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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I know what you mean about trolling too fast with the new motor, my 50 hp 4 stroke idles at 800 rpm and pushes my boat at about 3.8 mph. I have a drift sock I use sometimes, but usually just use the bowmount for slow trolling. I havn't heard many good things about the trolling brakes/plates... mostly they seem to be something else to get in the way or knock off on something... but you may have better luck with them.
  2. Yeah... I think everyone from Quebec is a poacher too!!! Excellent report, pics, and fish Paul!!! Kevin did good poaching that Pike like that! ... and you did good catching it on film!!! Those Pike should eat every one of those disgusting Green Trout!!!
  3. That really is a beautiful little garden!!!... and a job well done!!!
  4. That's what I always wanted to do!!!... throw garbage in my flower garden!!! ... I think not!!!
  5. I caught a few fish like that! This little ol' Spot still has the claws of a crawdad sticking out of the back of his throat:
  6. Glad no one was hurt in that storm Cliff!!! Cutting that booger up is going to be some good exercise for everyone involved, y'all will sleep good tonight!!!
  7. Great report and fish Jeff!!! Glad to see you're getting into some Musky... it's only a matter of time before you get a big'un yanno!!! ... I think the smaller ones are cuter than the big'uns anyway!!!! Has the Addy gal been able to get out with you?
  8. ...when???
  9. Great report!!! ... as far as the pics... a photobucket account would serve you well!
  10. ... is anyone awake?
  11. Oh hell yeah!!!... throw a couple cigarette butts in there too!!!.. everyone knows there ain't nothin' better than a coffee and a smoke!!!
  12. You'll be happier with a 4 stroke... I'll never go back to a 2 stroke!!! All the major brands are good... but I keep seeing 'Rudes and Johnsons painted black, it makes them go faster yanno!!!
  13. 1. Live bait 2. Inline spinner 3. Live bait 4. Inline spinner 5. Live bait
  14. Try both sides!... we want you to do the leg work and tell us what works best!!!
  15. That's a beautiful boat Brian!!! You should get a couple pretty nice Ski's with that thing!!! ... not this kind: .. this kind!
  16. That's kinda like "branch kin" eh?... I peed in the upper part and he drank out of the lower part! ... do you really think it's safe to eat "A LOT" of fish from any of the great lakes???
  17. Yeah!!! ... but what aboot them Green Trout EH?
  18. We also like to see multiple pics... and the bigger the better!!! ... a photobucket account works wonders for posting multiple big pics... hint hint!!!
  19. That arsenic trioxide is some tasty stuff!!!... tastes like monosodium glutamate to me!!!
  20. NEVER wash your fishin' underwear!!!!
  21. If there aeren't any pics.. it's just a "fish story"!!!
  22. Neither does Ol' Yeller!... do I get an OFC discount???
  23. That ain't nothin'!!!... you should look inside a Haitians lunch box sometime!!!
  24. Oh yeah!!!... just what I always wanted!!!.. a vodka drinking dentist!!!... you got enough of that "joy juice" for a patient???
  25. Maybe you should try some DIY dentistry at home!!!... maybe even take a hammer and knock out all your teeth and carve yourself a set of wooden dentures like George Washington had! I tried DIY dentistry, but after I sedated myself to the proper level. I passed out and couldn't do the work!!! I've only got aboot $18K in my mouth (half paid by insurance).. maybe not the best money I ever spent, but at least I can eat!!!
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