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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. It does look like an allergic reaction, but also looks like it's becoming infected as well! ... but I may be wrong on both counts. It may be this!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK_jDA3qrUU ... have you noticed any hair trying to sprout from the afflicted area???
  2. I just found this on the web. 1.If the puncture wound is contaminated, the victim should consult a doctor as soon as possible for a tetanus vaccination or booster shot. Wounds of the feet, those that cannot be cleaned right away, and wounds made by animals all have a high risk of contamination There is fish slime in your puncture wound... this is not good!
  3. Puncture wounds can be very dangerous!!!... NEVER put a topical antibiotic on a puncture wound!!! This will cause the top to heal over trapping any foriegn substance or particles underneath!!! You may try lancing the original wound with a sterile needle and soaking your hand in hot (as hot as you can stand) epsom salt water. ... but I say Go To The Doctor!!!
  4. I use one of these: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...rset=ISO-8859-1 ... and it either goes in the bed of the truck or the boat!
  5. Does this mean y'all are going to have a cold winter Pete?
  6. Great report and nice fish!!! I looked at those Salmo Skinners and they don't give a length, just a size... I'm guessing the 8" is the #20?
  7. Great report and pics Mike!!! It looks like y'all had a real good time!... and that looks like a real nice cabin!!! Your wife is a talented artist! I'll second the Chub and not an Atlantic.
  8. That looks real nice!!! ... but like others have said, on a windy day that Lund will be a Schooner!
  9. Looks like a fun day of fish catchin'! How do y'all Canadians stay so white???
  10. Looks like a great day was had by all!!! You should really sign up for a photobucket account so you can post nice size pics!
  11. Yup!!! We love pics and we love photobucket!!! ... and little ol dinky pics only irritate us!
  12. If you use that damn thing on a fish, you should be ashamed!... very ashamed!!!
  13. You would DIE in the summer down here!!! Someone would be picking you up out of the boat carpet with the Shop-Vac!!!... "My Canadian MELTED"!!!
  14. That is the correct method, I use a double overhand knot at the end to make the knot a little bigger.
  15. I just "cut the cheese"!... and if you were here, you would mind!
  16. Electric fillet knives are for the lazy! Do you really want a bony fillet that has been smeared with feces and bladder bile??? Real men use fixed blade fillet knives!!!
  17. Uh... isn't that what they make raingear for???... It also makes the trees grow big and tall... and the Skeeters big and Fat!!! If y'all were having a drought with blistering temperatures... you'd squawk aboot that too!!!
  18. Look at which one is #1 this year: http://editorial.autos.msn.com/slideshow.a...mp;GT1=22008#11
  19. Yes they do!... and here's the link: http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalo...owder_paint.htm I don't know what is with the shipping of some things, they claim the powder paint to be non toxic and non flamable. I can only get Spike-It soft plastics dye and scent delivered by UPS or Fedex ground, and it's supposed to be non toxic and non flamable too. Yes it is!
  20. If he can afford a $600K pleasure boat... he should be able to buy his way out of that without any problem.
  21. Oh my goodness!!!... the poor little Canuck sweated! Excellent pics Rob!!!... I really like the Blue/Green Anole (lizard)
  22. I really like the Pro Tec powder paints for painting jigs and spoons! http://www.csipaint.com/products/powder-co...owder-paint.asp I use the toaster oven method and it allows me to paint about 50 at a time. It's a good way to amuse yourself on rainy or cold winter days!!! You can get some good hints and tips from this site as well. http://www.tackleunderground.com/
  23. How big of an IDIOT do you have to be to fish without a license???.. or to break any fishing reg??? ... it's only a matter of time before you get caught! Let's see, it's a new year.. is my license still good? Yeah you need to be surly and ill tempered when stopped by a CO, that really helps things move along! ... just remember MR. CO's name is SIR!... no matter how old you are and how young he is! If the CO has a bug up his butt, it's because you put it there!!!... I've been stopped a number of times in my life and have never been treated with any less respect than I've shown them!!! They stopped you because............. guess what? They're doing their job!!! They know that the ones that leave the area or are disrespectful and are in a foul mood are doing something wrong and are pissed because they've prolly been caught!... IDIOT!!!
  24. They are great little motors!!!... I had a 15 hp for a few years and it was a sweet little motor!!!
  25. That's the way they do it! ... in Virginia!
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