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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. The enhanced drivers license are only good for ground and sea travel to and from the U.S.,Canada, Mexico, and Caribbean!! They're NOT valid for air travel, or travel outside of north america and the Caribbean!!!
  2. ... for people that aren't very good at fishing!!!
  3. the ice is thickest in the milldle of the lake now eh Sinker?!!! As if you're actually going to catch a fish and post a report... or what??? They told me I'd go blind if I did that!!!
  4. Isn't Jeremy Piven that transexual that lost his/her nadz in an interspecies-erotica act with a Mudskipper???
  5. He is his own entity!!! ... it's a little known fact that he uses live Atlantic Salmon for bait to catch those Schnag-a-rific Poike!!!
  6. Ok!, this struck me as pretty fracking funny!!! You'd think that being from the Deep South I'd experience more of a culture shock than anyone crossing the border, but the only thing I really notice is that your money is different, y'all talk kinda funny, and there's "Paris talk" all over the place. Just wear your steel belted underwear when you cross the border Pike Slayer, you'll be ok! .. unless you come to the Deep South... then we have a chainfall, a pair of fuzzy handcuffs, a cutting torch, and a 5 gallon bucket of white lithium grease with your name on them!!!
  7. I dunno... that looked pretty epic to me!!!... and certainly an epic entry for Team #1!!! Looks like y'all had a great time, glad you're able to get out and do some evening secret fishing!!! The Happiest of Birthdays to Sydney!!!
  8. Those that don't eat fishe just leave more for those of us that do!!! I learned when I was an itty bitty young'un to chew my fish carefully before I swallowed it to check for bones! If you know a fishes anatomy, you can eat whole cooked fish without fear of bones! I freeze my fish in the "Vac-Loc storage system, keeps them fresk with no freezer burn for up to a year.
  9. ... but since they sell gas in Canada by the liter, you can expect to pump 152 liters into that baby the first time you fill'er up!!!
  10. Everything looks ok to me!
  11. Now that I take a second look... that is douG mooning the camera and holding the Poike backwards!!! I can't believe I mistook douG's for Snags face!!!... butt really, they could be twins!!!
  12. Which version of windows are you using?... vista, xp....?
  13. I carry all of my steelhead stuff in a sewing thimble!
  14. Do you really wanna flog that dead horse???
  15. I guess if we would all behave ourselves....
  16. LMAO!!! What as bassackward pic that is!!! Thanks for posting that Erik!
  17. Looks like a Bullseye Snakehead to be specific... there's a breeding population in South Florida, and an article on exoctic invasives in last months In-Fisherman!
  18. That actually looks like he head of a Blue Runner to me.
  19. Great thread and pics Bern!!! ... just one question... where's the 200 ton crane, 40' deep pit, and 1 foot deep mud??? btw... we really do wanna see pics of the girlie in the office!!!
  20. I say it's aboot time the mods did a little work and earnened the big bux they make!!! ... time to get off yer -es and lock this one down boyz!!!
  21. Yeah!... what Victor said, it's so much easier!!! ... to answer your question, there's an upgrade going on in the gallery (or so I hear) and you're not the first one to have problems.
  22. Well, with a name like kickingfrog!... you should seriously look into getting a set of Frogg Toggs! I love mine, and wouldn't trade them for a pair of solid gold Mongolians!!!
  23. Chickenhawk should be very interested in this!!! ... but then he'd have to quit telling us about the fish he caught, and actually show us!
  24. Shop online Matt, there should be a Dodge Truck accessories site.
  25. You picked the wrong color Matt!!! Just remember... ... the white color is the right color!!! It's still a good lookin' truck, and I'm sure you'll get many years of enjoyment out of it!!! Looks like you may want to put some nerf bars on that baby!
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