics Becky!!! and congratulations on the very respectable Catfish!!! and Welcome to the board!!! Hey Alex! It looks like your sis have been giving Becky fish magnet lessons over the phone or something!!! ... and I like your rocket launcher style rod holder!!! Good Luck to y'all on your next trip!!!
  20. It's good white meat and they'll fry up nicely!!!
  21. Dang Terry!!! I thought you had gone fishin' and were going to show us some fish porn!
  22. It's not hard to keep fish separate even in a communal bucket or ice chest. Each person can have their own different colored cheap poly stringer, or a simple paper punch can be taken along. No hole in that tail for mine, one hole for yours, and 2 holes for someone elses. We do it all the time on deep sea fishing "party" boats... all it takes it just a moment of preplanning. Attitude has a lot to do with the way you're treated when being stopped by a CO or police officer!!! If you're polite and respectful, most of the time they will be too... if you're going to be an , they'll be an even bigger ! It's not really that hard to figure out!
  23. My favorite quote for fixing a leaky boat!
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