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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report and pics Mike!!! ... and a couple beautiful fish too!!! Too bad you can't catch fish like that in Quebec and have to travel all the way to Ontario eh? As far as sleeping in the boat... it sounds kinda wimpy to me . I sleep at home in my bed! ... and I still wouldn't want to steer my truck from the rear bumper!!!
  2. Thanks for that report Cliff!!! You sure do look thrilled to be holding that killer fish!!! I actually think it's a monster Wild Golden Shiner! ... and thanks for lending Ms. Bly your tourney sign!
  3. I'm not a "know-it-all"... so I won't venture a guess. ...but if it will support your "Lard Ass", I'd say it's worth a buck or 2!
  4. Yer gonna be a handsome devil cruising around the lake in that thing LEW!!!
  5. From what I know and have seen about Graylings, those look to be a pretty nice size!!! Thanks for posting that!!!
  6. For free... you should be good with that, if you seal/caulk it. After all this hard work on your boat you will want to keep it covered when not in use... this will add many more years of life to your boat!!!
  7. If you should happen to buy a Lund some day... don't forget to ask for your hat!!!
  8. ... just in case y'all didn't do the math, they predict more Canadians to die per capita than Americans. 300 mil @16000 dead vs, 30 mil Canadians @4000 dead... that would be like predicting 40,000 Americans dead from the illness!!! Do they not have faith in the Canadian Healthcare system?... or do they know that most Canadians don't go to the doctor like they should?
  9. Where's the Collard Greens???
  10. I'd love to help ya Holdie... but if it doesn't involve a 20 oz. straight claw hammer, 16 penny Duplex nails, 60 cubic yards of redi-mix concrete, I can't eat it, drink it, smoke it, boink it, catch it on a rod and reel, or cause trouble with it on the internet... I dunno what the heck to do with it!!!
  11. Is that the only "greens" y'all hosers eat???... I'd love to try them! ... do they taste like Collard Greens???
  12. He did, I thought that was the problem too but I hit the quote button and everything looks fine.
  13. That's not my Ol' Yeller Brian! ... but that's pretty cool!!!
  14. I dunno, still looks like Paul posing with Stephanies fish to me.... ... we all know that Stephanie is HOT!!!... and Paul is NOT!!!
  15. That'll be adequate... for an "old" person that can't handle the "Big" fish eh!???
  16. Paul and a big fish??? .. PHOTOSHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... nice story boyz.. but I aint buying it!!! ... had it been Stephanie that caught the fish..
  17. PM Roy.. he knows the entire St. Lawrence River system like the back of his hand and can catch any species of his chosen size at will!!! .. I aint kiddin'!
  18. What's a radio??? I don't listen to the radio... ... I don't watch commercial televison .. because I'm hooked on the internet man!!!.. far out!!!
  19. I've heard that germs of any kind don't like alcohol... I'm immunizing myself as I type this!!! We have more people that are going to die because we're bigger and better than y'all!!! CANADA!!!.. the country famous for being the country north of the United States!!!
  20. Write me out a Bill of Sale from you to me for $1 and I'll take care of it for you Darren!!!
  21. 2 words MARSH... MALLOW!!!
  22. It sounds like a great idea to me!!!
  23. Sounds like a good day for you!!! ... but... uh.... if you can't stay out of the water, there's a thing called a PFD... maybe you've heard of it? Please read my signature!
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