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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... but doesn't all hockey suck?... and the people that watch it??? .. who would want to fight over a frozen Moose turd????????
  2. ... ok, you forgot NGCD in your title... so I thought I'd chime in!
  3. ... but will you post when he loses???
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1-XbZL7Lns The land where everyone is shacking up and the worlds largest producer of Maple syrup!!! ... and the legal drinking age is just a SUGGESTION!!!
  5. I guess it would be too much weight to carry a rod and reel with you?... y'all could take turns carrying it yanno!
  6. Nice Morone americana in the first pic, looks real healthy!!! The Crappie would've been a throw back here, 9" limit on most lakes and 10" min on others. Those Bullheads fry up real nice if you've never tried them!!!
  7. You forgot "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you!"
  8. I have to disagree... look at the Glimmer Twins!
  9. That is exactly why I have a... 2WD 4WD High and 4WD Lo selector switch on my boat!!! I don't get stuck!!!
  10. Yeah!... tell the CO you were too tired to check the regs before you left... I'm sure he/she'll understand! Never go by second hand info... check the regs yourself to be sure..... ... or stay home!!!
  11. Ontario???... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLMkV7VyPns
  12. Dat wood be Thom from T-bay! ... he likes to disguire hisself!!!
  13. Hey Mike!... lookit the little bunny oner there!!! ... so, if someone should happen to catch a bigger/more fish than you... what should you do with the net eh??? Not only is it a landing device,,, but an unhooking device as well!!! ... poor poor bly!... if only she'd had a competent net person eh? ... bring a gaff next time eh Mikey? ... get off of that damn hook!... you nice little fish!!!
  14. Great bait report Bill!!! Seriously though, the Pomp, Convict Fish, and Whiting will make a nice fry!!!... the Spics are excellent on the grill!!! Just thinking aboot the salt air and surf makes my sticker peck out!!! Thanks for posting that bit of saline aphrodisiac!!!...boy-yoy-yoy-ying!!!
  15. Dan and bucktail, quit spanking the monkey and y'all should be fine!!! Stuck a 16 oz. claw hammer in my eye back in my apprentice days... quit spanking the monkey and I was fine in less than a month!!! ... unfortunately, I was unable to stop for good... so now I wear bifocals!!! Take heed youngsters!!!
  16. Admin cir-cull jurk???
  17. No crap???... you looking for another boat to jump a rock outcropping with???
  18. What the heck??? Sinns caught a fish too??? ... he should write a report about it and tell us about when you had to tie the bow rope to your waist and swim back to the launch pulling the boat with him in it him because y'all ran out of gas!!! Roight noice report, fish, and pics Nauti-gal!!!
  19. They look like Boar Hog teats to me!... but what does an ol' retnek know aboot the refined urban lifestyle eh? ... if it can't handle a 2000 lb payload, I don't have much use for it!
  20. ... and burnt $30K in petrol!!!
  21. 1. Look at the weather forecast before you leave! 2. Fish the leeward side of the lake! 3. Put on/take more clothing than you think you'll need!!! (easier to take it off than put it on if you don't have it!!!) No one remembered their camera???
  22. Please do!!! http://www.rattlesnakerecipe.us/recipes.htm
  23. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but... minnkota are "Evil Voodoo"!!! .. save yourself a bunch of grief and get a wireless MOTORGUIDE like I have!!! ... you'll be thinkin' aboot it when you make "Little Limey #2"!!!
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