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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Yeah... that's what she said! Great report and pics Rich!!! You keep eating that fast food like that and you'll have your anorexia beat in no time Bubba!!!
  2. You can fish out of anything, and she can catch a sun tan in anything. Take her with you when you look/buy to make sure she likes it... then buy a big "tube" to drag her around the lake in.
  3. PFD= personal flotation device= life jacket... they work a lot better if you're wearing it. Did you keep those Shad to eat?
  4. Sounds like a good way to get your runover ... and that would be a Boat Launch Bozo right there!!! We have 4WD's for that now.
  5. Nice report, pics, and fish... but... Wouldn't have been a good idea to be wearing your PFD in those conditions?... especially with all those heavy clothes on eh?
  6. ... little do you know!!! http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults
  7. Zebco 33 and an Ugly Stik!!!
  8. I heard it's always windy in Ontario, because Manitoba blows... and Quebec sucks!
  9. One more thing you may want to consider... check with your insurance company to make sure you're covered while towing your boat with the Jetta, you may be interested in what they have to say.
  10. You said you have a truck!... forget about the Jetta!!! Yes the truck drinks more gas than the Jetta... but ya gotta pay if you're gonna play eh!!!
  11. I looked online Pete, they want $26 for the #20 on the Salmo site... they're $22 from Rollie and Helens Musky Shop. http://www.muskyshop.com/modules/cart/prod...me/SalmoSkinner
  12. Before you buy a stainless prop, you may want to read this if you haven't already. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34546
  13. I wouldn't mess with the prop, throw out a drift sock or use your bowmount trolling motor for low speed trolling. I have a 50 hp 4 stoke on my 17' deep vee that is rated for a 90 hp max. I'm not a speed demon on the water and it does just fine for me! One thing you may want to consider on getting up on plane faster is your motor tilt, tilted all the way down for getting up on plane... then tilt it up after it gets up on plane for more speed.
  14. Things got fuzzy and things got blurry... then everything was gone!
  15. DUDE!!!.. you look like Joe Schmitt the Rag Man!!!
  16. I KNEW IT!!!
  17. Don't flatter yer self SnickleFritz.
  18. That's a real purdy fish Pete!!! .. sounds like you should've been throwing spoons all day!
  19. Try it and let us know how it goes eh!!!
  20. Ha!!!... beer is for pregnant women and small children down here in 'Bama!!! If you're ever in the neighborhood, drop by and I'll take you down to the "still"!
  21. Excellent report and pics Jacques!!! Looks like you and Paul opened up a big ol' can of Whoop-Ass on some very nice Green Trouts!!! Big smiles and big fish!... it doesn't get any better than that!!!
  22. I'll have 2 of what he's drinkin' bartender!!!
  23. I guess I'm the only one that see's a problem here, the trailer tongue weight on the back of your Jetta is going to make the front end light... and pulling the boat and trailer out of the water and up the ramp may be disappointing for you. I personally am not a big fan of towing with small vehicles, it puts a lot of wear and tear on them and I really don't like the safety factor for emergency/panic stops.... factor in wet pavement and you're really asking for trouble!!! Use your truck... that's what it was made for!!!
  24. I was wondering where you had gotten off to?... Thought I might have overly insulted you again. Very cool pics and report Cliff!!! ... thanks for taking the time to share!!!
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