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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Well.... I do have this little bluegill combo... Shimano Tiagra 30W L.R.S on a Penn Tuna Stick... it's my Bluegill rod yanno! (I catch big Bluegills!) Spooled with250 yd of 100 lb test Suffix Fluro and a 175 lb test Seaguar Fluro leader I have the occasional Bluegill break me off.. but that's fishin' eh!!! (you can google the Shimano and Tuna Stick for current prices!) ... now what were you saying aboot your little minnow catching rod and reel????
  2. I'm fixin' to drop the MOAB after reading this thread!.... hope I make it to the outhouse in time!!! MOAB
  3. Yup!... and I farted in your general direction too!!!
  4. Nice fish Dude!!! Don't let the Muskie-tards rev you up too much If you want to get even with them... just casually mention how you foul hooked it in the anal vent with a 7/0 treble!
  5. Throw the buzzbait dude!!!
  6. Yeah I did! ... I have a creel limit of 30 for that size, but I just kept 11... when they're over 16" long the limit reduces drastically to just 2. That thar is the red mud Jeff!!! I ain't squawkin' too much about it, we really need the rain because everything was tinderbox dry... and it give me a little time to go fishin'!!! Fillets are rinsed in cold water and patted dry, dipped in beaten egg and rolled in Progresso Italian Flavor bread crumbs, then fried golden brown in very hot peanut oil.... served with seafood cocktail sauce on the side!!!
  7. I dunno aboot you....... but I feel a helluva lot better!!!
  8. Nope... ... Burlap!!!
  9. Got out yesterday for 2 hrs between "Frog Stranglers" (thunderstorms) It looked like all the T-storms had drifted off to the east by 1:00 pm yesterday, so I loaded up the boat and hit the lake and was on the water by 2:00! Got to my "secret spot" and it was unbearably hot and humid, but the fish were ON!!! Got a couple nice little chunky Spotted Bass There were a bunch of smaller "spots" caught and a nice 3 lb Largie spit the hook at boatside before I could get the net under him I also caught a nice feed of small Striped Bass (I'll get back to those in a minute) Alabama Power started playing "hop scotch" with the turbines and it scattered the fish so I put the boat back on the trailer at 4:00 pm. On the way back home I could see very dark clouds in the south and the kept getting bigger and closer Got the boat in the driveway and unloaded, and as soon as I touched the tarp to cover the boat the bottom fell out of the rain with 30mph wind gusts. It's pure hell tring to cover a boat with a 12x24 tarp in a thunder storm!!!... but I got it done and got drenched in the process. After I got the boat covered I was in no mood to clean fish, so I dumped more ice and rock salt on them and left them til this morning. On the Cleaning Board I ended up with 11 nice little Striped Bass There's no sissy electric fillet knives around here!!! That's a 10" blade on that Gerber fillet knife!... I can fillet anything from a 40 lb Grouper to a Fathead minnow with it! My blade never enters the organ cavity, but instead glides above the rib cage! I'm not that fond of smearing my fillets with fish feces and bladder bile! Dr. Dawg's fish weight loss program! Ol' Yellers cookin'!!! All fish were caught on 1/4 oz Vibric Roostertails. The Largie that spit the hook hit the Black and Orange Tiger... but white was the best producer for the day followes by chartreuse. As soon as this dries up a little I'll get back to work.
  10. Give that man a Cigar!!!
  11. Here's a better hint.
  12. Can you ID this fish?
  13. Canadian Tire is the best place to go for a non resident license, go to the service desk at the front of the store because they don't sell them in the sporting goods section... but do go to the sporting goods section and checkout their "Hoser" tackle selection, I buy some every trip up!
  14. Excellent report, fish, and pics Jacques!!! Looks like a great day on the water with some nice weather! It looks like the Catfish is having as much fun as you are!!! Looks like Paul has a pretty good tan for a white boy! (fair complexion) Thanks for taking the time to post that great report Jacques!
  15. I get the broken link message every once in a while, sometimes several in a day... but nothing yet today.
  16. My sister, my wife... my sister, my wife.................... ... how much corn squeezin's is left in the jug paw-paw??
  17. A pic is worth a thousand words eh!!!... if a fish doesn't look that big in a pic, guess what???... it wasn't that dang' big eh!!! If you want an accurate fish pic... hold the fish close to your body and SMILE big-time!!! ... or you can put 100 lbs. of lead in your shorts so you can hold a 3 lber. waaaaay out there to look like a 6 lber...... to a 6 yr. old!!! Sorry to say, but the adults on the internet are wise to the old camera angle/arms extended to the fullest camera tricks!!! I know that fish looked huge when it was "coming in"... but trust me, it's still a dinker!!!
  18. Oh Hell Yeah!!!... some of the bestest rednecks leave their christmas lights up all year long too!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L30V5vnYHzk
  19. Read your instruction manual for the camera and learn to use the self-timer feature for your camera!!!... It makes life a helluva lot easier and you can actually get some awesome pics too!!! Such as the "Guitar Carp" pic!!!:
  20. btw... your Diawa Tierra 2000 would have to stand on it's Momma's shoulders to be able to reach up high enough to kiss my Shimano's 1500 Stradic's ... and that would be one of the Diawa's finer points!!!
  21. *groan*
  22. Didn't you catch the crabs there or something???
  23. Great report and pics TC!!! Fish dopn't have to be big to be pic and report worthy! We really like to see pics of people having fun fishing!!!... It's the common bond we all have here!!! Thanks for taking the time to post that report and hope to see many more from you!!!
  24. If they offer a per diem for food and lodging... maybe. I don't know about you, but being trapped on a tiny little island out in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.... it could be a dream come true... or your worst nightmare!!! As far as the fishing goes, your heaviest rod and reel may be considered ultra lite tackle for saltwater fishing!
  25. Dude!... don't look now, but somebody has stolen most of the cork off of your handle!!! Now that's my kinda "live bait"!!!
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