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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Is that because you make Bean soup while out on the water???
  2. Is it just me?... or does he look like an old neglected, rejected, abused and rejectected Cockatiel these days???
  3. Why do we have to have just a little John Prine?.. why can't we have a lot???
  4. Touch yer tongue to it... if yer nads don't curdle, then it's okay!!!
  5. Da bes' part aboot 'Possum innards is... they is just as good the next day!!! .. try to stay warm!
  6. Alcohol is for the end of the day, when all the fishing and boating is finished and it's time to shoot the ship around the campfire or internet! If you make the kids wear one... shouldn't you wear one as well?... to be a good example?
  7. If y'all had common sense, you'd be wearing your PFD in your fishing and boating pics!!!
  8. Dats what livin' in Yeller Ka-nife will do for ya... yer brain at thawed yet!
  9. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!... Common sense isn't as common as y'all might think! I wear mine when: 1. Fishing current 2. Boat is under power (with kill switch attached) 3. Fishing water colder than 60*F I invested in the auto/manual inflatable because it is very comfortable! In cold weather I sometimes forget I have it on until I'm at homke and taking my jacket off in the house! I've started wearing my life jacket pretty much all the time from reading about the tragic deaths that have needlessly occured because someone wasn't wearing their PFD! I'd like to see mandatory PFD laws in all the U.S and Canada!!! For someone to die because they weren't wearing their PFD is just plain stupidity and a terrible waste of human life!!! Please feel free to ignore my signature!
  10. Congrats on a beauty fish Pete!!! ... you'll wear those proudly eh!
  11. ... now that you mention it, yeah.
  12. Excellent report, pics, and fish Holdie!!! Your daughter is a good lookin' little gal... she must get that from her Momma eh?!
  13. If you buy it, buy it as disposable. You can't get parts for Sears or Chrysler motors anymore! I learned that the hard way.
  14. Ok.. choke on the smoke then!!!
  15. How did it go today Tom?
  16. *Dawg tosses Joe a lit stick of dynamite in the boat* " Here! Catch!... and you going to talk all day, or are you going to fish???
  17. It's aboot the sun tanned/burned face and the white around the eyes from wearing sunglasses... don't you know nuthin'?
  18. The oil mix on that new of a Johnson is probably 100:1, I had an early 90's Evinrude that was 100:1.
  19. Good pic... nice gloves!
  20. I knew that would get ya rollin'!!! We're not allowed to sell or buy gamefish down here (only Catfish, Carp, and Buffalo are legal for sale down here!) ... so taking home a mess of Stripers or Crappie once or twice a year isn't going to hurt anything eh?
  21. Yup!... starved for fuel= nasty carb!!! If you don't have carb experience it should only cost you $35-$50 at a good marine repair place.
  22. Oh HELL Yeah!!! They should treat all hunters the same way eh!!! If you've got a job and a paycheck rolling in every week... you don't really need to be hunting eh!!!
  23. Great report and pics Dave!!! .. hope to see the full report soon!!!
  24. Just remember that the action sequences happened 9-12 months ago eh!
  25. Yeah, been there done that!!! 4 'whitecaps very close together with extreme wind, rain, lightning, and thunder!!! Headed for the closest shore and tied my boat to an empty dock and crouched amongst a stand of Pines!!! ... it'll never happen again!!! The first tiny rumble of distant thunder and I'm off the lake like green jello thru a goose!!! Once was enough for me!!!
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