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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Hell fire boy!!!... I coulda told you THAT!!!
  2. Amen!!! ... goes for the softwater too!
  3. What is all this "snow" stuff I keep hearing aboot???
  4. He looks kinda pee-peed off about being called an Oriole Raf!... be nice to him or he'll peck yer frakin' eyes out!!! Spring is only 5 days away... for the numericaly challenged.
  5. "Hold my beer... Hey Y'all!!!... Watch This!!!"
  6. Fish pictures are the true test of any camera Brian!!!
  7. Nice report Cliff!!! It sounds like the fish wanted something they hadn't already seen a million of eh!
  8. Very nice Whitey!!! ... fresh! Great pics too!!!
  9. A very nice Brown Trout!!!... and a great report too!!! Pickering discharge sounds like sounds like a painful symptom to an STD!
  10. Those bananas ought to be ready to harvest soon eh Lew!?
  11. I find these videos both informative and a great learning tool! If you'll notice, at the beginning of 2 of these segments they mention that it's the beginning of Spring. Q. What's the difference between ignorance and stupidity? A. The ignorant don't know any better, the stupid know better... but do it anyway.
  12. Sounds like a Battle Royale cat-fight!!! http://tv.msn.com/tv/article.aspx?news=356909&GT1=28103 Kick back in a lawn chair, a couple drinks, and the video camera rolling!
  13. That is a terrible tragedy that could've been prevented.
  14. Those pics don't mean anything without the date displayed in the bottom right hand corner Mike. Sobey's finest?
  15. ... and what's so bad aboot Bluegrass???
  16. To me... Celtic music sounds like 2 cats with their tails tied together and thrown over a clothesline!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvNOZegkVXo
  18. I was thinking the same exact thing aboot you... but didn't want to hurt your feelings! ...
  19. That would be because they're too fat and lazy to walk?
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RktoHvy965w
  21. Real good report and excellent pics Cliff!!! .. maybe if you hadn't futzed around with the camera so much you'd have caight a fish? You'll get'em next year Bubba!!!
  22. I wear clothes when I have to! (to keep from freezing to death! )... but that doesn't mean I like it!
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